Has our Trump-Hating media been responsible for needles COVID deaths and suffering?


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Remember when President Trump advocated the antibody treatment for Covid-19 and our Trump-Hating media downplayed, and mostly ignored the treatment’s success, simply because it was advocated by the President? Well now, after the treatment has been turned to by so many hospitals, and with great success, our Fifth Colum media and their Yellow Journalists’ suppression has finally been overcome and we are finding more and more articles like the following:

Use of Antibody Treatment Increases as COVID-19 Cases Climb

August 2, 2021

”Scientists now say they've proved monoclonal antibodies can help keep some COVID-19 sufferers from becoming hospitalized.

"This is a game-changer," said principal investigator at Baylor Scott & White Research Institute Dr. Robert Gottlieb, "But a lot of people still don't know about it."

Monoclonal antibody treatment shows success for COVID-19 patients at Arkansas hospital

August 3, 2021

”LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — We've received several questions about the ways doctors and nurses are treating people hospitalized with COVID-19.

THV11 took a closer look at one that UAMS described as a "game changer" in the fight against the virus, and it's helping save lives.

They've been using the treatment at UAMS since December and it's turning several patients' fights, like Cathy Lewter's, into victories.”

Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

New Intermountain Healthcare Study Finds COVID Treatment Highly Effective in Preventing Hospitalizations, Severe Illness, and Death


”Salt Lake City, UT -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/10/2021 --In a new study, researchers from Intermountain Healthcare have found that treating high-risk COVID-19 patients with a monoclonal antibody treatment reduced severe illness and hospitalizations by more than 50 percent and saved many patients from dying due to complications from the virus.

The key to effectively reducing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths, is that the treatment must be administered within seven days of symptom onset of COVID”.

Had our Trump-Hating, Fifth Colum media, paid more attention to the success of this treatment early on, instead of ignoring it and constantly engaging in fear mongering and hand wringing, the likelihood is that more hospitals would have turned to the treatment and less deaths and suffering would have occurred in America.


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist traitorous judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.
Remember when President Trump advocated the antibody treatment for Covid-19 and our Trump-Hating media downplayed, and mostly ignored the treatment’s success, simply because it was advocated by the President? Well now, after the treatment has been turned to by so many hospitals, and with great success, our Fifth Colum media and their Yellow Journalists’ suppression has finally been overcome and we are finding more and more articles like the following:

Use of Antibody Treatment Increases as COVID-19 Cases Climb

August 2, 2021

”Scientists now say they've proved monoclonal antibodies can help keep some COVID-19 sufferers from becoming hospitalized.

"This is a game-changer," said principal investigator at Baylor Scott & White Research Institute Dr. Robert Gottlieb, "But a lot of people still don't know about it."

Monoclonal antibody treatment shows success for COVID-19 patients at Arkansas hospital

August 3, 2021

”LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — We've received several questions about the ways doctors and nurses are treating people hospitalized with COVID-19.

THV11 took a closer look at one that UAMS described as a "game changer" in the fight against the virus, and it's helping save lives.

They've been using the treatment at UAMS since December and it's turning several patients' fights, like Cathy Lewter's, into victories.”

Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

New Intermountain Healthcare Study Finds COVID Treatment Highly Effective in Preventing Hospitalizations, Severe Illness, and Death


”Salt Lake City, UT -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/10/2021 --In a new study, researchers from Intermountain Healthcare have found that treating high-risk COVID-19 patients with a monoclonal antibody treatment reduced severe illness and hospitalizations by more than 50 percent and saved many patients from dying due to complications from the virus.

The key to effectively reducing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths, is that the treatment must be administered within seven days of symptom onset of COVID”.

Had our Trump-Hating, Fifth Colum media, paid more attention to the success of this treatment early on, instead of ignoring it and constantly engaging in fear mongering and hand wringing, the likelihood is that more hospitals would have turned to the treatment and less deaths and suffering would have occurred in America.


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist traitorous judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.
Yes, the leftist and their propaganda, that ignored science, and the evidence to belittle and attack the former President are responsible for a number of deaths.
What does the media have to do with needles?
Brian Stelter would lose a fight to a two year old muscular dystrophy little girl with no limbs. But he talks like a giant muscular buffed hero for the Progressive Socialist views. When the resources decrease to real issues, Brian will be on on some far away English speaking island or nation.
Remember when President Trump advocated the antibody treatment for Covid-19 and our Trump-Hating media downplayed, and mostly ignored the treatment’s success, simply because it was advocated by the President? Well now, after the treatment has been turned to by so many hospitals, and with great success, our Fifth Colum media and their Yellow Journalists’ suppression has finally been overcome and we are finding more and more articles like the following:

Use of Antibody Treatment Increases as COVID-19 Cases Climb

August 2, 2021

”Scientists now say they've proved monoclonal antibodies can help keep some COVID-19 sufferers from becoming hospitalized.

"This is a game-changer," said principal investigator at Baylor Scott & White Research Institute Dr. Robert Gottlieb, "But a lot of people still don't know about it."

Monoclonal antibody treatment shows success for COVID-19 patients at Arkansas hospital

August 3, 2021

”LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — We've received several questions about the ways doctors and nurses are treating people hospitalized with COVID-19.

THV11 took a closer look at one that UAMS described as a "game changer" in the fight against the virus, and it's helping save lives.

They've been using the treatment at UAMS since December and it's turning several patients' fights, like Cathy Lewter's, into victories.”

Tampa General Hospital is First in Florida To Offer Monoclonal Antibody Treatments to COVID-19 Patients

August 5, 2021

”A total of 1,600 patients have been treated by Tampa General with monoclonal antibodies. “By targeting towards the virus, this therapy prevents infection that can keep patients out of the emergency room,” said Kim, who also leads the monoclonal antibodies clinic. “People have less severe disease and aren’t going to give it to others, it’s an important treatment,” she noted.”

New Intermountain Healthcare Study Finds COVID Treatment Highly Effective in Preventing Hospitalizations, Severe Illness, and Death


”Salt Lake City, UT -- (ReleaseWire) -- 08/10/2021 --In a new study, researchers from Intermountain Healthcare have found that treating high-risk COVID-19 patients with a monoclonal antibody treatment reduced severe illness and hospitalizations by more than 50 percent and saved many patients from dying due to complications from the virus.

The key to effectively reducing severe illness, hospitalizations, and deaths, is that the treatment must be administered within seven days of symptom onset of COVID”.

Had our Trump-Hating, Fifth Colum media, paid more attention to the success of this treatment early on, instead of ignoring it and constantly engaging in fear mongering and hand wringing, the likelihood is that more hospitals would have turned to the treatment and less deaths and suffering would have occurred in America.


Without a Fifth Column Media and Yellow Journalism [our MSM], and activist traitorous judges and Justices, the crisis at our southern border would never have grown to what now amounts to an outright invasion and threatens the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.
There is already a vaccine available that can do that. Why such anti-mask and anti-vax on the right-wing?
There is already a vaccine available that can do that. Why such anti-mask and anti-vax on the right-wing?
the views from the “right” likely have to do with being forced or mandated to do such things versus being able to have the freedom of choice.

the mask thing has been so up and down literally…nobody really believes what Fauci has to say anymore and it’s shown, at least in the real world, to have little impact

also there is likely some mistrust on the vaccine at the moment
the views from the “right” likely have to do with being forced or mandated to do such things versus being able to have the freedom of choice.

the mask thing has been so up and down literally…nobody really believes what Fauci has to say anymore and it’s shown, at least in the real world, to have little impact

also there is likely some mistrust on the vaccine at the moment
Right wingers don't really care about natural rights except in abortion threads. And, if States can require a work ethic in an at-will employment State for any privileges and immunities; right-wingers are simply ignorant, Russian tools and parrots.
Right wingers don't really care about natural rights except in abortion threads. And, if States can require a work ethic in an at-will employment State for any privileges and immunities; right-wingers are simply ignorant, Russian tools and parrots.
i wasn’t really talking about natural rights or abortions.

i am not sure where a state has required a “work ethic” can you provide an example of such?

and what right to work as to do with privledge and immunities? which i assume you are referring to the US Constitution

and what any of that has to do with your prior post that i was responding to?
Yes, the leftist and their propaganda, that ignored science, and the evidence to belittle and attack the former President are responsible for a number of deaths.

Mainstream media continues with COVID fearmongering, feel-good remedies, and neglects uplifting game changing treatments.​


See America is ‘closer to the beginning’ of the pandemic than the end — how to emotionally cope and stay productive

Aug 11 2021

”For a fleeting moment this summer, it seemed like things were approaching normal. Vaccinated people got the green light to safely resume activities that were off-limits for over a year. Companies laid out plans for returning to the office. People ditched their masks.

But in a disturbing case of pandemic déjà vu, the seven-day average number of Covid cases topped 100,000 on Sunday. That’s the highest it’s been since February, fueled by the virus’s more transmissible delta variant.”

And what is the advice given above? Forget-About-It ___ put your head in the sand, meditate to feel good, hug a pet or houseplant, and talk to a friend.

Now just imagine if, instead of the above fluff advice being given, our mainstream media emphasized science has brought us a number of game-changing effective treatments, and to immediately pursue one of these treatments at the first signs of being infected, would that not be far more beneficial than the nitwit feel-good crap spewed out above?


The citizens of the United States paid little attention while their tyrannical federal government gave aid and comfort to those invading the country.
No dumbasses not getting vaccinated and morons listening to Trump and these other fools calling it a hoax.
trump has been pushing the vaccine since early 2020…obviously you don’t listen to anyone besides your dear leaders…but open your ears.
And just what is our MSM's latest recommendation during this covid pandemic?

Put your head in the sand, meditate to feel good, hug a pet or houseplant, and talk to a friend LINK


Is it not a fact President Biden is giving aid and comfort to thousands of Covid infected foreigners, who are invading our southern border?
i wasn’t really talking about natural rights or abortions.

i am not sure where a state has required a “work ethic” can you provide an example of such?

and what right to work as to do with privledge and immunities? which i assume you are referring to the US Constitution

and what any of that has to do with your prior post that i was responding to?
the views from the “right” likely have to do with being forced or mandated to do such things versus being able to have the freedom of choice.

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