

Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I am what some would call "far right." My family was that but that is NOT why I am.. I learned the hard way.. well, a lot of things... i found Jesus in a big way many years ago and I listen to Him or try to before I listen to anyone else. He is the only trustworthy One..

There are many, many liars in the world... so you have to have someone you can TRUST at all times..
I am what some would call "far right." My family was that but that is NOT why I am.. I learned the hard way.. well, a lot of things... i found Jesus in a big way many years ago and I listen to Him or try to before I listen to anyone else. He is the only trustworthy One..

There are many, many liars in the world... so you have to have someone you can TRUST at all times..

You get called a lot worse than "far right" here. Hope you have thick skin. :auiqs.jpg:

I am what some would call "far right." My family was that but that is NOT why I am.. I learned the hard way.. well, a lot of things... i found Jesus in a big way many years ago and I listen to Him or try to before I listen to anyone else. He is the only trustworthy One..

There are many, many liars in the world... so you have to have someone you can TRUST at all times..

If you came across a starving man, would you give him your sandwich?
If you came upon an ass wandering in the wilderness, would you mount her, knowing full well that she belonged to someone else?

More importantly, if you came upon two asses that supposedly claimed that the white house belonged to them even though you fully knew that it belonged to somebody else would you still let them inside and let them dirty the place with all of their shit?
More importantly, if you came upon two asses that supposedly claimed that the white house belonged to them even though you fully knew that it belonged to somebody else would you still let them inside and let them dirty the place with all of their shit?


accept it.
welcome i look forward to crossing paths with you on this here little message board.
I am what some would call "far right." My family was that but that is NOT why I am.. I learned the hard way.. well, a lot of things... i found Jesus in a big way many years ago and I listen to Him or try to before I listen to anyone else. He is the only trustworthy One..

There are many, many liars in the world... so you have to have someone you can TRUST at all times..

You put all your trust in God and let me know when you receive one thing in return. Don't babble about eternal life or he did this or that, It's all bullshit.
But the irony of lying when you have been conned by the biggest lie ever forced on people.

Give me a few lessons and I'll see how good you are. You'll get no free rides from me.
More importantly, if you came upon two asses that supposedly claimed that the white house belonged to them even though you fully knew that it belonged to somebody else would you still let them inside and let them dirty the place with all of their shit?
Even more important... are you the kind that whines when you lose? You know, a petulant whining asshole that cannot accept the fact that it lost big time and has no problem staging a coup and bringing the country down as long as it helps it gain political office?
Trump may not officially be president anymore,

nope. he's not.... why? why you ask?

'cause the losing loser lost... that's why.

but he's still doing a LOT more than Biden is.

still conning those who are willing to be duped into thinking he's more than just a corrupt failed casino owner who was a reality TV star.

F- Joe Biden!!! *Clap* *Clap* Clap*

aw.... c'mon now; say it..... drop the F bomb; you know you wanna.


Arizona ‘audit’ finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud


After months of work and some $6 million spent, a so-called audit that Trump supporters claimed would show that the election had been stolen from the defeated president found that Joe Biden actually won Arizona by more votes than the official tally — and it found no conclusive evidence that the election had been influenced by fraud.
Arizona 'audit' finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud


Arizona ‘audit’ finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud


After months of work and some $6 million spent, a so-called audit that Trump supporters claimed would show that the election had been stolen from the defeated president found that Joe Biden actually won Arizona by more votes than the official tally — and it found no conclusive evidence that the election had been influenced by fraud.
Arizona 'audit' finds Biden won (by more votes) and no evidence of fraud


Did you even watch the video? Their goose is cooked!

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