Help! Rust on kitchen knives....why???

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City

So everytime I was knives, and only knives, in my dishwasher (new one as of a few days ago) they come out looking like old rusty bolts. None of my other silverware does this and it's driving me nuts.
Sharpen the knives, wash, and keep them dry.

Stop being lazy, Bitch.
Washing shit by hand cuts into drinking time ffs.
Jesus Christ, dude. Modern day appliances need upkeep just like keeping knives sharp.
It's your OP.

"Help! Rust on kitchen knives....why???"

I never did like you. You really are a fucking asshole.
Holy hell. I ask about rusty kitchenware and you go on an unhinged rant about hate.

Find a doctor and seek help
Sharpen the knives, wash, and keep them dry.

Stop being lazy, Bitch.
Washing shit by hand cuts into drinking time ffs.
Jesus Christ, dude. Modern day appliances need upkeep just like keeping knives sharp.
It's your OP.

"Help! Rust on kitchen knives....why???"

I never did like you. You really are a fucking asshole.
PMS Mood Swings: Why They Happen, Treatments, and Finding Support (
View attachment 425210

So everytime I was knives, and only knives, in my dishwasher (new one as of a few days ago) they come out looking like old rusty bolts. None of my other silverware does this and it's driving me nuts.
They are steel.

You have to oil them to prevent the surface from oxidizing.

Just like your favorite gun or cast iron skillet, or a very important bolt that you don't want to rust.

Would your put your guns in the dishwasher?

Put your kitchen knives in a butcher block, not the dishwasher.
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Good quality knives should only be hand washed and dried, and never put in the dishwasher. The detergent combined with high heat is corrosive and abrasive on the metal. Plus the knives get banged around and rubbed with other utensils, leading to rust places and will also dull the blade.
Never let your kitchen knives soak in water. ... :cool:
So everytime I was knives, and only knives, in my dishwasher (new one as of a few days ago) they come out looking like old rusty bolts. None of my other silverware does this and it's driving me nuts.
Knives are high carbon steel --- other silverware is soft chromium vanadium stainless steel, and doesn't rust, but it won't hold an edge like a knife either.

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