Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
A few snips and a video

For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks a court order demanding his silence about the case.

Rob’s efforts to raise awareness of his daughter’s plight have come at a high cost. The last time he granted an interview to The Federalist, he was convicted of “family violence” by the BC Supreme Court for his “expressions of rejection of [his daughter’s] gender identity.” He was also placed under threat of immediate arrest if he was caught referring to his daughter as a girl again.

While a January ruling in the BC Court of Appeal vacated that threat, Rob remains under a strict gag order forbidding him from speaking about his daughter’s case in public and requiring that he “acknowledge and refer to [his daughter] as male” in private.

But Rob says he feels a moral responsibility to try to fight the laws and the court rulings which have “destroyed” his daughter. “People need to stand up and realize that [the courts are] sterilizing children, essentially, and mutilating them,” Rob said. “It’s… state-sponsored child abuse.”

Feeling that if he lacked the courage to speak out, he could scarcely expect others to stand up and help him, Rob granted two video interviews to Canadian YouTube commentators about his case. While the interviews garnered a sharp initial interest, the commentators who granted them quickly found themselves under threats of litigation. Rob’s first interview was immediately taken down. Rob’s second interviewer, Laura-Lynn Thompson, faced similar threats, but initially refused to take her video (not currently available in Canada) down.

Dad Of Trans Teen Begs For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

Send him a couple loonies hes gonna need it ....since hes dealing with left wing authoritarian establishment loonies ...Idiot leftwing progressive NAZI fags
A few snips and a video

For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks a court order demanding his silence about the case.

Rob’s efforts to raise awareness of his daughter’s plight have come at a high cost. The last time he granted an interview to The Federalist, he was convicted of “family violence” by the BC Supreme Court for his “expressions of rejection of [his daughter’s] gender identity.” He was also placed under threat of immediate arrest if he was caught referring to his daughter as a girl again.

While a January ruling in the BC Court of Appeal vacated that threat, Rob remains under a strict gag order forbidding him from speaking about his daughter’s case in public and requiring that he “acknowledge and refer to [his daughter] as male” in private.

But Rob says he feels a moral responsibility to try to fight the laws and the court rulings which have “destroyed” his daughter. “People need to stand up and realize that [the courts are] sterilizing children, essentially, and mutilating them,” Rob said. “It’s… state-sponsored child abuse.”

Feeling that if he lacked the courage to speak out, he could scarcely expect others to stand up and help him, Rob granted two video interviews to Canadian YouTube commentators about his case. While the interviews garnered a sharp initial interest, the commentators who granted them quickly found themselves under threats of litigation. Rob’s first interview was immediately taken down. Rob’s second interviewer, Laura-Lynn Thompson, faced similar threats, but initially refused to take her video (not currently available in Canada) down.

Dad Of Trans Teen Begs For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

Send him a couple loonies hes gonna need it ....since hes dealing with left wing authoritarian establishment loonies ...Idiot leftwing progressive NAZI fags

That we live at all in an era, in a world, where our society allows the mutilation of our children into androgynous things, speaks volumes about the pervasiveness of evil running through our current society. The whole trans movement is one thing and one thing only: satanic. God once said something about the devil not being able to create new life, only pervert existing life into demented or altered forms. That's the trans movement in a nutshell.
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A few snips and a video

For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, a father in Surrey, British Columbia, has been forced to watch as his 14 year-old daughter was “destroyed and sterilized” by court-ordered testosterone injections. After losing his legal appeal to stop the process in January, Rob (previously anonymized as “Clark” or “CD”) is making a desperate attempt to bring his case into the courts of public opinion, even though it breaks a court order demanding his silence about the case.

Rob’s efforts to raise awareness of his daughter’s plight have come at a high cost. The last time he granted an interview to The Federalist, he was convicted of “family violence” by the BC Supreme Court for his “expressions of rejection of [his daughter’s] gender identity.” He was also placed under threat of immediate arrest if he was caught referring to his daughter as a girl again.

While a January ruling in the BC Court of Appeal vacated that threat, Rob remains under a strict gag order forbidding him from speaking about his daughter’s case in public and requiring that he “acknowledge and refer to [his daughter] as male” in private.

But Rob says he feels a moral responsibility to try to fight the laws and the court rulings which have “destroyed” his daughter. “People need to stand up and realize that [the courts are] sterilizing children, essentially, and mutilating them,” Rob said. “It’s… state-sponsored child abuse.”

Feeling that if he lacked the courage to speak out, he could scarcely expect others to stand up and help him, Rob granted two video interviews to Canadian YouTube commentators about his case. While the interviews garnered a sharp initial interest, the commentators who granted them quickly found themselves under threats of litigation. Rob’s first interview was immediately taken down. Rob’s second interviewer, Laura-Lynn Thompson, faced similar threats, but initially refused to take her video (not currently available in Canada) down.

Dad Of Trans Teen Begs For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’

Send him a couple loonies hes gonna need it ....since hes dealing with left wing authoritarian establishment loonies ...Idiot leftwing progressive NAZI fags

That we live at all in an era, in a world, where our society allows the mutilation of our children into androgynous things, speaks volumes about the pervasiveness of evil running through our current society. The who trans movement is one thing and one thing only: satanic. God once said something about the devil not being able to create new life, only pervert existing life into demented or altered forms. That's the trans movement in a nutshell.

It's pretty disgusting and disturbing ....and the nazi courts (left wingers with am agenda )

Its gonna get much worse all across western europe and canada
Canada is a sanctuary country for every organized crime syndicate on the planet. the Mafia may be dead in the U.S., but they're thriving in Canada, as they always have, along with biker gangs, Triads, Russian Mafiya, and the like. It launders billions every year in drug money for them. The media likes to portray the place as just a sleepy rural backwater full of hippies and nice white people, but it's a sewer in real life, and it's politics reflect that.
Is there any more cruel and despotic nation in the world that would rob a father of his child and then persecute him
when he tries to raise any objections for having an actual back bone?

Canada has become dystopic and perverted. The people are great but how could they meekly let the nation sink into
the sewer? What they do to one father they can do to any parent when they so decide. It's heartbreaking!

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