‘He ultimately was a child’: Pelosi, Schumer describe dealing with Trump in exclusive CNN interview

I don't lie about things are fundamental and he frankly did lie.
Everything is a lie as promoted by the New World Order and their sycophants. And there are shills on the Republican side also. Which Progs like yourself use. Its moving faster now to the darkness.
Go fuck yourself carrion crow!
He did not CALL FOR the suspension of the Constitution, but you zombies are easily fooled by the lying media!
Even Mitch the turtle publicly fell for this YET ANOTHER distortion of what he said.
More bullshit LIES just like the YEARS of RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA LIES!!!!
You demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies can NOT think for yourselves for even a minute; you lap up every NARRATIVE fr.om the DNC MSM.

Not suspension but termination!!!
No reasonable person would argue that the Constitution can simply be terminated because a grown child didn’t get what he wanted

A 'child' who kicked their asses, thwarted their coups and scandals, exposed the leftist media as liars and propaganda pushers, exposed the Deep State / Washington Establishment as crooks, criminals, and traitors, and who thry prove still lives rent free in their heads after 6 years.

Go fuck yourself carrion crow!
Temper, temper... child... and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters...
He did not CALL FOR the suspension of the Constitution, but you zombies are easily fooled by the lying media!
Your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God DID call for the suspension of rules standing in his way, including any appearing in the US Constitution.

You are a lying sack-of-$hit and a majority of American voters reject your bull$hit... and that of your Orange Baboon-God Master.

Your boy has "had it".... it's all over... the last un-American traitorous scum still supporting that piece-of-$hit... please turn out the lights. :laugh:

Sux to be on the wrong side of plain, documented facts, and history, doesn't it? :cool:
Temper, temper... child... and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters...

Your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God DID call for the suspension of rules standing in his way, including any appearing in the US Constitution.

You are a lying sack-of-$hit and a majority of American voters reject your bull$hit... and that of your Orange Baboon-God Master.

Your boy has "had it".... it's all over... the last un-American traitorous scum still supporting that piece-of-$hit... please turn out the lights. :laugh:

Sux to be on the wrong side of plain, documented facts, and history, doesn't it? :cool:
Go fuck yourself liar! :fu:
Temper, temper... child... and mind your manners, in the presence of your betters...

Your Orange Comb-Over Baboon-God DID call for the suspension of rules standing in his way, including any appearing in the US Constitution.

You are a lying sack-of-$hit and a majority of American voters reject your bull$hit... and that of your Orange Baboon-God Master.

Your boy has "had it".... it's all over... the last un-American traitorous scum still supporting that piece-of-$hit... please turn out the lights.

Sux to be on the wrong side of plain, documented facts, and history, doesn't it? :cool:
Orange Baboon?

Do you realize how childish and stupid YOU SOUND right now?

SERIOUS TDS ranting going on.

I love how Trump just sends snowflakes over the edge, reducing them to blubbering piles of name-calling, tantrum-throwing immature fits of rage, proving they continue to allow him to live rent free inside their tiny noggin's.

Pelosi has been caught illegally engaging in Insider Trading numerous times and has been caught attempting failed criminal Impeachments while her husband hangs around gay prostitutes in his underwear.

Schumer personally threatened USSC Justices and called for violence against them during his tantrums over not getting his way in the USSC's RvW decision...

...and these two corrupt, criminal assclowns are calling Trump a 'child'...

Pelosi and Schumer doing their besy Adam Kinzinger impersonation....


'Trump is a mean-tweeting poop head...'

Trump is dead in the water.

Because he didn't graduate at the top of his class, with honors, and 3 degrees, after growing up in a Jewish ... and Puerto Rican ... community, after never never meeting the man who invented insulin, never being a civil rights activist, or being arrested in Africa while attempting to march with Mandela ... like Joe?

That's what Trump said. Don't lie and make excuses for him.
only according to your masters, little sheep.....if you could read and comprehend, instead of spewing the LIES of the SCUM demonRATS, the world would run better
since you can't, quit spewing your LIES

Because he didn't graduate at the top of his class, with honors, and 3 degrees, after growing up in a Jewish ... and Puerto Rican ... community, after never never meeting the man who invented insulin, never being a civil rights activist, or being arrested in Africa while attempting to march with Mandela ... like Joe?


That's different.... somehow
What he said was that the way he was attacked throughout his term was AS IF the Constitution was thrown out!!!
You fucking demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies are perpetual LIARS and PROJECT your sickness on your perceived enemies.
SCUM demonRATS cannot think for themselves----all they can do is spew the lies they are told

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