Zone1 Hello from the former Grand-Duchy of Baden in South-West-Germany

@ Alemannic dialect

Here I let Wiki speak for me:

Alemannic dialects are spoken by approximately ten million people in several countries:

Texas hill country is very German.
When I was in the first grade, my dad was a teacher and coach of the football team in a hill country farming town. Their best friends were born and raised in the Bavarian Alps. All I remember back then is that they were "Uncle John and Aunt Laura Bruderer" to us. Now that town is a suburbian area complete with stores, and businesses, but nothing remotely resembling the farming community of cattle, chickens, and vegetable and strawberry fields in 1952. I loved visiting their fabulous farmhouse. They were hardworking people, and their son was on Dad's football team. No wonder he was so strong. Farming back then was very hard work, and farm kids were strong from helping their parents tend stock, planting, and harvesting.
Welcome, Zebra.One of my sons married a German girl. They live in western Germany now, near one of those well known 'Christmas villages'. I have a grandson attending an AB school in Switzerland and a granddaughter attending a fine arts academy in Belgium currently. They love the place.
I have opened an extra thrad in general discussins , TIME IN FRANCE. But i cannot copy a link, as it seems …..
What i wonder …. Are there also people here in the forum, who hate Germany and all the germans. .?

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