Hate is so destructive


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 2020
Hate is especially destructive in politics.
I know people who are openly admitting, that they are voting for Biden because they "hate" Trump that much.
I cant believe this is the essence of our modern society when making judgement calls. What sort of generations do we have here, when hate defies American logic ?
We need at least a couple of generations, where the majority of children have been raised to love our country.
I must admit there are several times that I dont like it, when I see how Trump acts, or the way he answers certain questions. On the other hand, there are times when he is very blatant, tells it like it is, and I truly love it. Being civilized, I manage to look at his accomplishments, aside from characteristics.
I know many on here, including myself, like to aggravate, poke fun, and several on here do much more than that.
But we should all love God, Country, and Family.

Ahhhhh who am kidding !!! BIDEN is a Big Fat DINGLEBERRY.........AND TRUMP ROCKS !!!!
What a coincidence!

I was just thinking about how much I am getting tired of all the negativity in politics, and then I see the OP.

I think that one reason why so many people "dislike" President Trump is his, uh, undiplomatic language. The worst example was referring to certain countries as "....holes." A President simply should not talk like that. And we little people can only say that hurtful word in private, never in public.

And he does not have a sense of humor. That's why he has refused to attend the Washington Correspondents' Dinner, which I really used to enjoy. The comedian for the evening would roast the President, who would have to sit there and smile. (Remember how one comedian really roasted President Bill Clinton? And how one comedian roasted President Obama for having a mostly Caucasian cabinet? President Trump simply cannot abide criticism. But, boy, can he dish it out!)

He is going to pay big time on November 3. His enemies (they were certainly NOT the loyal opposition) are preparing to punish him with civil & criminal indictments. They "dislike" him so much that they really, really, really want to see him do the perp walk in an orange jump suit. They want to humiliate him and his family. They want revenge.

President soon-to-be-elect Biden said that he would NOT stop any prosecution of former President Trump. I hope that he will reconsider. President Ford did the right thing to pardon former President Nixon. President Biden should do the right thing and just let Mr. Trump return to business. President Biden needs to concentrate on keeping the radicals in his party from going too far.
What a coincidence!

I was just thinking about how much I am getting tired of all the negativity in politics, and then I see the OP.

I think that one reason why so many people "dislike" President Trump is his, uh, undiplomatic language. The worst example was referring to certain countries as "....holes." A President simply should not talk like that. And we little people can only say that hurtful word in private, never in public.

And he does not have a sense of humor. That's why he has refused to attend the Washington Correspondents' Dinner, which I really used to enjoy. The comedian for the evening would roast the President, who would have to sit there and smile. (Remember how one comedian really roasted President Bill Clinton? And how one comedian roasted President Obama for having a mostly Caucasian cabinet? President Trump simply cannot abide criticism. But, boy, can he dish it out!)

He is going to pay big time on November 3. His enemies (they were certainly NOT the loyal opposition) are preparing to punish him with civil & criminal indictments. They "dislike" him so much that they really, really, really want to see him do the perp walk in an orange jump suit. They want to humiliate him and his family. They want revenge.

President soon-to-be-elect Biden said that he would NOT stop any prosecution of former President Trump. I hope that he will reconsider. President Ford did the right thing to pardon former President Nixon. President Biden should do the right thing and just let Mr. Trump return to business. President Biden needs to concentrate on keeping the radicals in his party from going too far.
Then why don't you and your ilk stop all the lying?
Hate is especially destructive in politics.
I know people who are openly admitting, that they are voting for Biden because they "hate" Trump that much.
I cant believe this is the essence of our modern society when making judgement calls. What sort of generations do we have here, when hate defies American logic ?
We need at least a couple of generations, where the majority of children have been raised to love our country.
I must admit there are several times that I dont like it, when I see how Trump acts, or the way he answers certain questions. On the other hand, there are times when he is very blatant, tells it like it is, and I truly love it. Being civilized, I manage to look at his accomplishments, aside from characteristics.
I know many on here, including myself, like to aggravate, poke fun, and several on here do much more than that.
But we should all love God, Country, and Family.

Ahhhhh who am kidding !!! BIDEN is a Big Fat DINGLEBERRY.........AND TRUMP ROCKS !!!!
"I know people who are openly admitting, that they are voting for Trump because they "hate" Biden that much."

No one is exclusive.
"I know people who are openly admitting, that they are voting for Trump because they "hate" Biden that much."
You couldnt be more wrong in comparison. One is hated due to personality, the other policies. You figure out which is which.
I dont hate Biden, I just simply dont like his policies. I would never cast my vote based on personality, unless both candidates were running on the same principles and policies.
Last edited:
Hate is so destructive

Not nearly as destructive as love.

A Biden supporter had this written multiple times all over the sides and rear of her car...

F Trump
F Pence
GFY Trump
Some lesbian bumper sticker regarding missing church because lesbian

Then...wait for it...Stop Hate :auiqs.jpg:

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