Gunman at DC Navy Yard shoots at least 7

Obviously we need to put something in regarding mental health. If a psychologist is worried someone is dangerous they should be able to put that person on a no gun buy list.

Well it's currently not that hard to get around background checks. Even if they had stopped him he could have bought a gun from a neighbor with no background check.

Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Law abiding citizens owning guns is not a public safety issue.
Lock up a few of your beloved criminals to make things safer.
Even if they are black gang banger criminals with a very convienient race card!!
Higher welfare areas are also high gun crime areas.
Stop welfare, tire the savages out at work , they won't have the energy to murder each other!
That's on hell of a stretch! Back it up! I'm not a liar as much as you are patently ignorant. Prove your point, or accept the fact that you have no business writing about something you have no knowledge of.

What I said was the NRA crafted legislation that bans money for studies about gun violence. Well, more to the point, the studies could be conducted, but there was no money for publishing them.
Poorly argued as usual. Are you a Conservative by choice, or did they recruit you for your wisdom and rhetorical acumen?

I have no political affiliation.

I'm not an NRA member.

You are still a traitor, a terrorist and a liberal intent on killing my kids because I disagree with your insanity.
Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Law abiding citizens owning guns is not a public safety issue.
Lock up a few of your beloved criminals to make things safer.
Even if they are black gang banger criminals with a very convienient race card!!
Higher welfare areas are also high gun crime areas.
Stop welfare, tire the savages out at work , they won't have the energy to murder each other!
I'll ask it yet again: Is gun VIOLENCE a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Now, before you type, think. I'll wait.
Poorly argued as usual. Are you a Conservative by choice, or did they recruit you for your wisdom and rhetorical acumen?

I have no political affiliation.

I'm not an NRA member.

You are still a traitor, a terrorist and a liberal intent on killing my kids because I disagree with your insanity.
Ah! Yes! you are wise! You have divined an answer that is logically unassailable. Crafted with deep thought, facts and impeccable literary mastery. I AM indeed a traitor! I am a terrorist! I am indeed insane! And, most importantly, my intent is to kill your children!

And you alone were able to glean that truth out of what I posted! Remarkable! Why, with your skills, I'd be a fool to continue to argue against you! You made more sense in that last sentence than Pope, Locke, Paine, Aristotle and De Tocqueville did in volumes of thoughtful discourse!

Well done! Well reasoned! Well argued! Fox News should be beating down your door with million dollar offers to be one of their premiere commentators.
Poorly argued as usual. Are you a Conservative by choice, or did they recruit you for your wisdom and rhetorical acumen?

I have no political affiliation.

I'm not an NRA member.

You are still a traitor, a terrorist and a liberal intent on killing my kids because I disagree with your insanity.
Ah! Yes! you are wise! You have divined an answer that is logically unassailable. Crafted with deep thought, facts and impeccable literary mastery. I AM indeed a traitor! I am a terrorist! I am indeed insane! And, most importantly, my intent is to kill your children!

And you alone were able to glean that truth out of what I posted! Remarkable! Why, with your skills, I'd be a fool to continue to argue against you! You made more sense in that last sentence than Pope, Locke, Paine, Aristotle and De Tocqueville did in volumes of thoughtful discourse!

Well done! Well reasoned! Well argued! Fox News should be beating down your door with million dollar offers to be one of their premiere commentators.


You are a liberal right?
Given exactly what you just posted.
Back at cha.
Fox fox , NRA , fox fox blame Bush ok!!
That cover it for you ?
Punish people because they are ill?
Apply punishment without due process?
Apply punishment for something they might do?

Dosen't sound very American to me!!

Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.

All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.
In your opinion, is gun violence a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Law abiding citizens owning guns is not a public safety issue.
Lock up a few of your beloved criminals to make things safer.
Even if they are black gang banger criminals with a very convienient race card!!
Higher welfare areas are also high gun crime areas.
Stop welfare, tire the savages out at work , they won't have the energy to murder each other!
I'll ask it yet again: Is gun VIOLENCE a public safety issue? If not, why not?

Now, before you type, think. I'll wait.

Gun violence is not always a public safety issue .
Sometimes violence, with or without a gun is essential.
When a passer by shoots a crazed knifeman who is busy hacking a DR to death, that is very technically gun violence.

The second amendment and gun crime are two seperate issues.
Your question is an act of entrapment.
If I said it was a public safety issue you would then ask why I was opposed to ending it.
If I said no , you would declare that I was insane.
Trick questions are more dishonesty.
Gun ownership and gun violence are not linked.
Seperate the two, then ask a sensible question.
Lawfull gun violence is used thousands of times a day to protect life.
Why do you murderous fanatics always ignore that?

Oh I forgot, then you couldn't terrorize lawful gun owners by threatening to murder their children.
Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.

All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!
All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!

I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.
If the gun is stolen you report it to the police and then your clear. Of course if you seem to have too many guns stolen then there is a problem. Now people can't just sell guns to criminals.

It is a crime to sell a gun to a criminal even if you are a private citizen, but you want to make people who don't break the law into criminals if they are the victim of a crime.

If they are a victim of a crime that could potentially hurt other people, then they are 'accessories after the fact"

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

Psychologists are infallible?
Psychology and psychiatry are more art than science.
A human opinion?
No due process?

Not very American.

But then, you are a traitor!!

I said a temporary stop to buying guns while they get put in front of a judge. Gosh you are slow.
So when we have a clear case like this:

Documents: Psychiatrist Warned Alleged Colorado Theater Shooter Was Threat : The Two-Way : NPR

We can actually stop the shooting.

You can disarm the innocents on the basis of an opinion!!
The DC shooter should have been charged with his crimes.
Then he would have failed the background check.

The liberals pandering to blacks was the cause of this shooting.
If a black commits a gun crime, prosecute.
Stop holding off out of fear of being called racist.

That is the problem.
You caused it.
Stop trying to blame Bush or the NRA for all your fuck ups.
The best and most practical method of gun control us tge excellent systems we have in place already.
We have extensive background checks on application for the license.
A 5 day waiting period, with further background checks.
Limits on the weapons that may be purchased by different groups.
Different types of licenses.
It's a long and arduous process to purchase a rifle or a shotgun, longer again to buy a handgun.
That's before we even get into the costs involved, safety courses, fees, more fees and then the purchase price of the weapon!!
The costs associated with buying a shotgun are more than the price of the shotgun.
Then the time limits on licenses.
It is actually easier to buy a shotgun in the UK!!

Except that's not what happened here.

What happened here was that Aaron Alexis walked into a VA gun store, and they let him walk out with a gun with no background check.

A background check would have found out he was involved in at least two previous incidents involving guns. Guns that must have been taken away from him or he would have still had them.

A background check would have found that he had reported "hearing voices".

I'm reasonably sure he didn't take any safety courses, either.

Even the scum sucking pigs admit he passed a background check.

How Aaron Alexis Passed a Background Check and Bought a Gun | Josh Horwitz

You make you a scum sucking pig anti gun nut pigs look reasonable, and shows why no one with a brain believes anything you say.
One more time, Double Wide.

14 mass shooting in 16 years is a HELL of a lot better than 14 mass shootings a YEAR, which is what we tend to have.

Lying again?

There have been less than 100 mass shootings in the US in the last 30 years, which is less than 4 a year.

The article I pointed out cited a total of 20 for JUST 2012.

Of course, it depends where you count "Mass Shootings". Double Wide wanted to count them as any number more than 1.

If that is the case, then, yeah, we have a lot more.

If you want to use a higher body count, like double digits, then, yeah, we STILL have more.

You just claimed that Alexis was sold a gun without a background check, and now you claim there were 20 mass shootings last year.

You also claim I am crazy.

He was never convicted of a crime.

Let me repeat that, he was never convicted of a crime.

I really can't say it enough, he was never convicted of a crime.

You can whine about background checks all day long, but he passed a federal background check, and a more stringent background check in Virginia, because he was never convicted of a crime.

By the way, he did not get a medical discharge from the Navy, he got an honorable discharge, which, once again, means he was never convicted of a crime.

The problem I see here is that he was never convicted of a crime, not that the background checks didn't work. They actually worked perfectly because he was never convicted of a crime.

Yet, for some reason, you blame the gun nuts even though he illegally modified the shotgun he bought the day before because he was never convicted of a crime.

Why should that be a standard?

Frankly, the incidents were serious enough to get his guns confiscated in the previous incidents.

the problem with you guys is that you claim to say, "Well, we did a background check, good enough", when the media was able to find out IN ONE DAY, that this guy never, ever should have been sold a gun.

Because here's the dirty little secret. The gun industry doesn't WANT effective background checks. They want bad guys to have guns. Because if bad guys have guns, everyone else will piss themselves and want them, too. It's like selling weapons to both sides in a war.

Again, simple enough solution. Hold gun manufacturers and gun sellers liable for gun violence. Betcha they'll find a way to do serious background check then.

What should be the standard? No one gets to buy a gun?
Not letting them buy a gun to kill innocent people is ok with me. I guess the right prefers they can buy a gun and kill innocent people.

All guns purchased by a depressed person are used to kill innocents?

Care to show the evidence to support that bullshit sack of shit lie?

You are such a great example of a gun nut. I love it. I'm surprised some of the other pro gun people don't try to shut you up. haha

I clearly said that a psychologist would have to deem them dangerous. Does a psychologist deem every depressed person dangerous? I doubt it.

I'm a gun nut?
I've already mentioned several times that I don't give a shit about guns.
I don't like shooting them.
A gun nut is a person who Doesn't like guns and dislikes firing them.
Ok , now we see your standard.
A racist would then be a person who is in no way racist then?
The best and most practical method of gun control us tge excellent systems we have in place already.
We have extensive background checks on application for the license.
A 5 day waiting period, with further background checks.
Limits on the weapons that may be purchased by different groups.
Different types of licenses.
It's a long and arduous process to purchase a rifle or a shotgun, longer again to buy a handgun.
That's before we even get into the costs involved, safety courses, fees, more fees and then the purchase price of the weapon!!
The costs associated with buying a shotgun are more than the price of the shotgun.
Then the time limits on licenses.
It is actually easier to buy a shotgun in the UK!!

Except that's not what happened here.

What happened here was that Aaron Alexis walked into a VA gun store, and they let him walk out with a gun with no background check.

A background check would have found out he was involved in at least two previous incidents involving guns. Guns that must have been taken away from him or he would have still had them.

A background check would have found that he had reported "hearing voices".

I'm reasonably sure he didn't take any safety courses, either.

He passed the background check needed for a shotgun purchase.
Failed the requirements for other weapons.

There was a background check.

A background check was completed.

No background check for buying a shotgun in the UK.
The UK !!
Your liberal utopia.

Takes 5 mins to fill in the forms, 5 mins for an inspector to authorize it( photographs of gun locker and seperated ammunition storage required).
Then a walk to the gun shop , choose your gun, buy it, have it sized and adjusted, pick it up.
You could get your cirtificate on Saturday morning and be in possession of the shotgun at lunchtime.

Did I mention, he passed a background check?

The only thing he could not purchase was a pistol, and that was not because he failed a background check, it was because Virginia law does not allow a non resident to purchase a pistol.

This is why we need to add more to backgrounds checks. We should make it possible for a psychologist to put somebody who seems crazy and potentially dangerous on a no gun buy list. At least for some time period until the person can be further examined and these details brought to a judge. Of course since all sales don't need a background check we also have to fix that.

We don't let doctors put people on lists that restrict their freedom because we use something called due process. I would explain it to you, but you would need a working brain to comprehend it.

So a doctor should just let the guy who is crazy walk out of his office and buy a gun.

Yeah, that makes sense, because, you know, "Freedom".

So a doctor, without ever seeing a person, could just take away their rights because you want tyranny.

He was never convicted of a crime.

Let me repeat that, he was never convicted of a crime.

I really can't say it enough, he was never convicted of a crime.

You can whine about background checks all day long, but he passed a federal background check, and a more stringent background check in Virginia, because he was never convicted of a crime.

By the way, he did not get a medical discharge from the Navy, he got an honorable discharge, which, once again, means he was never convicted of a crime.

The problem I see here is that he was never convicted of a crime, not that the background checks didn't work. They actually worked perfectly because he was never convicted of a crime.

Yet, for some reason, you blame the gun nuts even though he illegally modified the shotgun he bought the day before because he was never convicted of a crime.

Why should that be a standard?

Frankly, the incidents were serious enough to get his guns confiscated in the previous incidents.

the problem with you guys is that you claim to say, "Well, we did a background check, good enough", when the media was able to find out IN ONE DAY, that this guy never, ever should have been sold a gun.

Because here's the dirty little secret. The gun industry doesn't WANT effective background checks. They want bad guys to have guns. Because if bad guys have guns, everyone else will piss themselves and want them, too. It's like selling weapons to both sides in a war.

Again, simple enough solution. Hold gun manufacturers and gun sellers liable for gun violence. Betcha they'll find a way to do serious background check then.

What should be the standard? No one gets to buy a gun?

That's their hope!!
Exept criminals, they can have guns , and all their victims will be unarmed!!
Happy criminals=happy liberals!!
The criminals could kill out children on the behalf of the libs!!
Now I see it!!

He passed the background check needed for a shotgun purchase.
Failed the requirements for other weapons.

Did I mention, he passed a background check?

I just want to point out this stupidity.

If he FAILED the requirements for OTHER WEAPONS, he shouldn't have EVER been allowed to get ANY WEAPON.

Jesus H. FUcking Christ, talking to you gun nuts is like talking to people who live in an alternative reality.

I mean, I really, really don't know what to say here.

One more time, he didn't fail anything. Virginia law prohibits non residents from buying a pistol, probably because DC whinged to them about people buying a pistol there and then using it to defend themselves from the gangs that rule the city. He did not fail a background check.
Except that's not what happened here.

What happened here was that Aaron Alexis walked into a VA gun store, and they let him walk out with a gun with no background check.

A background check would have found out he was involved in at least two previous incidents involving guns. Guns that must have been taken away from him or he would have still had them.

A background check would have found that he had reported "hearing voices

I'm reasonably sure he didn't take any safety courses, either.

He passed the background check needed for a shotgun purchase.
Failed the requirements for other weapons.

There was a background check.

A background check was completed.

No background check for buying a shotgun in the UK.
The UK !!
Your liberal utopia.

Takes 5 mins to fill in the forms, 5 mins for an inspector to authorize it( photographs of gun locker and seperated ammunition storage required).
Then a walk to the gun shop , choose your gun, buy it, have it sized and adjusted, pick it up.
You could get your cirtificate on Saturday morning and be in possession of the shotgun at lunchtime.

Did I mention, he passed a background check?

The only thing he could not purchase was a pistol, and that was not because he failed a background check, it was because Virginia law does not allow a non
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