'Gut punch': Trump upsets local union leaders by opposing U.S. Steel-Nippon deal

YOu know that, and I know that, but tRump was reportedly terrified of the possibility and we all know he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.
It's really funny watching the TDS afflicted types like cReepy literally spend their lives agonizing over their affliction.
Keep it here and double the workers wages, overnight. That would be impressive.
Some unknown unidentified union members oppose.

Are you in the habit of believing anything coming from a democrat?

Well, the people that voted for the serial liar are beginning to wake up, but just a little too late. trump was willing to say or do anything to stay out of jail. He made promises during his campaign that he never had any intention to keep. Steel workers who actually spoke at trump's rallies are not happy with him now. This is the just the beginning.
Meh, Trumka got the UMWA to back Obama then he started closing coal fired plants.

Well, the people that voted for the serial liar are beginning to wake up, but just a little too late. trump was willing to say or do anything to stay out of jail. He made promises during his campaign that he never had any intention to keep. Steel workers who actually spoke at trump's rallies are not happy with him now. This is the just the beginning.
You're probably not aware Allegheny county has raised particulate levels repeatedly. USS complies. Allegheny raises them again. It's screwed up.

The mill that supplies West Mifflin Irvin works is Edgar Thomson works, literally right across the street from John Fetterman's renovated car dealership home.
ET produces cast slabs, Irvin makes sheet metal to be used for car, appliance and most anything made from sheet metal.
The market has been dwindling for a few years.
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Well, the people that voted for the serial liar are beginning to wake up, but just a little too late. trump was willing to say or do anything to stay out of jail. He made promises during his campaign that he never had any intention to keep. Steel workers who actually spoke at trump's rallies are not happy with him now. This is the just the beginning.

This is what happens when dipshits who have no fucking clue about what's going on get their talking points from the Orange Man Bad Battalion.


Now STFU and get back in the corner, un-useful idiot, and leave this to the people who actual have been following this story and care about the unions as more than just a cudgel to bash Trump.
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Well, the people that voted for the serial liar are beginning to wake up, but just a little too late. trump was willing to say or do a?nything to stay out of jail. He made promises during his campaign that he never had any intention to keep. Steel workers who actually spoke at trump's rallies are not happy with him now. This is the just the beginning.
What is this, Tag Team Trolling? First, you post an asinine OP and get your ass kicked, then the Creep tries to save you by changing to another lamebrained subject. It is all pathetic and ridiculous.
They think they'd be better off with Jap ownership?
Technology closed many many USS mills across the country. One thing they didn't do was modernize on a large scale.
USS was slated to invest 1 billion in the Mon valley but the Allegheny county health department jerked them off big time and USS cancelled plans in 2019. Basically telling them to fuck off.
Nippon wants to do the same thing but I don't see the ACHD giving them anymore slack than USS got.
As far as investing, yes they'd be by better off, but Nippon won't get anymore favorable welcome either.

Allegheny county is a Dem progressive stronghold now.....HD full of steel mill hating environmentalists.

They don't give a shit about jobs.
You read where Nippon promised not to layoff or close facilities during the term of the basic labor agreement?
They last three years and I'm not sure where they are in the contract. That could give Nippon time to see where they want to make changes.
The double edged sword.

Well, the people that voted for the serial liar are beginning to wake up, but just a little too late. trump was willing to say or do anything to stay out of jail. He made promises during his campaign that he never had any intention to keep. Steel workers who actually spoke at trump's rallies are not happy with him now. This is the just the beginning.
Only magaturds trust the word of an orange bag O' shit.
Dems are against it pretty much.....deal doesn't go through, USS will retaliate and jobs may be lost in the Mon valley.

Trump doesn't go one way or the other, dems own it.

See where it goes next month.
I give zero fucks what the orange bag O' shit decides. Whatever that is, magaturds will go along with it like the rest of their cult.
YOu know that, and I know that, but tRump was reportedly terrified of the possibility and we all know he ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

You're as dull as a butter knife, bro. I don't see you being a multi-billionaire with a beautiful wife, wonderful kids, and a two-time President of the US.

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