Haneyya gov’t welcomes EU parliament’s adoption of Goldstone report

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- The Palestinian government headed by premier Ismail Haneyya hailed on Wednesday the European parliament for adopting the recommendations of judge Richard Goldstone mentioned in his report on Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement to the Palestinian information center (PIC), Palestinian minister of justice Faraj Al-Ghoul expressed hope that this decision would be circulated in European countries whose law allows the prosecution of Israeli war criminals in order for the Palestinians to be able to file lawsuits with their courts.

“The government had already welcomed Goldstone mission and facilitated its work, and when the report was issued we supported it with some reservations about points affecting the resistance,” Ghoul underscored.

For its part, the Hamas Movement welcomed the European decision and considered it an important step forward to confront the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people and bring their perpetrators to justice.

Spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri urged in a press statement to the PIC the European parliament to translate its decision into reality.

335 European lawmakers voted on Wednesday in favor of the resolution, 267 opposed it and 43 abstained.

Haneyya gov?t welcomes EU parliament?s adoption of Goldstone report

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