Hard Working Americans?

Anybody taking care of their family and doing what they need to do to provide is hard working.
Anybody taking care of their family and doing what they need to do to provide is hard working.

if you are working a 35 hour week and making minimum wage you are not doing what you need to do to provide for your family.

If need be, you take a second job....THEN you are working hard in an effort to provide for your family.
They make little money because they work at wal mart. That's ok for a while, but seriously, find a different job. It can happen.

No, it cannot, not for everyone.

It's not 60s anymore. This economy simply doesn't create as many high paying jobs as it used to. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing steadily. So 10 middle class jobs are replaced with a single really good one and 9 earning a minimum wage.

The question that you should ask yourself is why the economy is not producing as many high paying jobs as it used to. Why is upward mobility harder today than it has been in the past? Why are new business startups at a dangerous low? Could the federal government have anything to do with the cause? Could liberal policies have anything to do with the cause?

Every new government policy has tradeoffs. You want cleaner water and cleaner air, you will trade that for jobs and opportunities. You want higher taxes, you will trade that for reduced private investment. You want more regulation of business, you will trade that for fewer new business startups. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
They make little money because they work at wal mart. That's ok for a while, but seriously, find a different job. It can happen.

No, it cannot, not for everyone.

It's not 60s anymore. This economy simply doesn't create as many high paying jobs as it used to. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing steadily. So 10 middle class jobs are replaced with a single really good one and 9 earning a minimum wage.

The question that you should ask yourself is why the economy is not producing as many high paying jobs as it used to.

Why do you think I haven't asked that question? I have, and the answer is obvious -- it's the technology. Automation destroys manufacturing jobs, computer technology makes things like Walmart possible.

The question you should have asked yourself is how the government or liberal policies could have possibly affected the income distribution? What policy made CEO earning 100s times more than an average dude?
They make little money because they work at wal mart. That's ok for a while, but seriously, find a different job. It can happen.

No, it cannot, not for everyone.

It's not 60s anymore. This economy simply doesn't create as many high paying jobs as it used to. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing steadily. So 10 middle class jobs are replaced with a single really good one and 9 earning a minimum wage.

I concede your point. That still doesn't mean that everyone on Medicaid can be described as hard working. The ones that are hard working didn't even know they were eligible for Medicaid.

Well, nobody claimed that everyone eligible for Medicaid is working full time. I was disputing your original point -- that no one receiving Medicaid can be considered hard working, if only because hard working people are not supposed to be getting "free stuff".
No, it cannot, not for everyone.

It's not 60s anymore. This economy simply doesn't create as many high paying jobs as it used to. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing steadily. So 10 middle class jobs are replaced with a single really good one and 9 earning a minimum wage.

I concede your point. That still doesn't mean that everyone on Medicaid can be described as hard working. The ones that are hard working didn't even know they were eligible for Medicaid.

Well, nobody claimed that everyone eligible for Medicaid is working full time. I was disputing your original point -- that no one receiving Medicaid can be considered hard working, if only because hard working people are not supposed to be getting "free stuff".

The White House made that claim when it continued its persistent generalization of everything.
It wasn't necessary to make sweeping and damaging changes in our health care system to help the few without insurance, which was actually between 7 and 8 million people. They could have expanded Medicaid, which they are doing now. That would have been a quick and simple solution to the problem IF they really wanted to help people get insured. This is just more proof that health care was not the goal. Transferring power and wealth redistribution was the goal.

They had 3 years to build the website and it looks like something that was put together in one day. The hefty price tag, paid to Michelle Obama's college friend, is a huge rip off considering what we got for the money. $634 million was spent prior to the disasterous launch of the website and now well over $1 billion has been thrown at the site in attempts to repair it. The repairs were made to allow people to type in their information, but the security still poses major issues for the public. It's unfair to tell people to go to the website knowing that hackers could easily steal their identities or, at the very least, empty their bank accounts. Security when it comes to sensitive personal information of the public is NOT a concern of this administration. It also was reported today that at least 30% of the people who think they successfully signed up for insurance are actually still without insurance. Most won't know it until they seek medical care in January. The information was lost in some cases and information was somehow mixed up, so the info isn't accurate. To top it off, there is no system in place for paying insurance premiums for the subsidized. The website doesn't even have that feature built into it yet. For now, the government is just going to trust insurance companies (after years of vilifying them) to tell them an approximate amount they are owed and the government will write big checks and "true it up" later. This is truly the most disorganized roll out of any government program ever.

Even when the website is fixed, the Obamacare law itself remains a disaster for the middle class. It's those working full time and living paycheck to paycheck that will bear the brunt of costs for subsidizing people and they will pay increased taxes estimated at $6,000 annually. Those costs are in addition to having to pay up to three times more for their own insurance, which will likely have a much higher deductible than their old one. Too many can no longer afford health insurance and will face fines.

Millions who previously had insurance are now without and the number will rise significantly. The number of uninsured now will be far greater than the number who were uninsured before this unconstitutional bill was passed by the Democrats. That is even more proof that the law has nothing to do with health care.

Despite the fact that people don't like having their choices taken from them and they cannot afford the more expensive plans because of Obamacare, the administration has insisted that we keep going forward. They have all this new power and will not let go. They will destroy the middle class and bring this country to it's knees and all because they refuse to admit they were wrong to push this law through. To admit that Obamacare is a failure is to admit that liberalism is a failure.

No liberal wants to talk about the fact that people have lost their plans and their doctors. It's one thing to change to a different insurance company, but people are losing the doctors they have trusted for years. The doctor-patient relationship is sacred and the liberals just intervened in the most personal aspect of our lives. The same ones who insist that all companies provide plans that include abortions because a woman has total say about her body are now willing to say government should have control over our bodies. For them to support Obamacare, with the mandatory body fat tests, forcing us to leave our trusted doctors and allow strangers to treat us and not allowing us to have any say in our treatment is hypocritical. A woman will have control over her body until a panel decides that a cancer treatment is too expensive or she is too old to warrant spending money on a pacemaker. Then it's all government control over what happens to our bodies.

I am tired of liberals taking such a cavalier attitude towards this rude intrusion into lives and telling us to suck it up because it's the law. They tell us we'll be better off, even as millions now face going into the future with NO insurance or are paying way more than they can comfortably afford. Insurance won't even help many because the deductable are so high that 100% of their medical expenses will be out of pocket from here on, at least barring any major illness. Liberals still say we are supposed to be happier now, as if they have a fucking clue what is best for each of us. Many of us were fine and had already decided what we wanted and we were happy with our choices. It was not necessary for all of us to be forced to give up what we had just to cover a small percent of people. Again, this clearly was never about health care. It's about liberals pushing their beliefs on everyone else and claiming it's for the greater good.

Liberals love Obamacare now and they will praise their messiah for this, at least until it's them in the hospice being fed pain pills because they were denied that triple bypass or the newest cancer treatment. Will the liberals here feel different when government says their life isn't worth the money to save it?

If any of you liberals here are old or in poor health, how can you feel good about this new approach to health care?

Or do you realize that this is an extremely corrupt government and assume that you will be spared when the death panels see you are a registered Democrat?

Amazing.. Do you really believe what you have written here?

What news are you listening to that you are unaware that people lost their insurance and their doctors? I can't believe you haven't heard that millions are facing fines because rates went up high and they can no longer afford it. Maybe you haven't heard that the website is a fucking disaster. Maybe you didn't hear reports that 30% of the people who signed up aren't really signed up because of yet another "glitch." Maybe you didn't hear that cancer treatments might be denied because some are just too expensive. Maybe you didn't see the part about people over 75 being denied some of the more expensive treatment. Maybe you didn't hear Obama himself say that older people must realize that the best option sometimes is pain pills.

Yes, I believe what I wrote because I've been paying attention.

As to my last comment regarding the death panels and who they will or won't deny, why would it be unreasonable to assume that party affiliation might sway the decision one way or the other. We saw this abuse of power with the IRS so we know the administration is quite capable of using our government against it's "enemies." We also know they play favorites, which is why Michelle Obama's friend got the no-bid contract to fuck up the Obamacare website and made hundreds of millions to do it. What a sweet deal that was and they are still making money and will for some time because the website has a loooong way to go before it's secure and fully functional.

There were reports that the navigators on Obamacare were caught discussing the selling of information and they were helping people cheat to get subsidized. We also know that, for some reason, those in charge of health care decision also have access to voting records. Is there anyone anywhere in this administration who has any integrity?

Then we Obama lying to us for months about what we could expect from Obamacare. So, why the hell would anyone believe what he says now? Is he lying or "misspeaking" again?
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I'll just leave this here:

They make little money because they work at wal mart. That's ok for a while, but seriously, find a different job. It can happen.

No, it cannot, not for everyone.

It's not 60s anymore. This economy simply doesn't create as many high paying jobs as it used to. Manufacturing jobs are disappearing steadily. So 10 middle class jobs are replaced with a single really good one and 9 earning a minimum wage.

The question that you should ask yourself is why the economy is not producing as many high paying jobs as it used to. Why is upward mobility harder today than it has been in the past? Why are new business startups at a dangerous low? Could the federal government have anything to do with the cause? Could liberal policies have anything to do with the cause?

Every new government policy has tradeoffs. You want cleaner water and cleaner air, you will trade that for jobs and opportunities. You want higher taxes, you will trade that for reduced private investment. You want more regulation of business, you will trade that for fewer new business startups. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Yes, government has a lot to do with it. Since the talk of Obamacare and all the new taxes, businesses stopped hiring. That hurt many people who wanted to continue working to provide for their families.

Then we have a limit on the number of loans for small businesses banks can make. I'm sure that stopped a lot of job creation.
RightDown said:
You do realize that the people that own you and me also own our government. No shock there. The liberals I know, including myself, do not like the ACA at all but it is better than nothing.

Actually, nothing is better. At least with nothing there are no death panels, no additional $6.2 trillion to the long term deficit, none of your privacy being hacked while applying, not as much government control of your life....and nothing allows you to keep your doctor and your current plan. If you think the Obamacare website is a disaster wait until you use Obamacare.

Obama is a president that legislates center-right. Hardly a liberal. He does what he's permitted to do by our owners....the same owners that control both political parties. This is not a secret.

You are clearly one step to the left away from falling off the side of the planet. You are an extremist of extremists. And no Obama is clearly not a real liberal, a real liberal (not the term communist progressives hijacked), would not want all this power at the top. Obama is a radical left-wing extremist.
RightDown said:
You do realize that the people that own you and me also own our government. No shock there. The liberals I know, including myself, do not like the ACA at all but it is better than nothing.

Actually, nothing is better. At least with nothing there are no death panels, no additional $6.2 trillion to the long term deficit, none of your privacy being hacked while applying, not as much government control of your life....and nothing allows you to keep your doctor and your current plan. If you think the Obamacare website is a disaster wait until you use Obamacare.

Obama is a president that legislates center-right. Hardly a liberal. He does what he's permitted to do by our owners....the same owners that control both political parties. This is not a secret.

You are clearly one step to the left away from falling off the side of the planet. You are an extremist of extremists. And no Obama is clearly not a real liberal, a real liberal (not the term communist progressives hijacked), would not want all this power at the top. Obama is a radical left-wing extremist.

Yes, having nothing would be better than skyrocketing costs, death panels and 29 new taxes. What irks me is that Obama continues to lie about the Republicans not having any plan. They have offered up three different ones. My favorite is where they continue to allow patients to make choices, allow insurance companies to compete across states lines to lower costs and expanding Medicaid. With competition, insurance companies would do the same thing that auto insurance companies are doing now. They would not only have more people signing up, but would continue to find new incentives for people to purchase insurance from them and that would include deals for people with pre-existing conditions. That is one thing the Republicans plans addressed. We are expanding Medicaid right now to accommodate people, so why couldn't we have just done that in the first place?

The decisions for health care needs to stay with patients and doctors. Government has no business making any decisions for us.

Obama and the Dems were bragging about 29,000 people signing up since the website opened again. Hardly impressive considering they need millions. Currently, there is no way to make payments to the insurance companies for people who sign up, so it will be on the honor system for insurance companies. They will make an estimate of what is owed and government will write them checks and figure the real amount out later. In three years, they couldn't build a website allowing people to shop and apply for insurance, a website with good security and they haven't even started the portion of the website that actually helps make the payments. What did they do for three years and hundreds of millions of dollars? I want to see an itemized bill for this. There were other websites out there for years where people could shop and compare insurance companies and purchase online. They helped millions sign up and people got to choose, not the government. Of course, they were private and hired experts to put together the site, not old college buddies who wanted to get rich quick off the American tax payers.

30% of the people who went to the website and signed up are going to learn come January that they still have no insurance. Information was lost on the website, so they can't even notify the people affected. In some instances, they found that information got mixed up, so the applications don't have the correct information. It's like amateur hour and yet these clowns still want people to trust them with something as precious as our well being.

Looking at the polls, it seems people who once supported Obama are realizing that the new law is not about health care. It definitely is not about bringing down costs. Most want it repealed and many are wanting Obama recalled. Polls show blue states are turning. I think many are becoming Independent, but that still doesn't bode well for the Dems. If they use their vote to stop Obamacare, since that seems to be the thing that changed their minds about Obama, they'll vote against the Dems more than for anyone else, but the sentiment out there is that we need to stop this.

Harvard did a study and the young people are turning on big government and Obamacare. Obama needs them in order to keep Obamacare alive. I think the death panels should step in and refuse treatment to sustain Obamacare because of the exorbitant costs. Put that law into the shredder and go back to the drawing board. R.I.P. Obamacare. Kill the law before more people are hurt because of it.

The Dems should be worried and will probably step up the propaganda a notch or two. Some seem to be trying to distance themselves altogether since they have elections coming up. I hope their rivals remind the public often just who voted for this without having a clue what was in it. Obama is still in full campaign mode and still trying to blame Republicans for this mess. Oh, and none of the Dems are referring to the law as 'Obamacare' any more. Looks like even Obama wants to separate himself from his signature legislation. Heck, it's all he's got and now it's imploding.
RightDown said:
Obama is a president that legislates center-right. Hardly a liberal. He does what he's permitted to do by our owners....the same owners that control both political parties. This is not a secret.
You are clearly one step to the left away from falling off the side of the planet. You are an extremist of extremists. And no Obama is clearly not a real liberal, a real liberal (not the term communist progressives hijacked), would not want all this power at the top. Obama is a radical left-wing extremist.

What caught my attention is how he said "Obama is a president that legislates...". :eusa_whistle:

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