Has Blasey Ford just been dropped by the left?

I am concerned about Ford. I believe every woman who has ever accused a man of anything.

Dems don’t seem to have been genuine and I am very concerned because I listen to Dem leaders for guidance.

I hope Ford is ok after having suffered at the hands of the serial rapist Kavanaugh.
How come Everyone who believed that Kavanaugh raped her just forget about her?

Seems odd she isn’t in the news anymore.
She never WANTED to be in the news

Then why was she?

She wasn't at the Senate with a gun to her head. Nobody dragged her
in there kicking and screaming.

If she didn't want to be in the news...the last thing she would have done
is write a letter to her congresswoman. The Gal does have a Doctorate
Degree, she would known what the hell would happen.

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