Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7


Legally they already can not. In this particular case Rhode Island Seattle and Dallas all failed to take the appropriate steps. Further the navy was notified and failed to do anything. The laws are already on the books enforce the laws we have.

Exactly. The laws aren't being enforced.

Because the NRA doesn't want them enforced. Or strengthened.

Thank you for proving my point.

Hey, you know what, when you come home and find someone broke into your house and took your wide-screen and your computer, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock!"

Nope. You get a tougher door. You maybe get better locks on the other doors they didn't enter in through. If you are feeling really inventive, you might even put bars on the windows even though they didn't even get in that way.

That's what you'd do if you had a lick of sense.

Clearly, the gun laws in place were INADEQUATE to keep Aaron Alexis from getting a gun.

Clearly, Aaron Alexis never should have been able to BUY a gun.

I mean, this is not fucking complicated, really.

Wow, every time the NRA says we don't need more laws, we need to enforce the laws we already have, they actually mean don't enforce the laws.
Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!

I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

You can disarm the innocents on the basis of an opinion!!
The DC shooter should have been charged with his crimes.
Then he would have failed the background check.

The liberals pandering to blacks was the cause of this shooting.
If a black commits a gun crime, prosecute.
Stop holding off out of fear of being called racist.

That is the problem.
You caused it.
Stop trying to blame Bush or the NRA for all your fuck ups.

I'm glad you think crazy dangerous people should be armed. I wish you'd become the spokesman for the NRA.
Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Because it is a symptom, not the disease.

We need to deal with the factors that lead to dehumanization of urban youth in general. If we figure out how to fix that they won't go looking for answers on their own, won't end up in gangs, and the gun violence symptom will disappear.
I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

You can disarm the innocents on the basis of an opinion!!
The DC shooter should have been charged with his crimes.
Then he would have failed the background check.

The liberals pandering to blacks was the cause of this shooting.
If a black commits a gun crime, prosecute.
Stop holding off out of fear of being called racist.

That is the problem.
You caused it.
Stop trying to blame Bush or the NRA for all your fuck ups.

I'm glad you think crazy dangerous people should be armed. I wish you'd become the spokesman for the NRA.

Never said that did I, lying baby murdering terrorist traitor.
You want blacks to get away with it.
Don't want to be called racist now do you!!

Affirmitive action strikes again!!
Take responsibility for your laws.
Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.

All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Deem them dangerous on what grounds? If we give a psychiatrist the legal obligation to deem people dangerous, and they don't, who pays? What if someone needs help, but is also in real danger?

Since you haven't even thought about these questions, why do you throw out stupid ideas?
You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!

I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

Yet not a single psychiatrist thought Alexis was a danger even though he was getting treatment for depression.

Which actually proves we can't stop anything.
Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!

I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

Yet not a single psychiatrist thought Alexis was a danger even though he was getting treatment for depression.

Which actually proves we can't stop anything.

Whether they did or not they couldn't have done anything.
All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Deem them dangerous on what grounds? If we give a psychiatrist the legal obligation to deem people dangerous, and they don't, who pays? What if someone needs help, but is also in real danger?

Since you haven't even thought about these questions, why do you throw out stupid ideas?

How about threatening the psychologist? That seems like a pretty good ground.
Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Because it is a symptom, not the disease.

We need to deal with the factors that lead to dehumanization of urban youth in general. If we figure out how to fix that they won't go looking for answers on their own, won't end up in gangs, and the gun violence symptom will disappear.

Income inequality is the clear cause of high crime, we should fix that right?
I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

Yet not a single psychiatrist thought Alexis was a danger even though he was getting treatment for depression.

Which actually proves we can't stop anything.

Whether they did or not they couldn't have done anything.

He was getting treatment from the VA for depression, they had some pretty powerful options if they thought he was a danger. They might not have worked, but they were there.
You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Deem them dangerous on what grounds? If we give a psychiatrist the legal obligation to deem people dangerous, and they don't, who pays? What if someone needs help, but is also in real danger?

Since you haven't even thought about these questions, why do you throw out stupid ideas?

How about threatening the psychologist? That seems like a pretty good ground.

How about learning to think?
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Because it is a symptom, not the disease.

We need to deal with the factors that lead to dehumanization of urban youth in general. If we figure out how to fix that they won't go looking for answers on their own, won't end up in gangs, and the gun violence symptom will disappear.

Income inequality is the clear cause of high crime, we should fix that right?

Income equality does not cause crime. If it did, poor rural areas would be hotbeds of crime and rich cities would be peaceful.
Deem them dangerous on what grounds? If we give a psychiatrist the legal obligation to deem people dangerous, and they don't, who pays? What if someone needs help, but is also in real danger?

Since you haven't even thought about these questions, why do you throw out stupid ideas?

How about threatening the psychologist? That seems like a pretty good ground.

How about learning to think?

Oh right, you have no interest in saving lives, just selling guns. I forgot.
Because it is a symptom, not the disease.

We need to deal with the factors that lead to dehumanization of urban youth in general. If we figure out how to fix that they won't go looking for answers on their own, won't end up in gangs, and the gun violence symptom will disappear.

Income inequality is the clear cause of high crime, we should fix that right?

Income equality does not cause crime. If it did, poor rural areas would be hotbeds of crime and rich cities would be peaceful.

I guess if you ignore all the studies and statistics.

Yet there are 3 accomplices on trial right now .
A Dominican, a Chechen and a kazak, as well as Dzhokar.

Those guys weren't terrorists, and if we treat them as terrorists, shame on us. THey were three college kids who showed very bad judgment when their friend was accused of something.

We know Dzhokar was educated at Cambridge syringe and Latin academy, as was his long term liberal school mate, from the Dominican republic.
They had one gun.
One illegal gun.

That's gun love in your books ?

Yeah, if you have one gun and shoot cops with it, you're a gun nut. Or as the NRA likes to say, "Living the Dream!"

Ah well .
Nice to have proven your lies again !!
Off to work in your third minimum wage job, loser?
Pay your debts , waster, pay your debts.
I will be going to lunch at number 9!!

First, I never bet you anything.

Secondly, unless they serve shit sandwiches, I don't care where you eat.
Because it is a symptom, not the disease.

We need to deal with the factors that lead to dehumanization of urban youth in general. If we figure out how to fix that they won't go looking for answers on their own, won't end up in gangs, and the gun violence symptom will disappear.

Income inequality is the clear cause of high crime, we should fix that right?

Income equality does not cause crime. If it did, poor rural areas would be hotbeds of crime and rich cities would be peaceful.

Not true and you know it.

And, yeah, I have to go to my second job at nine today.

But I can make fun you you for a little while longer.

The problem with your "logic" here is that you use the term "mass shooting" as a standard, when that could mean as few as two people being killed.

When we are talking about REAL mass murders like Columbine or Aurora or Sandy Hook, (See, just saying the NAMES tells folks what I'm talking about with no further explanation) then the UK has had very, very few of those.

Only three "Mass shootings" in the double digits in the last 16 years.

We've had that many in the last year or so.

The fact is, the UK only has about 600 murders a year, and they only lock up about 78,000 people.

We have 16,000 murders a year and have to lock up 2 million people.

Real, raw numbers. And we're doing it wrong.

Before gun ban , 1 mass shooting in the uk( according to UK interpretation ) every 8.8 years for an 88 year period .
After the gun ban 14 mass shootings in 16 years.( mass shooting using the same criteria).
10 times more mass shootings since the gun ban was enacted.

Keep arguing apples and bananas but those numbers are there for all to see .
You refuse to touch them because they are in convienient to your fanatical dogma.

thanks Paul

that is a startling set of statistics on the UK gun ban

Which is RUBBISH by the way.....
Then freakoutnation rushes to support him:

Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little issued the following statement regarding Guth:
“In order to prevent disruptions to the learning environment for students, the School of Journalism and the university, I have directed Provost Jeffrey Vitter to place Associate Professor Guth on indefinite administrative leave pending a review of the entire situation. Professor Guth’s classes will be taught by other faculty members.”
Most of us can understand the university’s position, but Guth is correct in that if Wayne LaPierre’s children — if he has any — were shot down in Newtown, Connecticut, he would likely see things more clearly, from the eyes of a victim’s family."

I don't know why anyone is surprised that it's considered normal for progressives to wish death upon the children of their political opponents. It's just a tiny glimmer of what we'll get if they ever are allowed to gain complete control.

I have received thousands of death threats from these fanatics.
They have threatened to murder and rape my kids , force me to watch as they rape my wife.
Banning guns would sure help them overcome their fear.

Idiots don't realize, I don't use a firearm for personal defense in my US residences.

Nothing of what you say is real or legitimate,you have received NO threats to your family...I know this because YOU are Mentally Unhinged and a Liar.

The best thing you should do is SHUT YOUR STUPID NRA BULLSHIT MOUTH:cuckoo:
I am willing to make a reasonable compromise, like tighter checks for mental health, but the other side wants to take away everyone's guns, not just the wacko nutjobs.

Soooooooooo You think you are normal....self delusion is such a wonderful mindset,for a Windbag like you......aka the fool:cuckoo: aka Mentally Gun MAD.:eek::eek:

Ranting anti American hate , we get it.
You don't live in America, you have no right to force your hatful opinions on the great people of this great nation.

O dear all this anti-america Spew You Wail when you are cornered and beaten.....and your statement above exposes more about you and the mentality of your fellow(well some)Americans........which is :- YOU THINK EVERYONE HATES YOU,YOU COWER UNDER YOUR FLAG,THIS IS SO AWFUL TO SEE....BECAUSE THE FLAG REPRESENTS REAL AMERICANS....not little creeps like you and you possee.

As a nation you have been at WAR with someone every year since the end of your own civil WAR,you are introverted,that is why you carry a GUN....for supposed strenght,to bolster your weak mentality.

Open your mind and accept love and understand.....NO ONE(OR COUNTRY) IS AN ISLAND,NO ONE STANDS stop thinking you DO.......GET RID of the GUNS and FREE YOUR NEGATIVE MINDS........IT'S KILLING YOU.

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