Has America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest Presidential election

This next election won't be resolved peacefully. Both sides of the two-party shit show have cranked up the fear machine to such a fever pitch that their partisans will not accept defeat. They'll go into full blown panic and denial.
Majority rule, but only to the extent constitutionally permitted. The EC doesn’t protect minorities (it probably harms them), the constitution does.

Correct. No swing states with national popular vote. Swing states distort politics. They make the needs of a handful of arbitrary states more important than the great majority of the nation.
There may be a need for the land owner bias created by states with low population density. Homeowners, landlords & resource owners need a slight bias to prevent the majority voting to get everything for free.

If landlords could not collect rent, there would soon be no place to live. If farmers could not charge for food, there would soon be no food.
That's why your guy lost
"Oh! Your guy lost!"

Yeah, how's that working out for the world? 😐

The installation of an incompetent boob pedo that's really a puppet for a continuation of the Obama regime

is running America right into the ground.
Oh yeah? Why will that be true? AZ was clearly stolen in 2022 AGAIN! The came Chocolate counties exist and they are paid by DNC to run the fraud. No one has done anything about any of it and only 1 year left. Color me skeptical.//
Certain people will be contacted and watched this time
There may be a need for the land owner bias created by states with low population density. Homeowners, landlords & resource owners need a slight bias to prevent the majority voting to get everything for free.

If landlords could not collect rent, there would soon be no place to live. If farmers could not charge for food, there would soon be no food.
Sure. We over represent rural states and we get massive government farm subsidies.

Like that?
I know it’ll take a constitutional amendment, but it’s still the right thing to do.

And you’re factually wrong. The election won’t “only” be decided by urban areas since everyone gets to vote. The election will be decided by everyone.
Spare me the bullshit! You desire a permanent Communist one party US, fucking shitbag. It's people like you who hate America. And yes, the urban shitholes will get all the say at the expense of REAL America.
Spare me the bullshit! You desire a permanent Communist one party US, fucking shitbag. It's people like you who hate America. And yes, the urban shitholes will get all the say at the expense of REAL America.
Wanting everyone’s vote to count makes me a communist?
Sure. We over represent rural states and we get massive government farm subsidies.

Like that?
That's true, but it beats starving. But we could increase food stamps to keep up demand and keep the farmers paid.

The main thing is keeping property rights so they will take care of the land, instead of creating a tragedy of the commons.
They only have one more year to fix it. As far as I can tell the powers that be in GA PA MI WI AZ COL NV NM are working hard to make it easier to cheat.

a.) The Mail-in Ballots are flooded out to every name on an out of date list. Political hacks and Courts actively fight to keep it AS-IS!
b.) Mail-in Ballots are handled/printed/ordered by corrupt state actors who flood out large quantity of insurance ballots to wrong addresses, when returned undeliverable where do they go? I know where they go. When they see they need them, they go to MULES....see 2000 MULES.
c.) Real-Time Election results were sent to DEM operatives in close states. In WI bad actors were on the 8th floor of the building doing the counting and wired to see the results. Then the drop box dump happens.

In ARIZ...........uh. Just forget it. They talk about Election Integrity but nobody is doing anything about it. 2022 was stolen with "newer" methods. 19" ballots into a 20" tabulator. This did two things. "we will count them later" they said. LOL! they lumped them with the counted ballots. Never to be seen again. It slowed the lines and Voters went home.

Everyone has a fingerprint. or a Retna scan. They don't mess up the amount anyone owes the IRS. how hard is it to get a one Vote from one person into a count? Apparently....they don't want to fix it. We are forking doomed. We have idiots running STATE GOVT just like Obiden.
Wanting everyone’s vote to count makes me a communist?

Right Commmee....counted once. Not monitored as unlikely voter then your ballot used by MULES.....ooops....that one voted late. Oh well nobody will check it. They can't! The Envelopes/Signatures are restricted. Every ballot looks the same once submitted, untraceable.

What could go wrong with Commee DEMS fighting to control a $7T pot of money? Just SHUP.
I think that. America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest election…. Donald Trump was the last Fairly elected president that this generation will ever see.
Yep. They will all be rigged for Democrats moving forward.

Will you be assuming the role of cuckold and vote anyhow or will you stay home so Democrats don't snicker at you as you stand in line to vote in an election you know to be corrupt?
That's true, but it beats starving
False dilemma. Farm subsidies are used to pay off rural voters. As long as people need to eat, there will always be a market for the product.

You bought the cover story for the welfare queens.
Medical experts were not running the government. Trump was.
8 months of planning and Trump couldn't get vaccines out the door. THAT took Biden and the DEMS in Congress.
Your lying about history is not unexpected.
All of my facts can be googled and linked. Your "lies" cannot.

Trump listened to the medical experts. That is not a bad thing dumbass.

By July 4, 2021, 67% of the United States' adult population had received at least one dose, just short of a goal of 70%. This goal was eventually met on August 2, 2021. While vaccines have helped significantly reduce the number of new COVID-19 infections nationwide, states with below-average vaccination rates began to see increasing numbers of cases credited to the highly infectious Delta variant by July 2021, which led to an increased push by organizations and companies to begin imposing de facto mandates for their employees be vaccinated for COVID-19.

The pandemic was basically over in the US before Joe Biden did anything. You're welcome.
I think that. America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest election…. Donald Trump was the last Fairly elected president that this generation will ever see.

Er.. do you know ANYTHING about US Presidential elections?

None of them are "free and fair".

Any system with literally only two viable political parties is not FREE or FAIR.

And that it's FPTP rather than PR makes it not fair either....

But you keep banging the same crap out that other people bang out constantly, and don't provide anything new at all......

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