Gunman opens fire on Minnesota Natl Guard, injuring two.


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
How nice, our guardsmen are deployed on the streets and probably ordered to never attack anyone that assaults them.

That should be the start of the civil war.

"I am relieved to know none of our Guardsmen were seriously injured," Maj. Gen. Shawn Manke, Minnesota National Guard adjutant general, said in the statement. "This event highlights the volatility and tension in our communities right now. I ask for peace as we work through this difficult time."
See, look - the senior military in charge is looking for a peace accord to avoid war.
How nice, our guardsmen are deployed on the streets and probably ordered to never attack anyone that assaults them.

Funny this happened just a few hours after Maxine Waters was in Minneapolis to stir further insurrection and sedition. There cannot be any connection between the two incidents. It's only conservatives that are the insurrectionalists.
How nice, our guardsmen are deployed on the streets and probably ordered to never attack anyone that assaults them.

Funny this happened just a few hours after Maxine Waters was in Minneapolis to stir further insurrection and sedition. There cannot be any connection between the two incidents. It's only conservatives that are the insurrectionalists.
Why hasn't Maxine been arrested yet ??
I can’t find the video I saw earlier of a black “protester” cussing out and threatening three National Guardsmen and they just stood there and did nothing. Another civilian man intervened and told the protester to fuck off. Black man put his hands on the guardsmen and they did nothing.

National guardsmen should only be deployed in these situations to shoot looters when rioting starts. They shouldn’t be standing around as targets for the radical left to attack.
Why hasn't Maxine been arrested yet ??

Same reason hitlary, obozo, Comey, Xiden Et Al haven't been.
Riding the old politician train, that still has some political clout with some American's. American's who think they are important people still, when they've proven to be unimportant, and worse tyrant's who lust after power at all cost.
I can’t find the video I saw earlier of a black “protester” cussing out and threatening three National Guardsmen and they just stood there and did nothing. Another civilian man intervened and told the protester to fuck off. Black man put his hands on the guardsmen and they did nothing.

National guardsmen should only be deployed in these situations to shoot looters when rioting starts. They shouldn’t be standing around as targets for the radical left to attack.
Makes one wonder what their orders consist of ?? That would be some interesting info. Of course it would be classified, but would be interesting to know.

Probably goes like this - If engaged, then 5 members surround the threat quickly for a group hug. That'll defuse it everytime... NOT....... LOL
How nice, our guardsmen are deployed on the streets and probably ordered to never attack anyone that assaults them.

I'd laugh my guts out if the police were hailed by the court system as hero's of the highest magnitude & George Floyd was painted as a loser deserving what he got from the police. I just want to see the lefty antifa/BLM crowd go ballistic enough that they will burn their own lefty cities to the ground!!!
Not a complete break down yet. The 1960s was worse. Lets do what we can in our small area of influence to peacefully counter the false propaganda and the violence. And those subversives who are stirring up trouble, expose them for what they are.
That should be the start of the civil war.

"I am relieved to know none of our Guardsmen were seriously injured," Maj. Gen. Shawn Manke, Minnesota National Guard adjutant general, said in the statement. "This event highlights the volatility and tension in our communities right now. I ask for peace as we work through this difficult time."
See, look - the senior military in charge is looking for a peace accord to avoid war.
I know where it goes from here. A couple of generals will come to their senses and take control of the government pulling lawless Joe and his administration from office jailing the lot of them to answer charges from sniffing hair to the sexual assault on an ant farm while in possession of a reach around. A charge Joe has already coopt a guilty plea to avoiding the sodomy on a bull dog and his conviction on two Hickmen's Egg Farm illegal employees.

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