Has Anyone Noticed That We Are In a RECESSION, Right Now ?

The current SINKING SHIP of our economy resemble the sinking ship we had in Obama's last years in office. We had the famous V+GRAPH, with Obama's GDPs going DOWN...DOWN...DOWN.
Obama - 3.3........2.3........1.3.........0.6

All followed by Trump's GDPs going UP...UP...UP...UP.
Trump - 1.7..........2.0........3.4..........4.1

No mystery about what we need to do.
Fake news, Smokin OP ? Well looking at the chart (Biden's chart), the numbers are slightly different than what I posted, BUT the message is then same . SINKING GDPs for Obama ; RISING GDPs for Trump.


So if you call this "Fake News", then it's Biden's fake news, because he is where the numbers are coming from (his Dept of Commerce)
Fake news, Smokin OP ? Well looking at the chart (Biden's chart), the numbers are slightly different than what I posted, BUT the message is then same . SINKING GDPs for Obama ; RISING GDPs for Trump.

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So if you call this "Fake News", then it's Biden's fake news, because he is where the numbers are coming from (his Dept of Commerce)

Why do you leave out 2019 and 2020
Well, based on the fact that I’m gainfully employed, unemployment is low, and I’m living comfortably and saving money… no, haven’t noticed
Well, based on the fact that I’m gainfully employed, unemployment is low, and I’m living comfortably and saving money… no, haven’t noticed
Maybe not you, But millions of people being let go from their jobs, and unemployment increasing, those people are noticing.
Joe Biden can get on TV and do State of the Union speeches, and LIE & YELL at the American people all he wants, but he can't escape from the quarterly GDP reports from his own Dept. of Commerce (Bureau of Economic Analysis). which shows consecutive declines in GDP growth (aka RECESSION).

I've stopped counting how many recessions (and below zero GDPs) Biden has put us through, since his train wreck administration began. So here we are - it's recession time again, folks. Ho hum.

Lastly, don't be surprised if the 1.6 GDP report for 2024 Q1, suddenly (but not mysteriously) changes to 3.5 (enough to show non-recession). Yeah I could easily see the Bidens cooking the books again, like they did with the 2023 Q3 number which if below 2.1, would have given us 4 consecutive drops in GDP, and 3 consecutive recessions. Remember that one ? It was reported as 1.8, and suddenly (like magic) it was was a laughable 4.9 :rolleyes:

So if you see the 1.6 disappear and be replaced by some (YEAH RIGHT) high number, you'll know what happened.

The numbers have been reported using the same methods for decades.

Why not post that rant about Trump?

Oh yeah. you're afraid they'll kick you out of the MAGAT KKKids KKKlub.
We business owners (aka "the economy") are experiencing our toughest sale$ quarters we've ever had. Some guys are saying they're about to quit alltogether. Most of this is coming from the exhorbitant housing rent inflation (100-200%). Renters no longer have the money to buy the things we're trying to sell.

It's no wonder we are in a recession right now.
So GREED is Biden's fault?
To combat that greed we should elect Trump?


I got nothin
So GREED is Biden's fault?
To combat that greed we should elect Trump?
Yes Greed is certainly Biden's fault.
1. Dumping millions of illegal aliens all over the country, and all the HARMS of that, just so HE can boost his VOTE COUNT.
2. Using his office, selling state secrets to foreign entities.
3. Destroying American democracy, by rigging the 2020 election in favor of HIM.
4. Sending his son around the world as a bag man, to collect money from foreigners (ex Burisma)
5. Using his office to get Biden family members rich from foreign sources.
And these are just the highly publicized ones we know about.
No, they show Trump and Bush destroying the economy while Obama and Biden save it.
So your idea of saving the economy is > 9 quarters of falling GDP, 3 recessions, and 2 quarters of below zero GDP (Biden's record).
Only question, has there ever been a worse record by any US president ?

No. they show Obama & Biden destroying the economy, and Trump saving it. You are DUPED, and not even able to read an economic chart (Biden's charts - from his Dept of Commerce)

Some people have to be told twice.
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No. they show Obama & Biden destroying the economy, and Trump saving it. You are DUPED, and not even able to read an economic chart (Biden's charts - from his Dept of Commerce)

Some people have to be told twice.
Trump and Bush destroyed the economy
Obama and Biden save it.

That you're a MAGAT tells us all we need know about your lack of economic acumen.

Trump and Bush destroyed the economy
Obama and Biden save it.

That you're a MAGAT tells us all we need know about your lack of economic acumen.

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So you're unaware that Post # 35 and the BEA charts I posted have completely annihilated your ignorant posts. Well, if you persist in displaying your utter ignorance, you're free to do so. Ho hum.
the trouble is that when you let morons speak they think they have something to say but when they say it...

View attachment 940507
I agree entirely, moron.

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