Harriet Tubman - $20?


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.
yep i very seldom have to use cash....i carry a few ones and maybe a fiver or a ten just in case....but very seldom even touch those....

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.
She's about the 4,237th most important person in US history. That's how hard up they were to find a black woman to "honor".
Yes, it's fine to put Ms. Tubman's likeness on a bill.

But let's also honor the very constructive & law-abiding Asian community by putting a likeness of one of them on a bill, too.
I give no fucks about symbolic gestures like this. It’s not going appease anyone, it’s not going to equal tangible change in any way. Nothing to be upset about or happy about
I use cash most of the time. I have one credit card and use it to boost my credit score. I will be surprised if they go through with Tubman on the 20. They had women in history on the dollar coins. My favorite woman in history is Sacajawea. Tubman would be a good choice for a dollar coin.
After Trump, I'm fine with Jackson being retired. Harriet Tubman was a great American, but what she had to do with currency is a mystery go me. Put TR on, put Truman on for all I care.

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.
She was never a president--she doesn't rate being on any money.

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.

It's interesting the DemoKKKrats would advocate placing someone on the bill who fought so hard against their evil policies.

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.
She was never a president--she doesn't rate being on any money.
Ben Franklin wasn't either......

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.
She was never a president--she doesn't rate being on any money.
Frankland was never a president either.

Poor Andrew Jackson. Then again who still uses money? Its mostly electronic these days. Still replacing a former president just to feed the leftists hunger seems like a horrible idea. I would not have an issue creating a $25 bill with HT on it.

It's interesting the DemoKKKrats would advocate placing someone on the bill who fought so hard against their evil policies.
Maybe the idea to honor her came from "Liberals"

You know...the ones who were against those evil "CONSERVATIVE" policies

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