Has God been Cheating on us?


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2007
New Earth?

.............the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.

The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes.

The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.

This remarkable discovery appears to confirm the suspicions of most astronomers that the universe is swarming with Earth-like worlds.

We don't yet know much about this planet, but scientists believe that it may be the best candidate so far for supporting extraterrestrial life.

The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth.

It probably has a substantial atmosphere and may be covered with large amounts of water - necessary for life to evolve - and, most importantly, temperatures are very similar to those on our world..................




Is this supportive that God created Earth?

Or is it proof that God in fact does not exist?

Is this planet God's plan B?
New Earth?

.............the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.

The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes.

The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.

This remarkable discovery appears to confirm the suspicions of most astronomers that the universe is swarming with Earth-like worlds.

We don't yet know much about this planet, but scientists believe that it may be the best candidate so far for supporting extraterrestrial life.

The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth.

It probably has a substantial atmosphere and may be covered with large amounts of water - necessary for life to evolve - and, most importantly, temperatures are very similar to those on our world..................




Is this supportive that God created Earth?

Or is it proof that God in fact does not exist?

Is this planet God's plan B?

It is neither.
Is it nothing?

Another planet that is similar to earth, doesnt dent the religious doctrin of God creating earth?

No. Why would it? Also, the Bible does not describe the only Deity that people believe in.

There is nothing in science that could make it so it could answer the question of whether a Deity exists. It isn't designed to prove/disprove such an Entity.

The Bible deals with this one planet and gives the directive to man to name all His creatures. Finding planets outside the Earth with life only gives further reach to that directive. If you are looking at it solely in a Biblical sense.

Much like evolution wouldn't disprove that God created the earth, this too would not disprove the existence of a Deity.
New Earth?

.............the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.

The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes.

The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.

This remarkable discovery appears to confirm the suspicions of most astronomers that the universe is swarming with Earth-like worlds.

We don't yet know much about this planet, but scientists believe that it may be the best candidate so far for supporting extraterrestrial life.

The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth.

It probably has a substantial atmosphere and may be covered with large amounts of water - necessary for life to evolve - and, most importantly, temperatures are very similar to those on our world..................




Is this supportive that God created Earth?

Or is it proof that God in fact does not exist?

Is this planet God's plan B?

Is this supportive that God created Earth? No, not based on what you just said in your intro to this, I have not had a chance to go in to the links yet because I am working with.....SLOW as molasses DIAL up here!:eusa_boohoo:

Or is it proof that God in fact does not exist?

It's not this either!

Is this planet God's plan B?

Could be.

The reason I say this is because of this verse in Revelation that I remembered reading long ago.... I just had to google a new heaven and a new earth in order to find the verse in the Bible that I had remembered reading... and I found it.

This is someone called "John of Patmos" writing this Book of Revelation.... it is a really STRANGE book with all kinds of symbolism and Biblical Numerology going on like Christ is the Lamb and Satan or the Devil is the Dragon but has a helper called the Beast....and his number is 666. hahahahaha! lol it even sounds nuts to me and I am a Christian! :D But anyway, John is speaking about a vision, Prophesy.... just like Nostradamas's visions or future telling of Casey.... the whole book is him describing these visions of the future, or some call the end, the proper thing is "the end of age as WE KNOW IT", but not all of his visions are of one time, they are just the future of what he was in... at the time he had the vision and the Book was writen.

hahaha. Gees, I am getting way off track here...sorta! lol

Well, this VERSE in Revelation 21 and nearing the end of the whole book/prophesy of John, part of John's vision that takes place at least a thousand years from NOW, he describes "A New Earth and a New Heaven (representative of a New universe of stars and planets etc)

So, this New Finding of a new planet that is similar to Earth, a thousand light years away or whatever it is in this new universe or sphere that it resides in, if anything....does not refute or go against what the Bible has told us about the future....IMHO!

Revelation 21

1Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.
This is nothing special, red dwarfs are known for lasting billions of years longer than normal stars because they are small enough to sustain there own energy for a long period of time. Which is why our sun is so small, but red dwarfs have always been the best source for finding earthlike planets.

Not that it matters, 20.4 light years away is farther than any human or machine will ever get in our life time and probably mankinds lifetime. All we can do is look at it. If we are thinking seriously about visiting planets, this solar system is basically as far as mankind will get.

As far as the bible, this is nothing new.....the bible has been proven wrong so many times and can not explain anything intellectually, outside of our earth and sun.

As far as god, well depends on what you believe. If you believe that the universe started in a very hot, disorderly like state. Then you have reason to believe that it is constantly expanding into a smooth, flat, orderly like state. Meaning that other planets like our own are almost inevitable.

If you shake a box with puzzle pieces in it a thousand times, that is one thousand states of disorder. There might be pieces stuck together (tiny forms of order) But there is only one, state of complete order, and that is when the puzzle is put together. This suggests that time is moving in the direction that makes it possible for order to exist.

Same exact concept for the universe, the expansion and flattening of space time is making it more and more possible for earthlike planets to exist (a tiny form of order) that can sustain life. And when the universe is done expanding at the critical rate, complete order will have been reached and time will stop, or it will reverse and everything will contract and move backwards, theoretically. Like a cup fixing itself, or an anti-cup breaking itself.
This is nothing special, red dwarfs are known for lasting billions of years longer than normal stars because they are small enough to sustain there own energy for a long period of time. Which is why our sun is so small, but red dwarfs have always been the best source for finding earthlike planets.

Not that it matters, 20.4 light years away is farther than any human or machine will ever get in our life time and probably mankinds lifetime. All we can do is look at it. If we are thinking seriously about visiting planets, this solar system is basically as far as mankind will get.

As far as the bible, this is nothing new.....the bible has been proved wrong so many times and can not explain anything intellectually, outside of our earth and sun.

At the fastest speed we can currently travel it would take roughly 400,000 years. Its takes 20 years just for light to get there.

According to the Astrophysicist guy from PBS.
At the fastest speed we can currently travel it would take roughly 400,000 years. Its takes 20 years just for light to get there.

According to the Astrophysicist guy from PBS.

Thats very true. But as Einstein predicted, time slows down at high speeds, and stops at the speed of light. Therefore, if we were a photon of light traveling toward this new planet, we could not experience time the way we do here on earth, so it wouldnt really take 20 years. Theoretically it would take one instant while the rest of the world has aged 400,000 years, and while the beam of light and the photon have aged 20 years, it would seem like one instant to the 20 year old photon because time would stop for it, if photons had a brain to experience this ofcourse.

Same goes for a black hole, if an astronaut gets close to the event horizon,he will be sucked in and time will seize to exist while his molecules are shredded and recycled as energy and other emissions.
Finding another world like earth would somehow disprove the existence of a God who created worlds without end?
I think God has either forgotten about us, has given up on us or has perhaps just lost interest and is watching this other world. I believe that god is a teenager who is running some pretty smart software and is creating worlds, a sort of Super Sims if you like. And we all know about teenagers and their attention span......:cool:

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