Has anyone noticed how AOC's face, with her big popping eyes, stands out in a crowd?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.
My son says the same thing.
Drudge has a picture in the left side corner, centered on AOC. She is already the center of attention among the Democrats.
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.

Let's hope so. :auiqs.jpg:
When Trump said "American will never be a socialist country", he wasn't talking to Bernie Sanders, he was talking to HER.
Her ideas, if implemented, would be a wrecking ball to the American economy.
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.
Sorry but shes a anti american socialist neo Communist who is a complete ding bag and hated by both parties.
She couldnt beat pee wee herman in a presidental race
She is more of salad healthy eater person...junk food is the orange fatty favourite.

In all honesty, Sandy Alex "Donkey Face" Cortez does not look like a tossed salad type, just a muff diver.
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.
My son says the same thing.
You and your son need meds
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.

Rush made this prediction about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on today's show.

"The media has built this woman up and promoted this woman and created this massive star about whom there’s all this curiosity. She hasn’t done that on her own. And she’s not spouting anything that any other card-carrying socialist hasn’t ever said or proposed. There’s nothing unique about Cortez other than maybe the fly-like eyes and the fact that she was a bartender. They get on Trump for being an outside, but so is she, but she’s on the right side of the insiders now that she’s in there.

But one day, one day it’s gonna happen. And I wouldn’t be surprised if Pelosi is eventually behind it.

One day they’re gonna pull the rug out from under this woman, and she’s not gonna know what happened.

Her Twitter followers are gonna abandon her. It would be impossible to say when this is going to happen, but it will"

From the RLS app.
Lots of jealousy towards her. A very pretty woman and very articulate. She's slaughter trump in a debate since he's a know nothing.
She's really a remarkable woman, both in how radical her agenda, and how her eyes just pop out of her face and makes her instantly the first person you notice in a huge crowd.

The only reason she isn't running for President is because she's too young. Otherwise, she'd kick ass on all those other no-names who are running.

AOC will take over the Democratic party, I have forseen it.

Heard someone dub her 'Fly Eyes.... seemed appropriate and funny! Seriously, she looks hyperthyroid for which bulging eyes is a symptom. Of course she could just have a small skull which makes her eyes seem huge. Maybe even a birth defect of some kind...Hmmmm....

Wonder if she was "non-viable" by the new, progressive standards today? She could be a poster girl for the promotion of late term abortion actually. I mean if it comes out and looks like an alien with big eyes.........'abort it' otherwise you get...........THAT!!! :10: I know I went to far...

HEY!!! Maybe she's George Soros' .....ROBOT!!! :114:
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Her ideas, if implemented, would be a wrecking ball to the American economy.
Not if you set up cooperative business and school networks to organize green jobs and internships to achieve the goals .

As long as all the people who support the work to be done understand and accept responsibility for funding and running such programs themselves, it's the same as volunteer run nonprofits by free market where participation and donations are invested by free choice.

The place where govt may be required is where mandatory restitution is owed by law for convicted wrongdoings. If guilty parties are legally obliged to pay back debts and damages caused to taxpayers by corporate or govt abuses of public resources, that capital or credit "reimbursed" to the public could be applied to finance the cost of reforms.

If so, if such credits to taxpayers could be managed through a federal reserve account to oversee corrections on each case of govt abuse at public expense, I suggest issuing notes or loans against these debts while wrongdoers pay it back . And holding property or programs as collateral to secure the value of the debts and restitution, where any investors or taxpayers lending money to back the debts and loans receive tax breaks and/or shares in the collateral to reward not punish taxpayers for help to refinance . Over time this would convert the national debt currently charged to taxpayers to credits owed by wrongdoers responsible for abuses and costs of crime corruption and waste

Has anyone noticed how AOC's face, with her big popping eyes, stands out in a crowd?


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