‘He ultimately was a child’: Pelosi, Schumer describe dealing with Trump in exclusive CNN interview

Because he didn't graduate at the top of his class, with honors, and 3 degrees, after growing up in a Jewish ... and Puerto Rican ... community, after never never meeting the man who invented insulin, never being a civil rights activist, or being arrested in Africa while attempting to march with Mandela ... like Joe?


There were three scientists involved in the development of insulin. You should know that by now. I have posted several links. I don't know much about neighborhoods in Delaware.
That's NOT what he said or even hinted at you shit stirring asshole!!!! :eusa_hand:

Enjoying the view?

There were three scientists involved in the development of insulin. You should know that by now. I have posted several links. I don't know much about neighborhoods in Delaware.
Sorry, Biden's story has been drbunked. The man Biden claimed to have met died before Biden was born. Fail.

Biden did NOT graduate at the top of his class, dId NOT graduate with honors, did / does NOT have 3 degrees, was NOT raised in a jewish community, was NOT raised in a Puerto Rican community, was NOT a civil rights activist, was NOT arrested is Africa marching wth Mandela, but IS the biggest damn liar to EVER occupy the WH.
Orange Baboon? God-master?
Orange Baboon-God Master... it has a certain "ring" to it... :itsok:

Do you realize how childish and stupid YOU SOUND right now?
To a Rump fan? Well, yeah, I'm sure... I guess I'll just have to live with that... ;)
SERIOUS TDS ranting going on.
Whatever it takes to keep that lowlife's misbehaviors and unsuitability in the public eye until he has passed from the scene and the Republic is safe again.
I love how Trump just sends snowflakes over the edge, reducing them to blubbering piles of name-calling, tantrum-throwing immature fits of rage, proving they continue to allow him to live rent free inside their tiny noggin's.:auiqs.jpg:
Yep.... fun, ain't it?
Orange Baboon-God Master... it has a certain "ring" to it... :itsok:

To a Rump fan? Well, yeah, I'm sure... I guess I'll just have to live with that... ;)

Whatever it takes to keep that lowlife's misbehaviors and unsuitability in the public eye until he has passed from the scene and the Republic is safe again.

Yep.... fun, ain't it?

That's what Trump said. Don't lie and make excuses for him.
no excuses needed----you need to grip reality----what was said, and what you say it means are 2 different things----making you a fucking retarded, piece of shit LIAR

Temper, temper... child... and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters...

Your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God DID call for the suspension of rules standing in his way, including any appearing in the US Constitution.

You are a lying sack-of-$hit and a majority of American voters reject your bull$hit... and that of your Orange Baboon-God Master.

Your boy has "had it".... it's all over... the last un-American traitorous scum still supporting that piece-of-$hit... please turn out the lights. :laugh:

Sux to be on the wrong side of plain, documented facts, and history, doesn't it? :cool:
not when there are AMERICA hating, pedophile supporters like yourself

Go fuck yourself carrion crow!
He did not CALL FOR the suspension of the Constitution, but you zombies are easily fooled by the lying media!
Even Mitch the turtle publicly fell for this YET ANOTHER distortion of what he said.
More bullshit LIES just like the YEARS of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA LIES!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies can NOT think for yourselves for even a minute; you lap up every NARRATIVE fr.om the DNC MSM.

Yes, he called for termination of the constitution twice on Truth Social.

He also claims the attack on the Capitol was the greatest movement in the history of the US.

Trump got more things done than any President since Eisenhower. Pelosi and Schumer are scared shitless of him. That's why they go out of their way to belittle him. In reality, Pelosi and Schumer are the reason for the sad state of this country.
Sit down, clown... you're not ready for the Big Boy Table yet...
and thats the best this SCUM demonRAT has to offer.....thanx for showing your lack of intelligence
now, get your blankie out cuz its nap time


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