Have the political party definitions changed?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Above is a for kids version of the old Republican vs. Democrat POVs. But I believe each party has somewhat changed.

Below are my lists of 10 traits of current Democrats/Republicans.

What are yours?

  1. America is systemically racist;
  2. Police are too violent;
  3. Expand immigration;
  4. Grant citizenship to illegals;
  5. Tax the "rich" sans those who donate to our party;
  6. Reduce military spend and increase more social program spend;
  7. Bigger Gov't more regulations..such as if a Company doesn't hire enough minorities in certain positions then they should be punished;
  8. Limited free speech / Cancel Culture;
  9. Full Separation of Church & State;
  10. Globalist Trade policies.
  1. America First in terms of manufacturing, trade and labor;
  2. Law and Order first and foremost;
  3. Curb illegals from coming into America and deport those here illegally;
  4. Lower Corporate Taxes and fewer regulations (especially to donors). Fewer loopholes for personal income taxes;
  5. Strong military spend as it also helps the private sector;
  6. Free market economy, only color that matters is GREEN. No special programs based on race/gender/etc.;
  7. Smaller Gov't;
  8. Men and men and women are women. One cannot change their biological gender;
  9. Partial Separation of Church & State. Religion is necessary for morality;
  10. Unlimited Free Speech.

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
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The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
Basically. Plus lack of civility and sprinkle a good dose of bigotry and white supremacy.
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
Tell of some instances when republicans rejected Donald on ideological grounds. There isn't any. Now it's time for them to act like their opposition to democrats is based on ideals they totally forgot while Donald was in office and somehow not feel like flaming hypocrites.
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
Tell of some instances when republicans rejected Donald on ideological grounds. There isn't any. Now it's time for them to act like their opposition to democrats is based on ideals they totally forgot while Donald was in office and somehow not feel like flaming hypocrites.
Which of his policies should they have rejected?
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
Basically. Plus lack of civility and sprinkle a good dose of bigotry and white supremacy.
When the Progs have total control you will see the mother of turnarounds. There will be many more people playing the "system" as just one effect. Taxes and prices will rise more and more. Paying over 60% of salary in taxes as compared to if benefits of not working is the same, they the obvious choice will be the latter. Sweden was having a problem with that and they were a model of white supremacists who had socialism. America being a petty and jealous nation of warring groups, will not handle it as well as everybody compares what they are getting and not getting.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
Tell of some instances when republicans rejected Donald on ideological grounds. There isn't any. Now it's time for them to act like their opposition to democrats is based on ideals they totally forgot while Donald was in office and somehow not feel like flaming hypocrites.
Which of his policies should they have rejected?
Everything that costs money. It's what they do when democrats want to do anything.
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
Tell of some instances when republicans rejected Donald on ideological grounds. There isn't any. Now it's time for them to act like their opposition to democrats is based on ideals they totally forgot while Donald was in office and somehow not feel like flaming hypocrites.
Which of his policies should they have rejected?
Everything that costs money. It's what they do when democrats want to do anything.
Huh? Crazy. They liked his policies and they did criticize his rhetoric
We have cases in point right above:

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
Tell of some instances when republicans rejected Donald on ideological grounds. There isn't any. Now it's time for them to act like their opposition to democrats is based on ideals they totally forgot while Donald was in office and somehow not feel like flaming hypocrites.
Which of his policies should they have rejected?
Everything that costs money. It's what they do when democrats want to do anything.
Huh? Crazy. They liked his policies and they did criticize his rhetoric
Donald thought he had the powers of a king and the republicans did very little to disabuse him of that notion. At least frightening expansion of executive power tracks with their traditional "values".
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.

You always point the finger at Republicans and never even try to any introspection. You have a boogieman in the Republican party. Congrats.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.

You always point the finger at Republicans and never even try to any introspection. You have a boogieman in the Republican party. Congrats.
How the hell do you talk with someone who buys into every ridiculous conspiracy theory that come down the line? I could talk about times when I thought democrats compromised too much and trusted too much and took too many people for granted but in the end I'm talking to someone who thinks they are communist pedophiles bent on the destruction of the white race. You're not interested in anything I might have to say on the subject because their failures are the times when republicans heard the will of people and said no.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.

You always point the finger at Republicans and never even try to any introspection. You have a boogieman in the Republican party. Congrats.
How the hell do you talk with someone who buys into every ridiculous conspiracy theory that come down the line? I could talk about times when I thought democrats compromised too much and trusted too much and took too many people for granted but in the end I'm talking to someone who thinks they are communist pedophiles bent on the destruction of the white race. You're not interested in anything I might have to say on the subject because their failures are the times when republicans heard the will of people and said no.
Huh? Where did you get that from? He asked a polite question and he didn’t vote for Trump. Your response is case in point of how deranged Democrats are. Thank you.
View attachment 445348

Above is a for kids version of the old Republican vs. Democrat POVs. But I believe each party has somewhat changed.

Below are my lists of 10 traits of current Democrats/Republicans.

What are yours?

  1. America is systemically racist;
  2. Police are too violent;
  3. Expand immigration;
  4. Grant citizenship to illegals;
  5. Tax the "rich" sans those who donate to our party;
  6. Reduce military spend and increase more social program spend;
  7. Bigger Gov't more regulations..such as if a Company doesn't hire enough minorities in certain positions then they should be punished;
  8. Limited free speech / Cancel Culture;
  9. Full Separation of Church & State;
  10. Globalist Trade policies.
  1. America First in terms of manufacturing, trade and labor;
  2. Law and Order first and foremost;
  3. Curb illegals from coming into America and deport those here illegally;
  4. Lower Corporate Taxes and fewer regulations (especially to donors). Fewer loopholes for personal income taxes;
  5. Strong military spend as it also helps the private sector;
  6. Free market economy, only color that matters is GREEN. No special programs based on race/gender/etc.;
  7. Smaller Gov't;
  8. Men and men and women are women. One cannot change their biological gender;
  9. Partial Separation of Church & State. Religion is necessary for morality;
  10. Unlimited Free Speech.

Simpleton Responses

GOP: Whatever Donald Trump wants.

Democratic Party: Anti anything Donald Trump.
You forgot to add “Kiss China’s Ass, and let them take all our jobs, and let them dictate censorship rules on US citizens via Corporations” as number 1 on the Democrat side.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.

You always point the finger at Republicans and never even try to any introspection. You have a boogieman in the Republican party. Congrats.
How the hell do you talk with someone who buys into every ridiculous conspiracy theory that come down the line? I could talk about times when I thought democrats compromised too much and trusted too much and took too many people for granted but in the end I'm talking to someone who thinks they are communist pedophiles bent on the destruction of the white race. You're not interested in anything I might have to say on the subject because their failures are the times when republicans heard the will of people and said no.
Huh? Where did you get that from? He asked a polite question and he didn’t vote for Trump. Your response is case in point of how deranged Democrats are. Thank you.
Do you ever read what the whackadoodles say on this board? Until I see push back from republicans on all the crazy conspiracy theories I have to assume you are all brainwashed.
The republican party is Donald Trump and whatever he happens to want at any given moment. Claiming anything else is to ignore the last four years.
And the Democratic Party? You did not opine on that.
Other than a little more lip service to the progressives there has not been any dramatic changes in the democratic party.

what are you talking about? How many Democrats running for president wanted single payer healthcare? Remember when Republicans said Obamacare was a Trojan Horse for single payer and Democrats denied it?
Remember when republicans said they care about the state of America's health care system? for nearly 10 years they have tried to destroy Obama's flawed and compromised attempt to do something positive and offered nothing any better. Could have done something besides trying to sabotage the system into failure for no other reason than spite.

You always point the finger at Republicans and never even try to any introspection. You have a boogieman in the Republican party. Congrats.
How the hell do you talk with someone who buys into every ridiculous conspiracy theory that come down the line? I could talk about times when I thought democrats compromised too much and trusted too much and took too many people for granted but in the end I'm talking to someone who thinks they are communist pedophiles bent on the destruction of the white race. You're not interested in anything I might have to say on the subject because their failures are the times when republicans heard the will of people and said no.

Yeah I don’t think any of that stuff, so I have no clue what you’re talking about in terms of that. The point we were discussing is the radical changes in the democrats that you continue to deny. Now I lean republican, but I’m not a card carrier and I can admit the Republican Party has changed. Why are you in denial about the party you support?

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