CDZ Have you, or would you, cross a picket line ?

Yes I have and I would do it again.

I see no reason for my family to suffer just because some other people decide not to work
what kind of a picket line, one in front of a movie the pickets want banned. or a union or non union group of workers wanting better working conditions or more pay??
The great majority of working people, probably including most of you that have no respect for unions, would be living utterly wretched lives if it weren't for unions that kept business owners and the wealthy from using us as economic slaves.

I respect unions; I think they went too far and priced us out of the global market, among other things, but the average American's standard of living is due to their pressure on employers for better wages and benefits. I would never be a strike breaker.
Working people need to support each other or we are just fodder for the elites.
What elites?
Many of us are working for small business owners just getting by like many folks. They suffer the same fees and taxation many workers do imposed by government elites who take and give to others. Only elites I can think of.
Only difference between my boss and I is he is willing to risk a few million of loaned dollars on houses during the construction process, I can live without that stress.
I have crossed picket lines in the past and would again. Unions are worse than vampires. Unions will suck the blood out of a business until it dies every time.

I still remember Hostess pleading with the union to stop bleeding the company or it would go bankrupt. The union laughed in the company's face. The bakery went under, liquidated and every son of a bitch union member lost his or her job. That was the only good news coming out of the whole tragedy.
what kind of a picket line, one in front of a movie the pickets want banned. or a union or non union group of workers wanting better working conditions or more pay??
Ive given this some thought. I think they are different things. Strikes are one thing. When people are forced to withhold their labour then they should be supported. If you dont like Life of Brian then thanks for your point of view.
Oh here's the I'm such a hard worker BS again. " Hey I work harder than anybody else.". when I see that it immediately discredits the post. I never went on strike and never worked in a union. I did walk away from 3 different jobs and I have to say they were the greatest 3 days of my working years. No better feeling than sticking it to your employer....when they need you most. I surely only owed them no loyalty nor respect.
Word to the wise worker....always hint to your boss you are looking for a better doesn't affect them at all when you leave. They don't want your loyalty and you shouldn't do anything but what is extra.
I never have and pray that I never will.
Working people should support other workers when they go on strike.

Are the strikers in the Right? Are their demands fair? Those two questions should be answered first...
Let me ask a question......

If I am not in the union that is on strike, but honor their line.............will they walk out and stay out if I get fired? You know, to honor my honoring of their union line?
I would and have. Why? Because I was a member of a law enforcement agency and while we could demonstrate if necessary, state law prohibited public safety agencies employees from going on strike. And yes, we were unionized.
The great majority of working people, probably including most of you that have no respect for unions, would be living utterly wretched lives if it weren't for unions that kept business owners and the wealthy from using us as economic slaves.

I respect unions; I think they went too far and priced us out of the global market, among other things, but the average American's standard of living is due to their pressure on employers for better wages and benefits. I would never be a strike breaker.
Working people need to support each other or we are just fodder for the elites.

My father belonged to a union and hated it. They went on strike, which he supported and in the end he lost money he will never be able to get back, he lost all respect for the union. I worked for a union for two years, they never went to bat for anyone, when I left, I decided I didn't want to work for a union again. I have a father-in-law that worked for a union and he liked it and swears by them, even though there were those that he felt deserved to be fired however the union protected them.

So, my experience is not a good one, yours view may differ. They may have been good in the past however as all things go, they got to greedy.

Who are the "elites"? My boss owns the company, he treats us all fair and pays us a fair wage. When I want a day off he will pay it whether I ask or not. When I got sick for an extended time he paid me my full salary. No union or fellow worker would ever do that. I will look out for the company owners best interests because he has proven that he will look out for my best interests. Unions never gave me the feeling they would look out for me and other than taking away money from me, they never communicated with me.
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I've crossed quite a few picket lines. Public employee unions and other shill Prog organizations often picket outside of business here in the Bay Area. I don't let them impede my path.
The great majority of working people, probably including most of you that have no respect for unions, would be living utterly wretched lives if it weren't for unions that kept business owners and the wealthy from using us as economic slaves.

I respect unions; I think they went too far and priced us out of the global market, among other things, but the average American's standard of living is due to their pressure on employers for better wages and benefits. I would never be a strike breaker.
Working people need to support each other or we are just fodder for the elites.

My father belonged to a union and hated it. They went on strike, which he supported and in the end he lost money he will never be able to get back, he lost all respect for the union. I worked for a union for two years, they never went to bat for anyone, when I left, I decided I didn't want to work for a union again. I have a father-in-law that worked for a union and he liked it and swears by them, even though there were those that he felt deserved to be fired however the union protected them.

So, my experience is not a good one, yours view may differ. They may have been good in the past however as all things go, they got to greedy.

Who are the "elites"? My boss owns the company, he treats us all fair and pays us a fair wage. When I want a day off he will pay it whether I ask or not. When I got sick for an extended time he paid me my full salary. No union or fellow worker would ever do that. I will look out for the company owners best interests because he has proven that he will look out for my best interests. Unions never gave me the feeling they would look out for me and other than taking away money from me, they never communicated with me.

Where I work they used to be union.......but whenever they had a beef the union said there was nothing they could they voted out the union.
I guess nobody trusts unions and the vast majority of employers are not good to work all can agree with both of these...
I guess nobody trusts unions and the vast majority of employers are not good to work all can agree with both of these...

I disagree, I don't care for unions, never said I didn't trust unions. As for the second opinion. Most of the jobs where I have worked for other people have been great to work for, I can only recall two that I did not like.

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