Does the President have the power to legalize Marijuana with an Executive Order?


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?


I guess a president could decide not to enforce federal laws against grass, just like B. Hussein O decided not to enforce laws in regards to Illegal Alienation during his reign.

But there are still state and local laws across the Fruited Plain that are outside the purview of the President or the Federal Government. There are places you can't legally drink alcohol in this country to this day, it isn't the business of Washington DC.
In effect he can. He can direct the AG not to prosecute MJ crimes.
It doesn't matter. All it takes is one D.A. who does it on his own behalf. Once the case is brought in front of the judge, the president has no say in making something legal or illegal, except for powers of veto and pardon.
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Interesting question so I had to check. Here is a good source and the short answer is not unless you're talking medicinal only, not recreational.

The following linked article goes into Sanders plan on how he said if elected he'd de-schedule it within 100 days with executive action. The study claims it's unlawful to do so.

My question is how are harder drugs given the ability to be legalized?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Right me if I am wrong, but I recently heard it said that heroin and crystal meth are being legalized in the states of California and Oregon.
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Presidents are not kings. We have laws written by our elected officials and signed by elected presidents. NO EXECUTIVE ORDER should ever be allowed to supercede existing law.

Don't like the law, change it. That process does not include EXECUTIVE ORDERS
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Presidents are not kings. We have laws written by our elected officials and signed by elected presidents. NO EXECUTIVE ORDER should ever be allowed to supercede existing law.

Don't like the law, change it. That process does not include EXECUTIVE ORDERS
You were fine with it when it was denying Brown people - "Dreamers" - a path to citizenship, and continued residency in the United States.
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Presidents are not kings. We have laws written by our elected officials and signed by elected presidents. NO EXECUTIVE ORDER should ever be allowed to supercede existing law.

Don't like the law, change it. That process does not include EXECUTIVE ORDERS
You were fine with it when it was denying Brown people - "Dreamers" - a path to citizenship, and continued residency in the United States.
Allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS a path to citizenship without first addressing the constitutional restrictions to such actions is ILLEGAL.

Don't give a fuck what your activist courts have said. The path to citizenship is clearly defined in our constitution.
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Presidents are not kings. We have laws written by our elected officials and signed by elected presidents. NO EXECUTIVE ORDER should ever be allowed to supercede existing law.

Don't like the law, change it. That process does not include EXECUTIVE ORDERS
You were fine with it when it was denying Brown people - "Dreamers" - a path to citizenship, and continued residency in the United States.
Allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS a path to citizenship without first addressing the constitutional restrictions to such actions is ILLEGAL.

Don't give a fuck what your activist courts have said. The path to citizenship is clearly defined in our constitution.
Like I said, you're fine with laws you agree with. The others can simply be dismissed with an Executive Order.
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Presidents are not kings. We have laws written by our elected officials and signed by elected presidents. NO EXECUTIVE ORDER should ever be allowed to supercede existing law.

Don't like the law, change it. That process does not include EXECUTIVE ORDERS
You were fine with it when it was denying Brown people - "Dreamers" - a path to citizenship, and continued residency in the United States.
Allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS a path to citizenship without first addressing the constitutional restrictions to such actions is ILLEGAL.

Don't give a fuck what your activist courts have said. The path to citizenship is clearly defined in our constitution.
Like I said, you're fine with laws you agree with. The others can simply be dismissed with an Executive Order.
You're a MORON.




And why did you call them brown people? What the fuck is wrong with you???
In any case, I don't believe a president can do much more than remove Federal punishments for marijuana. States Rights, and all that. Something Republicans used to pretend to support.
In any case, I don't believe a president can do much more than remove Federal punishments for marijuana. States Rights, and all that. Something Republicans used to pretend to support.
Is this your way of slinking away from an argument you lost while pretending you didn't post degrading and racist shit?

In any case, I don't believe a president can do much more than remove Federal punishments for marijuana. States Rights, and all that. Something Republicans used to pretend to support.
Is this your way of slinking away from an argument you lost while pretending you didn't post degrading and racist shit?

No, it was my way of not giving the moderators an excuse to ding me for not addressing the thread topic, to be honest.
In any case, I don't believe a president can do much more than remove Federal punishments for marijuana. States Rights, and all that. Something Republicans used to pretend to support.
Is this your way of slinking away from an argument you lost while pretending you didn't post degrading and racist shit?

No, it was my way of not giving the moderators an excuse to ding me for not addressing the thread topic, to be honest.

FUCK THE TOPIC and own up to your fails
Can Trump or Biden legalize marijuana with an Executive Order or is that outside the scope of Executive Orders?
Interesting question so I had to check. Here is a good source and the short answer is not unless you're talking medicinal only, not recreational.

The following linked article goes into Sanders plan on how he said if elected he'd de-schedule it within 100 days with executive action. The study claims it's unlawful to do so.

The link said:
“Legalization of the use of cannabis for non-medical purposes is inconsistent with . . . [International] Conventions because the Conventions oblige States parties to limit the use of narcotic drugs exclusively to medical and scientific purposes. . .”

But this is clearly wrong because in no way is pot a narcotic.
There has to be a danger to be considered a narcotic, like the risk of over dosing.
And there is no such danger with pot,.

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