Has anyone read The Coming Prince by Sir Robert Anderson?

I don't understand the works trying and trying to make the prophecies "chronologically" perfect, when such was not the intention of the god of the bible and less of the prophets.

Prophecies are just to be fulfilled regardless of the assumed predicted year. The bible says God told Abraham 400 years, then the justification for the 430 years starts to include that Abraham in that moment was standing in the land but he was a tourist, and later this and that and etc. etc. etc... Others have started their mathematical calculations counting the birth dates and longevity of people, and etc. etc. etc.

What is going on with those people with numbers? I use a simple calculation and debunk one of the main numerical claims of the bible itself and of the biblical mathematicians in one two three. (I won't mention it here because these forums are visited by dudes who want information with the sole intention of attacking the bible, and I won't feed their doings)

As you notice in the reference given by you, the true chronological fulfilling of the prophecies is not reached, but "always" there are missing years, which, of course, are "justified" saying, "oh, but in that moment the land was in power of the Palestinians, and those years won't count...oh, but the in that moment this and that, etc. etc. etc."

Sure, but when you include the whole years, then the exact number does not fit with the prophecy.

And because the number of years is not exact, such doesn't mean the prophecy wasn't fulfilled. This is for sure.

Prophecies carry a symbolic language, and numbers are also included inside this category.

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