He Reports- you decide


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This guy, (Kyle Coroneos) the owner of the website, Saving County Music is the most objective journalist I've ever read. Period.

Occasionally he posts *political* articles and doesn't choose sides- and he usually discourages using his comments section for political agendas- his thrust is representing Country Music and while I don't agree with all his choices in music I respect his opinions and honesty.

This is his latest delving into politics proper, which he usually doesn't do, but, as a journalist who comments about Country Music I suppose he felt the need on this one.

Dissecting Dolly Partonā€™s Reported Support of ā€˜Black Lives Matterā€™
Dolly Partonā€™s words were not were not wrong, controversial, or out-of-place. Taking what she actually said, and considering the contentious nature of the subject, they were absolutely perfect.

From the comments:

I saw this on the BBC news homepage yesterday ā€“ the BBC article is disgraceful but also bizarre! The article says ā€œDolly Parton has come out in support of Black Lives Matter, in a rare comment on politicsā€ and then quotes what she actually said which isnā€™t political and doesnā€™t says she supports the BLM movement! They then made out that she decided to ā€˜speak outā€™ on this when it was just an answer to a reporterā€™s question. They then go as as far as saying ā€œMs Partonā€™s comments come as the 2020 presidential election campaign heats up, a stark contrast with four years ago when she assiduously avoided criticising Mr Trump when he was running against Hillary Clinton.ā€ Then they seem to recover their wits and talk about Dolly in an unpolitical way saying that sheā€™s a ā€œLGBT and feminist icon, has supported progressive causesā€ and quote her 2014 billboard quote ā€œThe sin of judging is just as bad as any other sin they might say somebody else is committing. I try to love everybody.ā€

Thanks for this article Trigger ā€“ it has really opened my eyes to how the mainstream media really donā€™t do their research! I mean I think the BBC were trying to be unbiased and informative here but they just completely missed the fact that she didnā€™t say anything remotely political! I mean all she did was confirm that she thinks black lives matter which everybody knew anyway! Why even report on it at all?! The BBC have done a ridiculous number of reports on the Black Lives Matter movement including extreme left opinions which theyā€™ve failed to challenge. It seems to me theyā€™ve got so used to just blindly accepting anything to do with the BLM movement that they didnā€™t bother to look at her actual quote in context and just believed what other articles said! Anyway, thanks trigger for some truly unbiased reporting ā€“ I wish I could find more journalists like you!

The media, even posers like Billboard magazine, work on click bait commission stirring shit up- they are either too stupid to see the divisiveness they help with, or, they're just stupid. Period. They depend on readers being stupid too- yeah, that alleged higher education is paying off in spades.

Lest anyone think? this author is racist, or ignorant, google can be your friend.
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Okay- the thread was moved by a question mark avatar because it isn't political, which is bullshit. It IS political, Mr/Miss/Ms question mark.
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She comes across as a fence sitter.
Trying not to offend anyone but not really making a stance either way.
Which I guess is better than the foaming at the mouth hollyweird types.
She has a lot of people to keep employed and the good she's done far outweighs any ifs- and, she doesn't have to make a stance. That is her right- for a click bait publication, or just a reader, to assume they can malign someone based on their on purpose, incorrect in context, criteria is chickenshit= fucking lies- it doesn't matter what fence is sat on or straddled. Alleged journalist are intentionally divisive- click bait- they are also stupid- see higher educated beyond their intellect for the definition of stupid- and for voters to allow click bait alleged journalist and/or political hacks to spoon feed them their ignorance is sad.

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