Hands Up, Cop Still Shoots (video)

This one don't look good

Newly released video of the September police shooting of Rueben Galindo shows the Charlotte man exiting his apartment with his hands raised above his head seconds before officers fatally shot him.

Between three and four seconds appear to elapse from when Galindo appears at his doorway, Charlotte-Mecklenburg police officers begin to shout orders for him to drop his gun and to put it down, and a series of gunshots ring out, the videos show. The 29-year-old then slumps to the ground outside his northeast Charlotte apartment.

While police Chief Kerr Putney continued to defend his officer’s decisions to shoot Galindo, an expert in police shootings who viewed the videos at the request of the Observer, called the footage “troubling,” and said that Galindo appeared to be trying to comply with two separate police orders when he was shot.

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He had his hands up and a gun in one of them. I just don't see how there were 2 separate police orders. They were both saying "drop the gun".
Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable


They usually don't kill anyone, so we can pretend the few times they do didn't happen? I'm sure the dead person's family might not like that. When a cop kills someone can't be allowed to be an arbitrary decision
Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable


They usually don't kill anyone, so we can pretend the few times they do didn't happen? I'm sure the dead person's family might not like that. When a cop kills someone can't be allowed to be an arbitrary decision

It's a life and death decision the officer must make. They have to make a split second decision in order to protect themselves, and other officers. If they make the wrong decision, the officer is dead. If they make a mistake, only the one who caused LEO to come out in the first place lose, with the officer at times losing his job or going to prison

DAYUM... Is there no end to the line of ignorant blood thirsty bahs- turds who refuse to read my post entailing why the cops came to Galindo's home? Why do you so readily assume Mr.Galindo was a criminal who hsd commited s crime. Is it because Tank...the racist op...led you down that path?

Yes, I assumed the PoS was a criminal. And, turns out my assumption is correct. According to the PoS's "wife", he wanted to turn over his gun before ... a court date for a gun-related crime. Besides, it's also a crime to call 911 for a non-emergency. Surrendering a gun isn't an emergency. I also assume that he has an extensive criminal background. My assumptions are very reliable.

It's also criminally stupid, if that's a thing, to be in a foreign country, holding a gun, in front of cops who have guns pointed at you.

Maybe he's "innocent", but he still put the cops in a position to get himself shot.
So you are a clairvoyant ASS-ump- shun- ist?
SO...You've led a perfect life and never done anything considered criminal? Wel,l I assume you have if you're a healthy straight male.
And Galindo's past gun related crime stemmed from allegations that he pointed a gun at someone. That may or may not have been a criminal act...depending on the circumstances..

Look, you are really reaching when you attach criminality to that 911 call.

I'm not sure of Galindo's immigration status
but he appears to have come here legally. The. Cops would have made sure the media
mentioned that. If he was indeed a new arrival, that would explain his seemingly bizarre behavior. But nothing he did warranted
Being shot in cold blood during super short time frame preceding his death.
Its a domino effect. The beaner would be alive if he would of just stayed in Mexico instead of breaking our laws and invading

he had his hands up

With a gun in one of them. He didn't comply with very clear orders to 'drop the gun'.

But, if you want to drop to your knee over this, please be my guest.

Yep, just another Darwin Award Winner getting his trophy. Nothing to see here.
I think the world is a better place without this guy

Definitely. Send Mexico or where ever he came from the bill for all the costs this criminal incurred, and give the police officer a medal.
Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable


They usually don't kill anyone, so we can pretend the few times they do didn't happen? I'm sure the dead person's family might not like that. When a cop kills someone can't be allowed to be an arbitrary decision

Yeah, they should just call up some idiot jackass like yourself and discuss it while in the middle of ongoing incidents like this.
Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable


They usually don't kill anyone, so we can pretend the few times they do didn't happen? I'm sure the dead person's family might not like that. When a cop kills someone can't be allowed to be an arbitrary decision

It's a life and death decision the officer must make. They have to make a split second decision in order to protect themselves, and other officers. If they make the wrong decision, the officer is dead. If they make a mistake, only the one who caused LEO to come out in the first place lose, with the officer at times losing his job or going to prison


That's why their training covers that.
Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.

But most times by an overwhelming number, the cops don't shoot anyone

In this case however, your scenario was non applicable


They usually don't kill anyone, so we can pretend the few times they do didn't happen? I'm sure the dead person's family might not like that. When a cop kills someone can't be allowed to be an arbitrary decision

It's a life and death decision the officer must make. They have to make a split second decision in order to protect themselves, and other officers. If they make the wrong decision, the officer is dead. If they make a mistake, only the one who caused LEO to come out in the first place lose, with the officer at times losing his job or going to prison


That's why their training covers that.

Yep, and in this case, the perp presented actions that the officer deemed deadly force was warranted

Again, live the life expected as a lawful member of society, and this topic would be moot

That's why their training covers that.

You claim to be quite familiar with how police are trained and what they are required to do in every situation. Does this alleged familiarity come from actual experience with police tactical training or from what you've seen on TV?
That's why their training covers that.

You claim to be quite familiar with how police are trained and what they are required to do in every situation. Does this alleged familiarity come from actual experience with police tactical training or from what you've seen on TV?

Are you saying cops aren't trained to deal with mentally ill people, or that they shouldn't be trained to deal with mentally ill people? Cops are given overwhelming authority over the average citizen. You don't think they should be trained beyond what the average citizen is?
F%%K these nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
F%%k these criminals that HARM innocent people!! I WANT them dead..some are career criminals with a violent past
if they are dead, they can't hurt anyone else.....
the cops 99% of the time don't shoot if there is no reason to shoot

Like with the death penalty, we know lots of innocent are killed.
bad analogy
like I said, 99% the cops are shooting for a reason--there is a threat

The only reason they wait less than 2 seconds to shoot after giving warning like with this case is because they say they fear for their life, and if they wait any longer than that they might be hurt. Can you imagine a soldier EVER saying he fears for his life. How is it a bad analogy?
have you been in the military? I have
have you ever read books on wars? I've been reading about wars for over 35 years
the soldiers/sailors/Marines DO fear for their lives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you think they are robots? they are very scared
in fact I read one time where the soldier or Marine said he was in so much combat, so much hell, he thought he might kill his own men from a learned/automatic need to kill and stay alive
they killed many civilians in Somalia
ever hear of My Lai My Lai Massacre - Wikipedia
in German towns in WW2, if the people didn't put up white flags and/or fire came from the town--the soldiers would fire indiscriminately

Newsflash, cops are not fighting an actual war.

Saying you were scared for your life and being scared in battle are different. I said cops say that because they are or to cover themselves, but soldiers obviously don't go around saying that as an excuse.
that's nice but the fact is the suspect was a threat and danger
they are not trying to cover anything
Hostage situation? So, just an innocent angel then? Probably going to college to become a doctor?

Angel or devil, he had his hands up, and appeared to be trying to follow 2 different sets of orders. Cops are not supposed to be executioners.

Hmmmm: watched it a dozen times: yes, no yes, no yes, no.....hands weren't "up high" but more "out" as in extended. No angel but unclear: benefit of the doubt maybe.


Cops still aren't appointed executioner. 3 degrees more he lives, 3 degrees less he dies? That's not how it's supposed to work.

Your right. Suppose to live a life where police don't have to come to your door. The dead man could of avoided this


Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.
here it is again--you would handle every situation perfectly...you would not even carry a weapon
you could deal with nuts and DANGEROUS criminals without violence
you would've talked nicely to this nut, and he would've complied with you
the cops don't have time to to sit the person down on a couch and ask him about his history/mental illness/problems--they are not psychiatrists

Oh, but how do you explain the fact that thousands of times a day good cops DO take the fuggin' time to handle incapacitated people like Galindo properly. When bad cops kill indiscriminately like the bad cops ( fingered )
ln this op did, they need to be held accountable and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Indeed, they ought to be fried like bacon in the electric chair.
. So you've already tried, sentenced, and condemed the officer before the trial or inquiry eh ??? Why because it's a COP ? The guy Galindo in which you know nothing about yet, he is innocent because he died by a cop in which you have only the vague video to run on, and maybe because you HATE COP'S ??

That.s the same old tired apologist RW White male BS I hear every time I get into an argument after one of those killer cops murders someone under the color of authority. I don't hate cops I hate cops who murder people..BIG DIFFERENCE. And I know enough about Galindo to know he called the cops to turn a pistol in and was killed by cops when he stepped outside with his pistol in an open carry state.
And I said what I meant and meant what I said.. You know perfectly well that when prosecutors have the evidence to bring a killer cop to trial, we've seen two instances where the evidence didn't mater..whether by jury trial or trial by judge. All it takes is one juror who feels cops shouldn't be convicted of murder to produce a mistrial or hung jury; or, if the defendant chooses a Judge in lieu of a jury trial, evidence like that where a cop's fingerprints were the only prints on a gun alleged to have belonged to the victim is ignored and the cop walks.
but your whole argument is wrong--they didn't MURDER..please prove this..if not, state that it is your opinion and you have no facts to back it up
Are you saying cops aren't trained to deal with mentally ill people, or that they shouldn't be trained to deal with mentally ill people? Cops are given overwhelming authority over the average citizen. You don't think they should be trained beyond what the average citizen is?

You're claiming to be a subject matter expert on police training. Please tell us PRECISELY how police are trained to deal with an armed mentally ill person in every situation.

You are implying there is a standard procedure in which all police are trained. Enlighten us.
That's why their training covers that.

You claim to be quite familiar with how police are trained and what they are required to do in every situation. Does this alleged familiarity come from actual experience with police tactical training or from what you've seen on TV?

Are you saying cops aren't trained to deal with mentally ill people, or that they shouldn't be trained to deal with mentally ill people? Cops are given overwhelming authority over the average citizen. You don't think they should be trained beyond what the average citizen is?
do you know how long and how much money that would take--and every situation is different
deal with irrational, crazy people???!!!

they could be just trying to ask for help--but they could also be trying to KILL you
how do you handle someone that is trying to HURT others?
there's lot's of stories of crazies with knives STABBING people, with guns SHOOTING people
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
I know, watching the video. It looks like the cop was guilty, but all I've seen is the video. I have no idea what circumstances the reason the cop was there, what went on prior to the shooting. All I see are a bunch of liberals wanting the cop automatically prosecuted. After all the lying, editing 911 tapes. Reporting that Treyvon was such an innocent kid. I don't trust liberals to be fair and balanced.
. Michael Brown took the prize for liberal dishonesty at it's its worst. It went from there to get 5 Dallas innocent cop's cops killed, and the BLM chanting in the street how they wanted pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, and then comes Kaepernick , etc. Pathetic.
Apostrophe Catastrophe

At least there are no apostrophes in Spanish. So there's nothing to show how worthless someone's education is. What's so hard about teaching yourself grammar? Are laziness and irresponsibility required to post on an embee?
I don't guess the left will ever be happy.
It isn't a left/right issue.

You think this black lives matter crap was started by conservatives?
The Hereditary Plutocratic Oligarchy Despise, Hate, and Fear All Other White People

Despite the GOPers' lie that he turned Liberal once he got into power, Chief Justice Earl Warren, who was the first to turn loose this destructive element, was always Conservative. He ran for Vice-President on the anti-New Deal ticket in 1948.

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