Have Democrats impeded constructive dissent by screaming “racist” at anything said that hurts their feelings?

Dems say illegals just want to work on the farms and pick veggies, do jobs Americans don't want to do. Oh wait, Chicago declared a state of emergency today because they don't know what to do with the 8,000 illegals who are just roaming downtown not working any of those jobs. :auiqs.jpg:
They just want to do the squatting in the streets that Muricans won't do!

You misunderstand. I don't care if you call me a racist. I make fun of anyone calling me a racist. The word simply has no serious meaning.

Build a wall. Top it with machine guns. Have armed drones drop bombs and stock the Rio Grande with alligators.
Trump had 4 years to do that. Millions of dollars.

Money went to Steve Bannon and friends.

Thank those losers.

The so-called ‘first country of asylum’ principle often justifies the decision to return asylum seekers to another country. It means that a country can reject a person’s asylum application if they have already been granted protection by another country. It is also often referred to as ‘safe third country’ principle. This broader term includes other relationships between an asylum seeker and a third country where they are deemed safe.

The United States has a limited safe third country agreement with Canada.
You misunderstood the law.

NO other country granted any of those people protection and asylum therefore they have every right to seek asylum in the US.
Trump had 4 years to do that. Millions of dollars.

Money went to Steve Bannon and friends.

Thank those losers.

The so-called ‘first country of asylum’ principle often justifies the decision to return asylum seekers to another country. It means that a country can reject a person’s asylum application if they have already been granted protection by another country. It is also often referred to as ‘safe third country’ principle. This broader term includes other relationships between an asylum seeker and a third country where they are deemed safe.

The United States has a limited safe third country agreement with Canada.
You misunderstood the law.

NO other country granted any of those people protection and asylum therefore they have every right to seek asylum in the US.
Mexico did.
@BrokeLoser I don't get the point to playing pretend that you're not constantly shitting on black and brown people
As you woke white guilt whackos pretend white people are evil and dark people are America’s greatest asset I simply point out the facts and make yourself and Unkotare piss yourselves.
You've been here for years. We've all read your posts. Your obsession is legion.
I’m obsessed with Americas number one problem….DIVERSITY and inorganic change in demography. Why aren’t you?
Who is this 'why are they calling me a racist' theater for? You know about your obsession. We know about your obsession.
I don’t hate anyone for their skin color.
Are you hoping to trick some errant new poster who doesn't know any better? That's a lot of effort for a ruse that won't last but a few days before they figure it out.
All sane, logical people in touch with reality know I speak nothing but candid, concise and transparent truth….legit people respect that.
Can a nation as a whole improve with feelings involved?
If it’s “RACIST” to talk about a totally secure border and it’s “RACIST” to talk about dark people criminality, poverty and the like how can legitimate resolutions come about?
Since the most immigrants are white visa overstays, this obsession with only the southern border is racist. Second, none of you talk about the visa waiver program that allows 40 counties mostly white, the ability to come to this country without a visa. Finally, considering whites commit the most crime and you make excuses for it, you should not whine about being called the racist that you are.
As you woke white guilt whackos pretend white people are evil and dark people are America’s greatest asset I simply point out the facts and make yourself and Unkotare piss yourselves.

I’m obsessed with Americas number one problem….DIVERSITY and inorganic change in demography. Why aren’t you?

I don’t hate anyone for their skin color.

All sane, logical people in touch with reality know I speak nothing but candid, concise and transparent truth….legit people respect that.
All sane logical people know that nothing you speak is fact.
As you woke white guilt whackos pretend white people are evil and dark people are America’s greatest asset I simply point out the facts and make yourself and Unkotare piss yourselves.

I’m obsessed with Americas number one problem….DIVERSITY and inorganic change in demography. Why aren’t you?

I don’t hate anyone for their skin color.

All sane, logical people in touch with reality know I speak nothing but candid, concise and transparent truth….legit people respect that.

I don’t hate anyone for their skin color.
i have told you this before BL.....for someone who says they dont hate anyone for their skin color,you sure mention that skin color a lot in your posts.....that makes your posts racist.....

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