Halloween: Dominion of Babylon (Fiction)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is Halloween/Samhain an expression of complication or festivity? Why do we wear masks and seek to appear as other people/characters? Has Halloween helped us psychologically or merely catered to our morbid fears regarding betrayal and deception?

The Halloween horror-film series character Michael Myers is a psychotic 'super-man' who terrorizes people during Halloween. The Whore of Babylon is a Biblical antagonist who deceives men and destroys sacred thrones.

How does Michael Myers inform us about the frailty of the human psyche? What does the Whore of Babylon reveal about the vulnerabilities of men (and civilization)?

These are questions oddly important for our modern age of great traffic and networking-related customs/etiquette. How we handle ourselves affects the quality of modern networks and social contracts.

Why do Americans love horror-films so much (e.g., Halloween, Friday the 13th, Urban Legend, etc., etc.)?

There must be some kind of 'metaphysical test' created by all this modern 'traffic-drama' (or something!), soo this tale is dedicated to our capitalism-trained U.S. President (Donald Trump), a man expected to handle all of this new commerce-engaged geopolitical 'etiquette.' Many of us are convinced President Trump needs the feminine wisdom of the First Lady (Melania Trump) in ways that arguably no other previous American President has! So is that a good thing?



MICHAEL MYERS: America/Halloween indicate many daydreams...
WHORE OF BABYLON: These are hallucinations about fortune.
MICHAEL MYERS: We all wear masks...
WHORE OF BABYLON: Let masks be sexy then!
MICHAEL MYERS: The Rape of Lucrece will save man's soul.
WHORE OF BABYLON: That Shakespearean poem symbolizes angst.
MICHAEL MYERS: Men are 'anxious' about being good providers.
WHORE OF BABYLON: Civilization requires lawyers...
MICHAEL MYERS: Halloween is a time of great goosebumps.
WHORE OF BABYLON: You can't cure malice with frighteners.
MICHAEL MYERS: I'd like to see what Washington is like on Halloween...
WHORE OF BABYLON: Let's go to D.C.(!)

So, Michael Myers and the Whore of Babylon set out to travel to Washington, D.C. on Halloween Eve 2018. They wanted to see U.S. President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump. Michael Myers had contacted the Whore of Babylon using a special Ouija board (since the Whore of Babylon was a practicing witch!). Michael Myers and the Whore of Babylon formed an unlikely 'partnership' (determined to deconstruct the American veil of Halloween). Since Halloween was derived from the Gaelic festival of Samhain, Michael Myers and the Whore of Babylon decided to dress up as green-colored Irish-descended comic book superheroes. Michael Myers became the superhero Irish Archer, while the Whore of Babylon became the superheroine Irish Witch.

IRISH ARCHER: Do Washingtonians care about eco-pollution?
IRISH WITCH: I doubt American politicians deal seriously with industrial waste.
IRISH ARCHER: Washington was built on a swamp after all...
IRISH WITCH: It's still a swamp...
IRISH ARCHER: I wonder what President Trump thinks of masquerade.
IRISH WITCH: I'm sure he loves it; he doesn't want to be labelled a 'simple businessman.'
IRISH ARCHER: America really needs a businessman to lead the world!
IRISH WITCH: That's what Ross Perot believed, but no one took him seriously!
IRISH ARCHER: We should count how many kids go trick-or-treating in D.C.
IRISH WITCH: We should count how many single-mothers go with them...
IRISH ARCHER: Let's find the First Lady.
IRISH WITCH: I'm sure she's entertaining!

Irish Archer (IA) and Irish Witch (IW) decided to prowl around D.C. that Halloween Eve for hours. IA wondered if all this metaphysical pondering would raise up some strange demons of Samhain or something else...perhaps the Headless Horseman or the Candyman would show up somehow. IW wondered if all this metaphysical pondering would merely add fuel to the fire of cynical criticisms about American culture (i.e., capitalism/democracy). IA and IW did agree, however, that the masquerading 'spirit' of Halloween represented a populism optimism towards 'traffic counting.' After all, wasn't America a land of great observation?

IA/IW found President Trump and the First Lady at the White House. They were drinking tea and hosting some kids dressed up in costumes/masks that Halloween Eve. IA/IW decided there was no substantial reason to provoke trouble or induce terrorism, so they departed, confident that what they concluded about American culture was accurate --- traffic and populism are challenged by the forces of human anxiety regarding the reliability of social contracts in this modern age of networking-gauged customs/etiquette. Michael Myers returned to his ghoulish ways of being a 'Halloween spectre' and the mysterious Whore of Babylon returned to her underworld dominion and continued to meditate on the frailty of American prayers. America was a land of great drama!



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