Having Second Thoughts About Trump...

And the most important thing is not what a candidate stands for, but that it looks as if he's the winner, and if he wins, you win. Why don't y'all nominate Charlie Sheen while you're at it?
Wha... ?

I don't even get your point...

Your OP said you were having second thoughts about Trump. Tipsey's response was "Yabbut, he's gaining in the polls."

That's called "If my candidate wins, I'm a winner, too!"

Political campaign as popularity contest.
A bucket of crabs. The Republican candidates are a bucket of crabs.

As soon as one start to climb out, another crab pulls them back down.
well then the field of liberals is like an oil painting.
I don't get the reference.
it's a musician thing, sometimes the crowd is like playing in front of an oil painting.
like the dems, expressionless, old, exhausted, motionless. lifeless. not lifelike. dreamily unrealistic, unelectable.
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A bucket of crabs. The Republican candidates are a bucket of crabs.

As soon as one start to climb out, another crab pulls them back down.
well then the field of liberals is like an oil painting.
I don't get the reference.
it's a musician thing, sometimes the crowd is like playing in front of an oil painting. like the dems, expressionless, old, exhausted, motionless.

Well, I have predicted voter turnout for 2016 will be the lowest presidential election turnout since 1924.

Most Americans are sick of both parties, so they stay home. This has the odd effect of giving the election to the crazies. Crazies have lots of energy and they always show up to vote. :(
We just start considering a more sane approach to voting and G5000 comes along and makes Trump look good again.
How'd I do that? It sure wasn't my intention. :D

Because Trump is slightly better than far left loons.

But there are other Republicans who are way better than the far left loons. Trump is only slightly better.

And of all the candidates, Dem and Republican, I think Trump has the worst physical stamina. And no, I have not forgotten Christie.
Conservative ideologues just cannot support Trump honestly.

Carson, Cruz, those are your guys.
IDK... believe it or not, he just might be a little TOO over the top for me. Some of things he says do make me go... "aaaahh... wha...?"

I started backing Cruz long ago, and I really would be all for him under any circumstances, and if Trump does falter, it will come down to Cruz and Carson, in fact, a Cruz/Carson or Carson/Cruz ticket would be awesome.

But Trump, I'm afraid the guy is going to self destruct. His last campaign stop in Iowa he said in response to Carson's story about a "knife breaking because it hit a belt," he said, "how STUPID are the people of Iowa?" So IDK, I don't think that helped him at all.

Yeah, I agree with that, even though they may be stupid. Never side with the liberal media in attacking another candidate, and never insult your voters.
I came out in support of Cruz first then he stated he supported TPP and I switched to Trump. Since then Cruz has dropped his support for TPP so he is still on the radar.

The two things I know our country needs is that fence/wall AND better trade deals. Just those two things in his first four years would allow me to RE-elect Trump.
I agree. I want the illegals deported, period, and the fence, and I know Trump would kill on trade, and those two things alone would kick our economy into hyperdrive, so my support for Trump isn't done, I just wish he wouldn't be quite so flamboyant. He could tone it down just a tad and not hurt himself at all.
His flamboyance is probably his biggest asset. Without it, he is Bush with a bad hairpiece.
And I just heard that too, that Trump is up again. I'm good with that.

I do like Cruz though, and Carson. I just think either of those are more "presidential" in the way they speak and conduct themselves. I love what Trump says he's going to do, I just wish he'd dial it back a notch.

He needs to quit with the cheap attacks on other Republicans. Calling Jeb "low energy" was good, but repeating the Politico slanders against Carson is a bad move.
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Stimulating the economy is a worthy, but short term, solution. As soon as things get better, voters will forget and resume swallowing liberal BS. We need structural changes to the way our government operates if we are to avoid eventual demise.

P.S. Using the IGNORE option greatly improves the quality of discussion.
I came out in support of Cruz first then he stated he supported TPP and I switched to Trump. Since then Cruz has dropped his support for TPP so he is still on the radar.

The two things I know our country needs is that fence/wall AND better trade deals. Just those two things in his first four years would allow me to RE-elect Trump.
I agree. I want the illegals deported, period, and the fence, and I know Trump would kill on trade, and those two things alone would kick our economy into hyperdrive, so my support for Trump isn't done, I just wish he wouldn't be quite so flamboyant. He could tone it down just a tad and not hurt himself at all.

Then console yourself with the fact that Trump believes the earth is older than 6000 years and the pyramids aren't ancient granaries. That ought to settle any conflicts you have between T and C.
And I just heard that too, that Trump is up again. I'm good with that.

I do like Cruz though, and Carson. I just think either of those are more "presidential" in the way they speak and conduct themselves. I love what Trump says he's going to do, I just wish he'd dial it back a notch.

He needs to quit with the cheap attacks on other Republicans. Calling Jeb "low energy" was good, but repeating the Politico slanders against Carson is a bad move.

Trump doesn't need Politico. The Wall Street Journal, the premier right wing conservative rag, backs him up completely. Sorry, oh low-info poster.

Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions
In harsh light of presidential politics, parts of his inspirational biography are questioned
Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions
I came out in support of Cruz first then he stated he supported TPP and I switched to Trump. Since then Cruz has dropped his support for TPP so he is still on the radar.

The two things I know our country needs is that fence/wall AND better trade deals. Just those two things in his first four years would allow me to RE-elect Trump.

I really do like Cruz's 10% tax plan and the fact that he wants to close down the corrupt IRS along with a couple of other agencies. The IRS really does need to be gutted out.
Cruz is being dishonest when he says he would shut down the IRS. Even under his tax plan, the IRS would still be necessary.
And I just heard that too, that Trump is up again. I'm good with that.

I do like Cruz though, and Carson. I just think either of those are more "presidential" in the way they speak and conduct themselves. I love what Trump says he's going to do, I just wish he'd dial it back a notch.

He needs to quit with the cheap attacks on other Republicans. Calling Jeb "low energy" was good, but repeating the Politico slanders against Carson is a bad move.

Trump doesn't need Politico. The Wall Street Journal, the premier right wing conservative rag, backs him up completely. Sorry, oh low-info poster.

Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions
In harsh light of presidential politics, parts of his inspirational biography are questioned
Ben Carson’s Past Faces Deeper Questions

The WSJ is simply repeating Politico's slanders. Although the editorial staff of the Journal may be conservative, the news staff is decidedly liberal.
I came out in support of Cruz first then he stated he supported TPP and I switched to Trump. Since then Cruz has dropped his support for TPP so he is still on the radar.

The two things I know our country needs is that fence/wall AND better trade deals. Just those two things in his first four years would allow me to RE-elect Trump.

I really do like Cruz's 10% tax plan and the fact that he wants to close down the corrupt IRS along with a couple of other agencies. The IRS really does need to be gutted out.
Cruz is being dishonest when he says he would shut down the IRS. Even under his tax plan, the IRS would still be necessary.
The IRS would be gutted to maybe 10 to 20% its current level. That would be an improvement.
I came out in support of Cruz first then he stated he supported TPP and I switched to Trump. Since then Cruz has dropped his support for TPP so he is still on the radar.

The two things I know our country needs is that fence/wall AND better trade deals. Just those two things in his first four years would allow me to RE-elect Trump.

I really do like Cruz's 10% tax plan and the fact that he wants to close down the corrupt IRS along with a couple of other agencies. The IRS really does need to be gutted out.
Cruz is being dishonest when he says he would shut down the IRS. Even under his tax plan, the IRS would still be necessary.

I actually agree. The FAIR tax and repealing the 16th Amendment is the only thing that will eliminate the IRS.

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