Ya Gotta Wonder How The Times Executives Rationalize This


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
How do they keep this compartmentalized and separate in their thinking. 'Pinch' bought the Boston Globe at an exorbitant price specifically to get the 'Same Sex Marriage' ball rolling in the fifty states. Once he got anal copulation as a legitimate means of reproduction of the species recognized by a significant number of the august, learned, and pragmatic men in the various state legislatures he let it go for a pittance, a billion, versus 75 million. Talk about buying high and selling low. JP Morgan and Andrew Carnegie did not aquire their fortunes via that route. Oh well, it was all OK, the stockholders took the hit.

But Comrade Barack, whom the staff over at the Times idolize so fervently they've been alleged to have had more than an orgasm or two just at the mention of his name has been working 24/7 to bring these guys here to the former "Home Of The Brave", as well as making their crude and reprehensible seventh century beliefs and customs the law of this former Christian land.

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If it was ever a land of christians, they damn sure didn't act like it.

FDR, as President, asked the folks to find a church and pray for the success of the D-Day landings, the afternoon of June 6th, 1944. I guess that might have qualified the USA as a Christian Nation at that day, that hour, that moment.

Well but, Barry's friends, buds, and goombahs are just so refined, broad minded and egalitrarian. Mebbe he's angling to get that prime seat in that Mosque Iranian Rehab Addict Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was remodeling in expectation of the imminent return of the 'Hidden Imam', the Mahdi, after Comrade Barry's term in office ends here. Or mebbe he just might figger a way to keep this current one while getting his hands on the other, the union of East and West in one massive world wide head chopping exercise, you all remember the verbal image of all those severed heads in one massive pile from the "Epic Of Gilgamesh"?

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