Has Obama been good for the black community?

No one asked for shit from you. You're playing the worlds smallest violin.

I know you think we are all the same but I didn't start that thread dummy. Keep your blacks in order

Ok well my apologies, you didn't start it but it exists none the less and it's premise has been a meme among Democrats and blacks of which you are both so deal with it.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Rather than discussion or discrediting the op you lashed out. Why is that?

Once again being wrong is your forte and you're lashing out instead of addressing the OP of that thread.

Someone asks what has the GOP done for blacks and your natural response is to start an entirely new thread and get mad? Seems to hit a nerve.

You said people don't talk about their own problems and deflect by brining up other peoples problems. you said that...not me

Richard Nixon did more for Civil Rights than Barry Hussein Obama ever would/could/did. That's a fact - nutsack.
The Democrats, conversely, can be credited - and rightfully so - for founding the KKK.
Another fact.
Put those plumes in your faggoty-assed cap and wave your Gay Pride flag proudly.
No one asked for shit from you. You're playing the worlds smallest violin.

I know you think we are all the same but I didn't start that thread dummy. Keep your blacks in order

Ok well my apologies, you didn't start it but it exists none the less and it's premise has been a meme among Democrats and blacks of which you are both so deal with it.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Rather than discussion or discrediting the op you lashed out. Why is that?

Once again being wrong is your forte and you're lashing out instead of addressing the OP of that thread.

Someone asks what has the GOP done for blacks and your natural response is to start an entirely new thread and get mad? Seems to hit a nerve.

You said people don't talk about their own problems and deflect by brining up other peoples problems. you said that...not me

1. Im not mad.
2. This attitude permeates the entire democratic party not just the creator of the other thread.
3. STOP DIVERTING. Offer your own opinion of the facts presented in the op or move on.
CC needs a diaper change and a pacifier stuck his mouth...

this whole thread is waaa waaa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

poor poor baby

Someone had a pic of Obama and the posted "shoot the ******". Here's Steph's smart insightful musings

Obamabots make such a big STINK over these, like any President doesn't get threats...

but with OBama they must SPECIAL threats or something

lets fret over something said on the internet...

this is how we will lose our freedom of speech eventually...

when the people cheer police action on every threat....And aren't you glad to know they are now looking at everybody on the social media....we were told they WERE only for TERRORIEST...hope and change

Just classic material here
2 whites and 1 muslim


I had to retire in June due to medical reasons.:(

I have a feeling my lead guy is not far behind you. 52 and tons of shoulder problems. Likely fixable through surgery but at his age he's not likely to return once he decides to deal with it.

I miss the exercise, the money and the production of something that will last longer than I will live, but I am going back to my first love mass media.
I believe that Oblama has been good for the black community.
He has disappointed them by not giving into their demands for reparations, told them to man up and shown what hard work and education does for a man or woman.
I don't think it is a matter of what Obama has done for blacks, much more so - what he has NOT done.
He had an opportunity. He missed it. As the nations first black President he could and should have addressed the self-defeating culture, drop-out rates and catastrophic percentage of absentee fathers.
There was a lot he could have done. But did nothing instead.
Well except...jump the gun and assume racism against a multi-medal winning police officer who happens to be a diversity instructor when his friend was a jackass.
Except...saying an inexcusable and divisive statement that if Trayvon Martin was white the trial outcome might have been different, implying the jury was racist and that is why Zimmerman was found not guilty.
No..he is a weak President, and did nothing
No one asked for shit from you. You're playing the worlds smallest violin.

I know you think we are all the same but I didn't start that thread dummy. Keep your blacks in order

Ok well my apologies, you didn't start it but it exists none the less and it's premise has been a meme among Democrats and blacks of which you are both so deal with it.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Rather than discussion or discrediting the op you lashed out. Why is that?

Once again being wrong is your forte and you're lashing out instead of addressing the OP of that thread.

Someone asks what has the GOP done for blacks and your natural response is to start an entirely new thread and get mad? Seems to hit a nerve.

You said people don't talk about their own problems and deflect by brining up other peoples problems. you said that...not me

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

It's a simple question...one that you've spent 50 times more energy avoiding than you would have by simply answering.
Ok well my apologies, you didn't start it but it exists none the less and it's premise has been a meme among Democrats and blacks of which you are both so deal with it.
Seems to me I hit a nerve. Rather than discussion or discrediting the op you lashed out. Why is that?

Once again being wrong is your forte and you're lashing out instead of addressing the OP of that thread.

Someone asks what has the GOP done for blacks and your natural response is to start an entirely new thread and get mad? Seems to hit a nerve.

You said people don't talk about their own problems and deflect by brining up other peoples problems. you said that...not me

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

It's a simple question...one that you've spent 50 times more energy avoiding than you would have by simply answering.

In this thread? Or the other 17 threads on this?
Once again being wrong is your forte and you're lashing out instead of addressing the OP of that thread.

Someone asks what has the GOP done for blacks and your natural response is to start an entirely new thread and get mad? Seems to hit a nerve.

You said people don't talk about their own problems and deflect by brining up other peoples problems. you said that...not me

Methinks thou doth protest too much.

It's a simple question...one that you've spent 50 times more energy avoiding than you would have by simply answering.

In this thread? Or the other 17 threads on this?

Do you have any idea how many times I've patiently and civilly (usually) debated proponents of gun control in the last five years?

If it is important to you, you make the argument as many times as the challenge is offered.

You make it as honestly as you can to keep your credibility intact...because that's all you have in cyberworld.
Methinks thou doth protest too much.

It's a simple question...one that you've spent 50 times more energy avoiding than you would have by simply answering.

In this thread? Or the other 17 threads on this?

Do you have any idea how many times I've patiently and civilly (usually) debated proponents of gun control in the last five years?

If it is important to you, you make the argument as many times as the challenge is offered.

You make it as honestly as you can to keep your credibility intact...because that's all you have in cyberworld.

This isn't my first rodeo either. This is the first time I've had 17 Rodeos in a week tho.

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