Has one leftist, other than aoc,ever told us exactly what they want to happen due to climate change?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.
It’s all doom unless Amerikkka reverts to 5000 BC and aborts all babies.
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.
It’s all doom unless Amerikkka reverts to 5000 BC and aborts all babies.
Not for elite leftists. They do not and will not give up any of their conveniences. They make zero sacrifices.

They think doing something means being a good enough socialist and hating Trump, America and capitalism well enough is....enough.

They cannot and will not answer the questions. They don't have a plan. They know we are right.

So, they will mock, giggle and ignore.
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.
It’s all doom unless Amerikkka reverts to 5000 BC and aborts all babies.
Not for elite leftists. They do not and will not give up any of their conveniences. They make zero sacrifices.

They think doing something means being a good enough socialist and hating Trump, America and capitalism well enough is....enough.

They cannot and will not answer the questions. They don't have a plan. They know we are right.

So, they will mock, giggle and ignore.
All socialist systems operate that way. 1% make the rules the 99% must comply with.
You have to give the left credit they played the child card just as they did at the school shooting. Unfortunately it did not work in that case so now Hogg and the rest are long forgotten. It will more or less be the same for Greta.
If they had really wanted to learn anything they should have brought in a ten year old.
But seriously they have no real plan. They pretend that a hobby industry of wind and solar will turn the tide. They buy mansions next to a shoreline then tell everyone they must heed them.
They complain about everything but have nothing to say about the biggest polluters in the world.
Yeap, nothing from the left. Anyone surprised that they have not giggled yet? We knew most would ignore the poignant questions. They can't and we know that, so they won't.

Let me tell you their plan, since they won't. Here it is.

Then, couple that with this.

Then couple that with this.

Then couple that with this.

That, is the plan.
these crazed leftists want a world wide ban on plastic straws because one turtle got one in his nose, but they care nothing about the river of human waste flowing down the streets or LA and SFO and into the ocean where that same turtle lives. Its fricken lunacy.

And, 97% of the plastics in the ocean and CO2 going into the air are coming from India, China, and Africa. So do they propose wars against those places to "save the planet"?

Liberalism is a mental disease, they prove it every day.
these crazed leftists want a world wide ban on plastic straws because one turtle got one in his nose, but they care nothing about the river of human waste flowing down the streets or LA and SFO and into the ocean where that same turtle lives. Its fricken lunacy.

And, 97% of the plastics in the ocean and CO2 going into the air are coming from India, China, and Africa. So do they propose wars against those places to "save the planet"?

Liberalism is a mental disease, they prove it every day.
They are losers.
I defy them to stop having Climate Change events that involve them violating their own rules against carbon footprints. In an age of virtual conferencing, everyone stay put and do the conference virtually.
You won't hear anything, owl. These hypocrites have already wasted trillions on worthless programs that fail repeatedly. This is the next shuck and jive way to shake you down and ultimately shame you, control you, and screw you out of your money because they know what's best for you.....and it aint your freedom, private property,.
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Not one honest reply.

Zip, zilch, nada.

I know they read it. I see how many views, so let me just say this, knowing they will read this.

Hey leftists. You fucking stand for nothing. It's so great every time we prove that you don't believe in any of the shit you claim you believe. You cry, yell, kick, scream, and attack.

One day there will be an ultimate reckoning. You may indeed win battles and you may even get that mao china totalitarian intolerant system that you all plead for.

Ultimately there will be a reckoning, and hopefully I get to witness and return the pain you inflict on all of us.

Until then, I will personally take pleasure in pissing on your graves.
You wont get dick out of them ...if you get anything all they'll call you is a science denier ....wHile they have no concrete scientific evidence that man minuscule co2 output is changing the global climate ...

The ones who actually know it's bullshit are just in it for the socialism
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.

The purpose of climate change is to drown Americans in taxes.
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.

The purpose of climate change is to drown Americans in taxes.
Is to obliterate the middle class, and then cull the herd. Middle class, thanks to AI are virtually useless and in the way.
Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.

At least pinheads like you are finally, albeit indirectly, admitting it exists.
Trump says it's a hoax.
He's your Dear Leader, so don't be falling out of line.
Trump Think is your thing.

Rachel Carson wrote "Silent Spring" in 1962 and Al Gore started studying climate change in the late 1970's. He's not laughing now. We've had many years to get this under control.

But Big Oil an BIg Ag have had their way and are the main perpetrators.

China's plan seems to be working. They are 5 years AHEAD of schedule to control greenhouse gases and CO2.
So if the Chinese can do it, so can we.
https://energypolicy.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/pictures/Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 7-27-18.pdf
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Well, here is your chance board leftists. What exactly is your ultimate answer. Let us know exactly what needs to happen and what your dream world will be in order to save the planet.

Price out and obliterate the middle class?
Get rid of all cars for the middle class?
Make all products with petroleum base illegal?
Raise taxes to 99% of everyone's income?
Do you think the $93 trillion dollar aoc plan is a good one?

Seriously.Give us your plan. Please include your logistical strategy like how do you go about doing this and include cost.

Also, please let us know all of the specific things you are doing. We had to endure the democrats strategy of bringing in a little girl who is incapable of discussing anything with any specifics in order to pull on the heart strings in order to smoke out Trump to make a tweet about her, and Trump of course obliged.

Let us know the things you actually do to save the planet. Do you think it is good for the environment for instance to have humans in California shitting in the streets and allowing used hypodermic needles laying around? Cause it sure seems they think they have cleaned things up by banning straws cause one turtle had a straw in it's nose. Does that approach seem wise and is California being wise with such logic? Are there turtles everywhere getting plastic straws stuck in their noses?

Well, what do you do? Give up your cars? Have you stopped flying? Do you ride your bike to work? Have you given up all of your products that rely on petroleum? If so, how are you using your computer? Have you given up your AC?

Please, tell us your plan.

Not expecting anything from you other than giggles and attacks. You cannot possibly have a logical answer, and so the only way you will need to respond is giggle. Remember, we all think you are losers. Which you are. Try proving me wrong.

At least pinheads like you are finally, albeit indirectly, admitting it exists.
Trump says it's a hoax.
He's your Dear Leader, so don't be falling out of line.
Trump Think is your thing.

Rachel Carson wrote "Silent Spring" in 1962 and Al Gore started studying climate change in the late 1970's. He's not laughing now. We've had many years to get this under control.

But Big Oil an BIg Ag have had their way and are the main perpetrators.

China's plan seems to be working. They are 5 years AHEAD of schedule to control greenhouse gases and CO2.
So if the Chinese can do it, so can we.
https://energypolicy.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/pictures/Guide to Chinese Climate Policy 7-27-18.pdf
Way to not answer any of the questions you fucking loser. Make sure you cling to your click bait cliches though.


Just summed your bullshit up and in the meantime there you are making zero sacrifices yourself, nor are you providing any plans, no logistical reality, nor any solutions whatsoever.

CO2, which is code for breathing tax.

You are such a fucking walking cliche. I suppose the reason the glaciers and major ice age ended that left the Great Lakes was all because of Trump and capitalism.

Fucking loser. Keep avoiding the questions moron.

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