GWB turns out was a pretty good President

Where in the Iraq liberation Act of 1998 did it call for US troop to invade, occupy and remove government of Iraq? Most of the rhetoric in 1998 was the lead up to Desert Fox. Furthermore, the Democrats who voted in favor of allowing Preisdent Bush to decide to invade Iraq should have resigned in disgrace.

So you are saying you are, today, smarter than congress was back in 2002?
Not too difficult seeing as you know the outcome.

Makes you one smart person.

Why dont you play yesterdays lottery today? Bet you pick the right numbers!

The propaganda war to convince Americans that Saddam was the next Hilter began as early as Dec. 2001. Listening to President Bushes radio addresses it was clear their aim was to justify invading and occupying Iraq with the emotions we all felt after 9-11.

But if all you want do is insult me, please keep me on ignore, thanks.

We had thousands of soldiers in the region (the sand pit of A-stan)....

If there were WMD's, we could have had a mass murder of all of them...a mass painful murder...and a long range missle would not have been necessary.....and little time to prepare would have been a serious issue.

When Hussein refused to let the inspectors do as the treaty dictated, those thousands of American soldiers were in more danger than just the front they were facing..

The CiC had a responsibility to ensure they were not.

Why is it so hard to respect that?
The coalition had Iraq contained, the sanctions were working, the inspectors were quite clear on their findings: SH was impotent and eventually would have fallen from the pressure.

The neo-con goal of creating an America-friendly state in the center of the oil rich ME was a pipe dream from the beginning. It was doomed to failure.

What we ended up with was a badly damaged economy, wars fought on the credit card at a price that we could not afford, and a certain portion of Americans who still refuse to accept the reality of what happened, why it happened, and why Obama is in charge now for the second time.

America has rejected bush neo-conservatism.
So you are saying you are, today, smarter than congress was back in 2002?
Not too difficult seeing as you know the outcome.

Makes you one smart person.

Why dont you play yesterdays lottery today? Bet you pick the right numbers!

The propaganda war to convince Americans that Saddam was the next Hilter began as early as Dec. 2001. Listening to President Bushes radio addresses it was clear their aim was to justify invading and occupying Iraq with the emotions we all felt after 9-11.

But if all you want do is insult me, please keep me on ignore, thanks.

We had thousands of soldiers in the region (the sand pit of A-stan)....

If there were WMD's, we could have had a mass murder of all of them...a mass painful murder...and a long range missle would not have been necessary.....and little time to prepare would have been a serious issue.

When Hussein refused to let the inspectors do as the treaty dictated, those thousands of American soldiers were in more danger than just the front they were facing..

The CiC had a responsibility to ensure they were not.

Why is it so hard to respect that?

This. From the WH as late as summer 2001.

[ame=]Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice - Iraq Has No WMD's And Is Not A Threat - YouTube[/ame]
American neo-conservatism is discredited in most American's eyes. That was a minor factor, but a factor nonetheless, in MR's defeat. America does not want involvement in extensive foreign wars.
Indeed, we like Obama who does his killing from the skies. even if he has troops on the ground in more countries than bush ever did and is bombing more than bush ever did
5th post
Except for when he didn't


Exactly. The warnings were there, and he and his people were asleep at the wheel. We will continue to pay for that one mistake for years to come.
I LOVE to terrorize the terrorists

yeah all those dead children were really terrorizing the fuck out of us

Children are killed in carpet bombing also

War sucks doesn't it

You're very flippant with your remarks when it suits you, aren't you? You argue against guns when kids are involved but don't give a fuck when killed in carpert bombing. Then you're over on the Religion Board splitting hairs over the credibility of numbers given of how many abortions were performed by PP...which were subsequently proven to be spot-on.
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10th post
yeah all those dead children were really terrorizing the fuck out of us

Children are killed in carpet bombing also

War sucks doesn't it

You're very flippnat with your remarks when it suits you, aren't you? You argue against guns when kids are involved but don't give a fuck when killed in carpert bombing.

I was unaware that the Congress had declared war on the 8 or so countries we are currently bombing. Please link me to the declarations of war, thanks.
Children are killed in carpet bombing also

War sucks doesn't it

You're very flippnat with your remarks when it suits you, aren't you? You argue against guns when kids are involved but don't give a fuck when killed in carpert bombing.

I was unaware that the Congress had declared war on the 8 or so countries we are currently bombing. Please link me to the declarations of war, thanks.

I don't know why you're replying and asking me when I replied to rightwingnut.
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Except for when he didn't


Exactly. The warnings were there, and he and his people were asleep at the wheel. We will continue to pay for that one mistake for years to come.

It wasn't just that terrorism was off the radar with Bush in September 2001 but that his ultimate response to the attacks was blundered as he abandoned the war on terror to attack Iraq
15th post
AIG pays us back. The forst 50% of tarp saved the economy
His leadership post 9-11 prevented a more serious economic collapse than we had
Saddam, gone
UBL, gone (thanks to water boarding in 2006 as well as Navy seals/CIA)
His tax rate will be in place for 99% of us
Sarbanes Oxley, huge success
His medicare plan was under funded, but also a huge success
was within 163 billion of a balanced budget, 2007
Numerous bi partisan legislation events such as No Child left behind, removing Saddam, Etc...
Budgets through 2008 (BHO signed the 09 budget 3/2009, called the Omnibus bill

Now how is BHO doing?
no jobs
huge debt
Obama care in which some of his own now want out of some

It is not even close people

Without a doubt, there were some positives for the Bush administration, but ignoring some basic facts always makes things look better or worse when looking at them in historical perspective. Something that ideologues fail to realize is that presidential administrations are heavily affected by decisions made by previous administrations. Just to give you a simple one that is really stupid, all too many of you have a field day with "Obamaphones". First of all, none of you have any understanding of why the program was put in place in the first place, by none other than Ronald Reagan, and then expanded under GW Bush, or that Obama has had nothing to do with it other than not seeing it to its end.

Anyway, that is somewhat getting away from the point, but just as Bill Clinton saw a near balanced budget, which was definitely helped by the tax increases supported by GH Bush, so too has Obama been helped, but in a negative manner, by GW Bush's reduction of taxes while refusing to pay for any of the wars he started. Denying this shows that you choose to totally ignore reality.

I voted for GW twice, but in hindsight I can see where he made some serious mistakes, and he gets credit for those mistakes in my book. That doesn't make him a sinister person who was hell bent on destroying America, just as anything Obama is doing doesn't make him hell bent on destroying America.

Most of you on the far right have this idea that we should have just let everything crash and the economy would have straightened itself out through natural market devices. You believe that by cutting as much government spending as possible, that the free market would boom and everything would be great. The fact is that the exact opposite would happen. The truth is that government spending is a very important part of our economy. Without it, our economy would shrink drastically. Government spending also supports many things that we cannot live without in modern society. Now, an argument can be made about what government spends money on and how much it spends at every level, but in the end, we need that government spending. I don't think many of you have any realization as to how many private companies and businesses, including some very big companies rely on federal spending. Without it, many of these companies would go belly up, and the ripple effect would be devastating.
Indeed, we like Obama who does his killing from the skies. even if he has troops on the ground in more countries than bush ever did and is bombing more than bush ever did

Compare troop strengths overseas in Bush years to Obama's terms, LL.

One, Iraq invasion was unnecessary.

Two, Afghanistan, in my mind, was proper, then thrown away.

Three, if by bombing, you mean drone strikes, then I say "good". Much more efficient, cost effective, and fewer American lives at risk. The Constitution is not a suicide compact, and Americans who flee the country and go to war against America are constitutionally available to the President as target destinations.

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