He should follow his father's lead

Oh brother what a bunch of hyperbole and rhetoric. Not one piece of fact just something else to get us taking about besides Obama's crappy job as president. Have Obama release his college records durbin you dickless loser

I can't wait for him to go. Pelosi Reid and him.
Durbin: Romney needs to release tax returns - CBS News

(CBS News) On "Face the Nation," Senator Richard Durbin, D-Ill., challenged the presumptive Republican nominee for president to be more transparent with his finances, including releasing more years of his tax returns.

"Mitt Romney has failed to make an economic disclosure that every president and candidate for president has made in the last 36 years. It goes back to his father, who disclosed 12 years of tax returns - he disclosed one," Durbin said.

Durbin, the number two Democrat in the Senate, also referenced a new article in Vanity Fair that provided insight into Romney's offshore bank accounts in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda and Switzerland - countries popular among the wealthy for secrecy and tax protections.

The Senator suggested that Romney's offshore accounts reflected either duplicity or a lack or faith in the U.S. dollar: "You either get a Swiss bank account to conceal what you are doing, or you believe the Swiss franc is stronger than the American dollar," he said.

DNC head calls Romney to release more tax returns detailing offshore holdings - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

George Romney, Mitt’s father and a onetime Michigan governor, released 12 years of tax returns when he ran for president in the 1960s. President Obama has also released tax returns dating back to 2000.

So - if we are SO insistent on transparency from Obama, why not expect the same from Romney.

we May Be insistent, But Obama has not been anything close to Transparent. So, Seeing how you are a Huge Obama supporter, I call Hypocrisy.

Glass houses sweet heart.

Just as soon as Obama releases his college record. By the way has Romney violated the law?

Yes. When he dressed up in Michigan State troopers uniform and went out in public. That's a felony.
So is using cocaine is not? See Obama
not even comparable.

Bullshit! In both cases, releasing that information is not mandatory.

Grades really matter? Why.

The double-standard in here reeks to high heaven.

Wow, How incredibly Ironic. You, the Great Defender Of Obama, No Matter what he does, talking about Double standards. You give Obama a Pass on his non Transparency and then Demand it from Romney.

No Credibility
Well, it's certainly not just me. ;)

Why are all these conservatives beating up on Mitt Romney? - CSMonitor.com

With friends like these,” Mitt Romney must be thinking, “who needs enemies?”

Probably not, because it looks like the Romney clan is having too much fun boating and barbecuing at their vacation compound up on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire.

But the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has been taking flak from some prominent sources among his normally-supportive fellow conservatives.

On “Fox News Sunday,” it was Weekly Standard editor William Kristol. He said Romney needs to do more than just cite the nation’s economic woes as reason enough to oust President Obama. He needs to articulate a plan, Kristol said, not only on the economy but on other key issues including health care.
I completely agree with Durbin and I'm sure the Obama camp has this one waiting in the arsenal to dump on Willard during the debates.

It's going to pin Willard in the corner perfectly that if he refuses to how them, will come off as a tax dodging POS that has something to hide.

If he does release them, it will show how much Willard has been hiding his assets overseas and other tricks to dodge taxes, showing he pays likely less than most wage earners.

Either way it's a win-win for Obama

If he already released his Tax returns in January, how exactly is it a win-win for Obama? You don't see the intent of the article is to make people believe Romney never released his returns, Durbin is merely asking for more years of returns... Something which would never be asked of Oblamo. YOU are the exact numbskull the article is pandering to... The ones who wrongfully believe Romney never released his returns. Even Rueters reported that he released them... Romney’s released tax return reveals 13.9% rate, holdings in foreign ‘tax havens’ | The Raw Story

Willard refused to release his tax returns, then finally did so months later after getting tons of heat from both sides of the isle and everywhere in between.
Many feel what took so long was Willard likely shifting around and hiding more assets to show he has less than he actually does have, and pays more than he normally would have otherwise.

By releasing his past tax returns, there is nothing he can hide and the truth can come out about Willard that he is nothing more than a pompous ass, tax dodging, elitist 1% that only cares about himself and his other corporatist hacks.

Though again, it's all about transparency, transparency, transparency, remember? What would he have to hide?

I think the IRS should check Romney's last 12 years of tax records and prosecute him for tax dodging. Then again, they probably already checked his returns.

Never mind!
Gee. Thanks, John!

Boehner: I can't make you love Mitt Romney - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

(CBS News) When House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, endorsed Mitt Romney for president in April, he pledged to do "everything I can to help him win."

In his words, however, the one thing he can't do is make voters "fall in love" with the candidate.

Speaking last week at a fundraiser in Wheeling, W.Va., Boehner was surprisingly candid in his characterization of Romney's candidacy when asked, in a question-and-answer session: "Can you make me love Mitt Romney?"

"No," he answered, as first reported by Roll Call. "Listen, we're just politicians. I wasn't elected to play God. The American people probably aren't going to fall in love with Mitt Romney."

He added that the presumptive Republican nominee had "some friends, relatives, and fellow Mormons... some people that are going to vote for him," but suggested that at the end of the day, Republicans would be voting against President Obama rather than for Romney.

Course, I've yet to see a glowing endorsement of Romney. They're all pretty tepid.
He doesn't dare. He has released one return and a portion of another. If he were to release as much financial info as, say, President Obama did, he would no longer be able to hide the truth. Even though we know he does not invest his money in his own country, seeing how he hid money in foreign countries would be too much for most people to stomach. He's a traitor to his own country.

Mittens is a chronic liar. Nothing new about that ... except that its another new lie every day or so.
He doesn't dare. He has released one return and a portion of another. If he were to release as much financial info as, say, President Obama did, he would no longer be able to hide the truth. Even though we know he does not invest his money in his own country, seeing how he hid money in foreign countries would be too much for most people to stomach. He's a traitor to his own country.

Mittens is a chronic liar. Nothing new about that ... except that its another new lie every day or so.

More like three a day, at the least.
Gee. Thanks, John!

Boehner: I can't make you love Mitt Romney - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

(CBS News) When House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, endorsed Mitt Romney for president in April, he pledged to do "everything I can to help him win."

In his words, however, the one thing he can't do is make voters "fall in love" with the candidate.

Speaking last week at a fundraiser in Wheeling, W.Va., Boehner was surprisingly candid in his characterization of Romney's candidacy when asked, in a question-and-answer session: "Can you make me love Mitt Romney?"

"No," he answered, as first reported by Roll Call. "Listen, we're just politicians. I wasn't elected to play God. The American people probably aren't going to fall in love with Mitt Romney."

He added that the presumptive Republican nominee had "some friends, relatives, and fellow Mormons... some people that are going to vote for him," but suggested that at the end of the day, Republicans would be voting against President Obama rather than for Romney.

Course, I've yet to see a glowing endorsement of Romney. They're all pretty tepid.

If they could trot out a human being to take his place, they would.

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