Biden Caves to Union Bosses and Foolishly Blocks Nippon Steel Purchase of U.S. Steel

I am all for protecting U.S. industries with protectionist policies whenever doing so is justified and prudent. Eight times out of 10, I favor protectionism. However, Biden's decision to block Nippon Steel's purchase of U.S. Steel is senseless and baseless. Biden caved to pressure from union bosses to block the deal, even though the purchase would greatly benefit the steelworkers themselves and would enable U.S. Steel to better compete against China.

Biden's appeal to "national security" is absurd. We're talking about Japan, a staunch ally and a longtime enemy of China and Russia, and about a Japanese steel company that would have every motivation to sell steel to the U.S., especially since it would have a huge financial stake in American steel production. Biden's argument makes no sense. This decision has nothing to do with "national security" but with pandering to labor union bosses who fear they would lose leverage if U.S. Steel were owned by a Japanese company.

Sean Higgins of the Competitive Enterprise Institute puts it well:

“The Biden administration claims that national security concerns prompted them to halt the purchase of U.S. Steel by Nippon Steel, but the only thing they are protecting is the United Steelworkers union leverage over the domestic steel industry.

“Never mind that Nippon Steel wanted to buy U.S. Steel so it could better compete with China, which has long been accused of using its production capacity to manipulate international markets. Never mind that there was no plausible scenario in which Japan wouldn’t sell its steel to the states, especially if it owned U.S. facilities. Never mind that Nippon Steel had promised to honor U.S. Steel’s collective bargaining contracts.

“The union feared it would not have leverage over the Japanese company going forward and so it lobbied the administration hard to reject the purchase. The losers are everyone else who relies on a free market in steel, such as U.S. manufacturers.” (Biden blocks Nippon Steel purchase of U.S. Steel in baseless protectionist maneuver - Competitive Enterprise Institute)

This is one more thing that President Trump can fix when he takes office. I've defended Biden on many occasions, but this was a boneheaded decision that needs to be reversed.
Biden was against it from day one.

tRump is against it too BTW.
The fact is that a percentage of our nation is unhealthy and/or obese. If it is our own choices, then it is on ourselves. If though anything in the food and drink, we use helps that along then it needs to be told.
I believe the number considered overweight and obese is around 70%. This too is a relatively new development in the US. A few decades back the number was in the single digits.

Now watch as the establishment denigrates RFK Jr as he tries to correct the problem, and many dumb Americans will choose to believe the establishment.
I believe the number considered overweight and obese is around 70%. This too is a relatively new development in the US. A few decades back the number was in the single digits.

Now watch as the establishment denigrates RFK Jr as he tries to correct the problem, and many dumb Americans will choose to believe the establishment.

RFK is a whackjob. Even his own family says so.

Americans are fat because they eat too much and don't exercise enough.
You are right. It's much better to commit suicide in front of a Trump hotel in a rented Tesla, like a decorated Green Beret did this week.
/——-/ You’re comparing one PTSD veteran to this?
The Foxconn suicides were a spate of suicides linked to low pay and brutal working conditions at the Foxconn City industrial park in Shenzhen, China, that occurred alongside several additional suicides at various other Foxconn-owned locations and facilities in mainland China. Wikipedia
RFK is a whackjob. Even his own family says so.

Americans are fat because they eat too much and don't exercise enough.
Yeah, as I stated. Dumb Americans always believe the criminal establishment, like you for instance.
/——-/ You’re comparing one PTSD veteran to this?
The Foxconn suicides were a spate of suicides linked to low pay and brutal working conditions at the Foxconn City industrial park in Shenzhen, China, that occurred alongside several additional suicides at various other Foxconn-owned locations and facilities in mainland China. Wikipedia

Um, okay, so we are talking about how many? Maybe 20 people out of the thousands who worked there?

How many veterans have ;unalived" themselves (as the kids say these days)

Key findings on the VA’s annual National Veteran Suicide Prevention Report last year showed a slight spike between 2020 and 2021 in suicides among veterans under 45 years old. Most concerning, though, was statistics for the youngest group of veterans.

Within the report’s key findings, the VA’s data showed the 2021 reported suicide rate was highest among veterans between 18 and 34 years old, followed by those between 35 and 54.

Overall, the reported rate of suicide among veterans in 2021 was at 33.9 percent, a 1.3 percent increase from the numbers in 2020. The percentages stem from a total of 6,392 reported suicides amongst the veterans population, with 6,042 of those being men.
Biden's appeal to "national security" is absurd. We're talking about Japan, a staunch ally and a longtime enemy of China and Russia, and about a Japanese steel company that would have every motivation to sell steel to the U.S., especially since it would have a huge financial stake in American steel production.

I agree, selling them to Japan is perfectly fine.
Um, okay, so we are talking about how many? Maybe 20 people out of the thousands who worked there?

How many veterans have ;unalived" themselves (as the kids say these days)

Key findings on the VA’s annual National Veteran Suicide Prevention Report last year showed a slight spike between 2020 and 2021 in suicides among veterans under 45 years old. Most concerning, though, was statistics for the youngest group of veterans.

Within the report’s key findings, the VA’s data showed the 2021 reported suicide rate was highest among veterans between 18 and 34 years old, followed by those between 35 and 54.

Overall, the reported rate of suicide among veterans in 2021 was at 33.9 percent, a 1.3 percent increase from the numbers in 2020. The percentages stem from a total of 6,392 reported suicides amongst the veterans population, with 6,042 of those being men.
/—-/ You implied the vet killed himself because of Trump.
Yes, it's all a fucking conspiracy and you are the only one who can see.

Got it.
Thank you, but I’m not the only one with eyes to see. There are many of us, but you’re so uninformed you’ll never get it.
I guess we can look forward to large US Steel government subsidies. It's only your tax money until you cough it up.
Steel is a strategic asset

Our President was wise to protect it
Sigh. . . . Just sigh. . . . By blocking this deal, Biden is not protecting U.S. Steel but is harming it, as even U.S. Steel's management has explained repeatedly. U.S. Steel's owners have said that without this deal, U.S. Steel will have to close some plants and lay off workers. This deal would pump badly needed capital into U.S. Steel and would enable U.S. Steel to better compete against China. This would be a win-win. But the union bosses don't care--their main concern is maintaining their power.
Well, let's see.

He drove a Tesla and blew it up in front of a Trump property.

Sounds like he was sending a message.

Now some reports say he was a Trump fan during his first Blight of Office.

So who knows what is going on.
/----/ Here is Livelsberger’s message from his manifesto, which puts your "opinion" in the ash heap.

Police officials on Friday also released sections of Livelsberger’s "manifesto."

"This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake-up call" Livelsberger wrote, according to the cropped notes shared by Las Vegas police. "Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives?

"Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I've lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took,"
he wrote.

"We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are terminally ill and headed towards collapse."
Sigh. . . . Just sigh. . . . By blocking this deal, Biden is not protecting U.S. Steel but is harming it, as even U.S. Steel's management has explained repeatedly. U.S. Steel's owners have said that without this deal, U.S. Steel will have to close some plants and lay off workers. This deal would pump badly needed capital into U.S. Steel and would enable U.S. Steel to better compete against China. This would be a win-win. But the union bosses don't care--their main concern is maintaining their power.

So the bosses of US Steel want to sell us out to the Japanese because they can't manage their company properly.

David Bruit, the CEO of US Steel, had a total compensation package of 18 million last year. Kind of hard for them to plead poverty.
/----/ Here is Livelsberger’s message from his manifesto, which puts your "opinion" in the ash heap.

Police officials on Friday also released sections of Livelsberger’s "manifesto."

"This was not a terrorist attack, it was a wake-up call" Livelsberger wrote, according to the cropped notes shared by Las Vegas police. "Americans only pay attention to spectacles and violence. What better way to get my point across than a stunt with fireworks and explosives?

"Why did I personally do it now? I needed to cleanse my mind of the brothers I've lost and relieve myself of the burden of the lives I took,"
he wrote.

"We are the United States of America, the best country people to ever exist! But right now we are terminally ill and headed towards collapse."

He also said he wanted Trump to use the mi litary to arrest all Democratic officials.

So not surprisingly, this terrorist was one of yours.
He also said he wanted Trump to use the mi litary to arrest all Democratic officials.

So not surprisingly, this terrorist was one of yours.
/——/ That wasn’t in the summary I saw. Link?
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