Gypsies slaughtered a pig are you white boys now angry and disgusted? Oh now that poor animal....


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
They'd have to have been pretty busy to come anywhere near the number of animals I've shot, though I admit I've only had to cut the throat of a few of them.
What's whiteness got to do with anything?
How many animals have you killed?
Are you white?
I too have killed and cleaned many pigs, wild and domestic. In fact, I was in on slaughtering hogs at my grandfather's farm when I was around 10 years old. One of the first things you do, after shooting a domestic pig with a .22 was to cut inside the Achilles tendon on the back legs and run a sturdy stick thru the slit on both legs. This was what you used to hoist the hog up so you could cut its throat and bleed it out. Then you gut it. I remember the first time I was big enough to help hoist it up. I don't know who was more proud, me or my grandfather. We would do 2 hogs a year.

No, I am not angry or disgusted. I am just wondering if I can get invited to the chitlin dinner that always follows the slaughter. I haven't had fresh chitlins (chitterlings) since I was a teenager. They stink like hell when you cook them, but they are absolutely delicious!
I too have killed and cleaned many pigs, wild and domestic. In fact, I was in on slaughtering hogs at my grandfather's farm when I was around 10 years old. One of the first things you do, after shooting a domestic pig with a .22 was to cut inside the Achilles tendon on the back legs and run a sturdy stick thru the slit on both legs. This was what you used to hoist the hog up so you could cut its throat and bleed it out. Then you gut it. I remember the first time I was big enough to help hoist it up. I don't know who was more proud, me or my grandfather. We would do 2 hogs a year.

No, I am not angry or disgusted. I am just wondering if I can get invited to the chitlin dinner that always follows the slaughter. I haven't had fresh chitlins (chitterlings) since I was a teenager. They stink like hell when you cook them, but they are absolutely delicious!
Getting rid of the bristles is a bit of a mission...
We used the chitlins for sausage casing. Cleaning them is rough the stink will stick to you. My teacher sent me to the library when I was about ten because I stunk so bad from cleaning chitlins over the week end. No amount of soap and water helps.
We used the chitlins for sausage casing. Cleaning them is rough the stink will stick to you. My teacher sent me to the library when I was about ten because I stunk so bad from cleaning chitlins over the week end. No amount of soap and water helps.

Being in the country in the south, our sausage was the patty kind. Yeah, cleaning was rough. Cooking them wasn't any better.
What a fuken amateur..
Come on down to Texas and we'll show you how to kill pigs.

Watched Buck McNeely do the same on his hunting show. I hope the meat is harvested . Feral hog is some fine eating . I agree nothing get wasted in nature. Scavengers need to eat too. From maggots to vultures to larger animals like bears get to eat.
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Feral hogs is my favorite animal to hunt. Like Texas, Florida has been overrun with them. I use to hunt them with dogs ,these days just stalk them on my own. It will get the blood fired up when you get close and personal with one in a thicket. I use a single shot 12 ga. using slugs. I hope to get a new 30.30 rifle soon but there hard to get at this time.
Getting rid of the bristles is a bit of a mission...

You either boil em or roll em around in a hot fire.
Personally I dont eat feral hogs. They can carry some nasty diseases.
I do know people who trap them and raise em on a good diet for several months and have a vet give em some jabs to get rid of any dangerous diseases.
Feral hogs is my favorite animal to hunt. Like Texas, Florida has been overrun with them. I use to hunt them with dogs ,these days just stalk them on my own. It will get the blood fired up when you get close and personal with one in a thicket. I use a single shot 12 ga. using slugs. I hope to get a new 30.30 rifle soon but there hard to get at this time.

When we had our weekend place in Junction Texas I'd kill at least a hundred of them a year.
There was a bridge over the creek that you had to cross to get to the river with large concrete abutments on either side of the creek with two foot tall I Beams,it's spann was around 40 foot.
The hogs would root up the dirt around the abutments which caused erosion so they had to go.
I'd bust em with my .270 load em up in the front end loader and take em to the front of the property and dump em over the fence onto the easement.
When they mowed the easement in the spring it sounded like someone dropped a piano from a 20 story building.

My best was three in one shot when they gathered around the deer feeder.

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