Have Liberals Forgotten that Kamala Harris Said in 2019 that She BELIEVED Biden's Accusers?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

And where are your comments on this issue?
I mean the taboo factor has been completely obliterated since Trump the serial adulterer and pussy grabber was elected...Now the Repubs want to play prudes or is it that Kamala is bad for saying what she did? What's the dope?
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

If this bothers liberals, what should they do?
And where are your comments on this issue? I mean the taboo factor has been completely obliterated since Trump the serial adulterer and pussy grabber was elected...Now the Repubs want to play prudes or is it that Kamala is bad for saying what she did? What's the dope?

THAT is your reply? #Irrelevant. Pence has never said that he believes Trump's accusers, and if he had, you can bet that Trump would not have picked him, right?
And where are your comments on this issue? I mean the taboo factor has been completely obliterated since Trump the serial adulterer and pussy grabber was elected...Now the Repubs want to play prudes or is it that Kamala is bad for saying what she did? What's the dope?

THAT is your reply? #Irrelevant. Pence has never said that he believes Trump's accusers, and if he had, you can bet that Trump would not have picked him, right?
Pence has nothing to do with this so your reply is offtopic. Evidently Biden made his choice and that is that.
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

Well yeah she believed his accusers-----she just doesn't care.
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

To be fair, that was before we found out that Tara Raede was a serial liar.

THAT is your reply? #Irrelevant. Pence has never said that he believes Trump's accusers, and if he had, you can bet that Trump would not have picked him, right?

Again, you missed the sequence of events.

A liar named Tara Raede made a claim. Kamala said, "Give her the benefit of the doubt".

Then someone investigated her and found out that we should have PLENTY of doubts.

Which is why no one has talked about Tara Raede since... it was kind of embarrassing.

The point was, millions spent on Oppo Research, and the best you could come up with a serial grifter who can't hold down a job and has conned just about everyone she met. In fact, she's changed her name several times just to keep ahead of process servers.
THAT is your reply? #Irrelevant. Pence has never said that he believes Trump's accusers, and if he had, you can bet that Trump would not have picked him, right?

Again, you missed the sequence of events.

A liar named Tara Raede made a claim. Kamala said, "Give her the benefit of the doubt".

Then someone investigated her and found out that we should have PLENTY of doubts.

Which is why no one has talked about Tara Raede since... it was kind of embarrassing.

The point was, millions spent on Oppo Research, and the best you could come up with a serial grifter who can't hold down a job and has conned just about everyone she met. In fact, she's changed her name several times just to keep ahead of process servers.
I noticed that with Ford did you?
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

STOP, you are not supposed to quote anything she has said over the past 2 years. Only select quotes from 5, 10 years ago. You know, before she went full retard left wing.
This is such CLASSIC Dem shit. LIE all through the Dem primary to placate blacks and the left. Then move to the center and LIE all through the general to deceive voters.
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

She a little pissed off, biden said her hair stank.
In April 2019, Kamala Harris said she believed the women who had accused Biden of inappropriate touching. When Harris said this, Biden had not yet announced his candidacy. When a journalist asked Harris if Biden should still run given the accusations against him, she said, "He's going to have to make that decision for himself."

No one except that con artist on FaceBook accusted Biden of "inappropriate touching". They accused him of "invading their space, and making them feel uncomfortable", which Biden then apologized for. All of this is far and away better than a President who pays for sex with porn stars, and admits to sexually assaulting women he finds attractive - something that more that 20 women have attested is true.

A guy who sexually assaults and rapes women, and whose treatment of women while in the White House has been disgraceful, at best, and who is undermining women's rights, is hardly in a position to tell women "Don't vote for that dirty old man. Vote for me, the violent sexual predator".
This is such CLASSIC Dem shit. LIE all through the Dem primary to placate blacks and the left. Then move to the center and LIE all through the general to deceive voters.
That's what the meat puppet faggot did as well. He was a red diaper baby commie during the primary with hitlary, then after he beat the hag he pretended to be a patriotic middle of the road half white centrist who opposed butt pirate weddings, respected the 2nd Amendment and religious liberty....

Then look what happened.

It happens with republicrats too. They pretend to be fiscal hawks, strong on defense but not interventionist, staunchly pro-gun, and pro-small government.

The RINO Trump has done more to reduce regulations and taxes, roll back the regressive agenda and resistant to useless military operations.

Of course they forgot.

How many questions about Tara Reid will Biden field from the press? Not many.

press are scum
Of course they forgot.

How many questions about Tara Reid will Biden field from the press? Not many.

press are scum

Tara Reade doesn't even have a lawyer who will take her case. That's what happens when you can't even find a Republican lawyer who will represent you, or a respectable newspaper to publish your story. We listened, we investigated, and her lies were exposed. Republicans dropped her like a hot potato. They can't go there and they know it.

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