Biden Caves to Union Bosses and Foolishly Blocks Nippon Steel Purchase of U.S. Steel

Yet here we are living about the same as anyone else
Plenty of old folks as well. Just as many over a 100 years old as anywhere else.

Yes, plenty of cancers as millions get old.
Baby boomers, the smoking generation is now all old. Record numbers of old.
Food? Nope. Just old age
No. US life expectancy has continued falling for years, while many other first world nations see life expectancy increases.
Many American food makers are forced to use natural ingredients in their products sold in Europe and Canada, while they continue using harmful chemicals in the same products they sell in the US. The US government does nothing to stop this practice. It would appear they’re purposely trying to harm Americans.
Actually European law does not require all ingredients to be listed.

Europeans don't eat much if any of our prossed food.
The fact is that a percentage of our nation is unhealthy and/or obese. If it is our own choices, then it is on ourselves. If though anything in the food and drink, we use helps that along then it needs to be told.
You wait....A couple years from now the likes of Romney's old company will be selling it all off piece by piece and sticking the US taxpayer with the cost of new Superfund sites to clean up the mess US Steel left behind.
Trump opposes the deal also and does not want Nippon buying US Steel.Looks like yer SOL.

President Trump might not be as committed against the deal as you might think. The fact that the libs under Sleepy Joe oppose it so vehemently, is going to get the Trumpster to reconsider.
This action by Biden will be harmful to union workers.


But the USW leadership agrees with Biden.

so apparently it is good for the business agents, wise guys and other goombas hanging out at the Italian Clubs running the union.
I am all for protecting U.S. industries with protectionist policies whenever doing so is justified and prudent. Eight times out of 10, I favor protectionism. However, Biden's decision to block Nippon Steel's purchase of U.S. Steel is senseless and baseless. Biden caved to pressure from union bosses to block the deal, even though the purchase would greatly benefit the steelworkers themselves and would enable U.S. Steel to better compete against China.

Biden's appeal to "national security" is absurd. We're talking about Japan, a staunch ally and a longtime enemy of China and Russia, and about a Japanese steel company that would have every motivation to sell steel to the U.S., especially since it would have a huge financial stake in American steel production. Biden's argument makes no sense. This decision has nothing to do with "national security" but with pandering to labor union bosses who fear they would lose leverage if U.S. Steel were owned by a Japanese company.

Sean Higgins of the Competitive Enterprise Institute puts it well:

“The Biden administration claims that national security concerns prompted them to halt the purchase of U.S. Steel by Nippon Steel, but the only thing they are protecting is the United Steelworkers union leverage over the domestic steel industry.

“Never mind that Nippon Steel wanted to buy U.S. Steel so it could better compete with China, which has long been accused of using its production capacity to manipulate international markets. Never mind that there was no plausible scenario in which Japan wouldn’t sell its steel to the states, especially if it owned U.S. facilities. Never mind that Nippon Steel had promised to honor U.S. Steel’s collective bargaining contracts.

“The union feared it would not have leverage over the Japanese company going forward and so it lobbied the administration hard to reject the purchase. The losers are everyone else who relies on a free market in steel, such as U.S. manufacturers.” (Biden blocks Nippon Steel purchase of U.S. Steel in baseless protectionist maneuver - Competitive Enterprise Institute)

This is one more thing that President Trump can fix when he takes office. I've defended Biden on many occasions, but this was a boneheaded decision that needs to be reversed.

Japan is an ally?

Did you forget Pearl Harbor? The Bataan Death March? The Rape of Nanking? Oh, wait, you don't think those things were that bad.

My guess is, your hero Trump won't sell out the Steel Industry when he gets in. He knows it's a bad look.

He'll just say, "Biden did it".

But the USW leadership agrees with Biden.

so apparently it is good for the business agents, wise guys and other goombas hanging out at the Italian Clubs running the union.
The rank & file union workers will be hurt.
Japan is an ally?

Did you forget Pearl Harbor? The Bataan Death March? The Rape of Nanking? Oh, wait, you don't think those things were that bad.

My guess is, your hero Trump won't sell out the Steel Industry when he gets in. He knows it's a bad look.

He'll just say, "Biden did it".
LOL.....The only threat from Japan today is tentacle porn. ;)
/----/ Libs love to say that because it's true. What they don't say is why.
1. Labor laws.
2. Environmental laws.
3. Tax laws.
All of which make it near impossible for US companies to compete in the world market.

Ah, this old song again.

"If you just let us break up the unions and pollute the countryside, we promise to bring back the jobs, no, really!!!"

The Plutocrats have been singing this song for 40 years. The thoroughly fucked consumers and workers, but the jobs never came back. Imagine that.

And you stupid fucks keep falling for it.

While our middle class has been vanishing, China has elevated half a billion people into a middle class lifestyle.
Ah, this old song again.

"If you just let us break up the unions and pollute the countryside, we promise to bring back the jobs, no, really!!!"

The Plutocrats have been singing this song for 40 years. The thoroughly fucked consumers and workers, but the jobs never came back. Imagine that.

And you stupid fucks keep falling for it.

While our middle class has been vanishing, China has elevated half a billion people into a middle class lifestyle.
/——/ “Ah, this old song again.”
Prove any of it wrong. Chinese slave labor at the Apple factory earn a fraction of US minimum wage workers at McDonald’s.
Yeah, nothing has changed in 40 years, ya dope.
And what stops people from joining Unions? The Union fetherbedding and work rules are the cause of most of their problems.
Prove any of it wrong. Chinese slave labor at the Apple factory earn a fraction of US minimum wage workers at McDonald’s.
Yeah, nothing has changed in 40 years, ya dope.
And what stops people from joining Unions? The Union fetherbedding and work rules are the cause of most of their problems.

Actually a lot has changed.

you got what you wanted.

Environmental laws have been rolled back
Union membership is down to single digits

You guys completely screwed working people and didn't make their lives any better.

Meanwhile, China is eating our lunch.
Trump opposes the deal also and does not want Nippon buying US Steel.Looks like yer SOL.

Oh, that's right! I forgot that Trump has said he opposes the deal too. He's wrong. I hope he changes his mind.

I would agree with blocking such a deal if a Chinese or Russian steel company were trying to buy U.S. Steel, but I see no problem at all with Nippon Steel doing so. As I've said, most of the time I favor protectionism, but not this time.
Oh, that's right! I forgot that Trump has said he opposes the deal too. He's wrong. I hope he changes his mind.

I would agree with blocking such a deal if a Chinese or Russian steel company were trying to buy U.S. Steel, but I see no problem at all with Nippon Steel doing so. As I've said, most of the time I favor protectionism, but not this time.

The Japanese destroyed our cosumer electronics industry.
They destroyed large swathes of our auto industry.
Why do you want them to destroy our steel industry?
Actually a lot has changed.

you got what you wanted.

Environmental laws have been rolled back
Union membership is down to single digits

You guys completely screwed working people and didn't make their lives any better.

Meanwhile, China is eating our lunch.
/—-/ Why do you support slave labor in China? Do you only buy American made?
What Union do you belong to?
/—-/ Why do you support slave labor in China? Do you only buy American made?
What Union do you belong to?

I buy whatever is cheapest for me.
While I grew up in a Union Household, I was career military after HS and then transitioned to office work in the Civilian world.

China doesn't have slave labor, guy. Chinese workers make such a good living now it's no longer profitable to open a factory in China, and the big corporations are setting up factories in Vietnam.
I buy whatever is cheapest for me.
While I grew up in a Union Household, I was career military after HS and then transitioned to office work in the Civilian world.

China doesn't have slave labor, guy. Chinese workers make such a good living now it's no longer profitable to open a factory in China, and the big corporations are setting up factories in Vietnam.
/——/ That explains Chinese workers committing suicide at work. Thanks for the clarity.

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