Have You Ever?


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
How many here have ever been arrseted, booked, and stayed over night in jail?
( waving from the back of the room ... ) Ooooh Oooh ... me! I have! I have!
There was this one time ... at band camp ...

Wait. Sorry, that was just a dream.

Not me.
No but my no good lazy fuck of a brother in law called me a 3 AM to get him out of jail.

I told him to fuck off as it was 3 AM and I wasn't going out in the middle of the night to bail out his sorry ass.
Yah, one night I was out with my friends and I was drinking and we had a designated driver. The car stalled a cop stopped and started giving us directions rather arrogantly on how to push the car to the side of the road and I told him, "Fuck off you arrogant prick and let us do this in peace".

Night spent in jail.
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Yes. Pot bust while I was in the Navy no less.

Lucky for me the other person involved was the son of a well known TV personality and the whole thing got hushed up real quick.

It was quite experience to get a first-hand look at how the US legal system really works.
You should have known better than to go out on shore leave in Jamaica with Master Chief Cheech.
I have been arrested three times, one time I was innocent.

All when I was young before I went into the Navy.

Two DWIs and a theft of a purse.

I did not do one of the DWIs.

Kidding. I did not steal the purse. I was drunk, got 20 dollars in change to marathon call my ex-girl friend who had moved to Dallas and there was a stolen purse in the phone booth that I never even saw. A passer by saw this drunken idiot with a purse on the floor of the phone booth and called the cops and because of my two previous DWIs no questions were asked, I was thrown in the cold locker over the weekend until they could verify from the owner of the purse whether I was the guy who grabbed it from her.

Thank God I wasn't.

I was so drunk even I wasn't sure until she confirmed it.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUpc0YNkkJ0]YouTube - Eric Clapton - Have you ever loved a woman[/ame]
Played guitar with Eric Clapton?


But I did put window security screens on my house after I had a son. And I live in a one story house.
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I've had the cuffs slapped on me more then once. But I was dating Linda from Bensonhurst at the time.

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