Gun use surging in Europe!

Bout time. Their Governments disarmed them for their own safety. Morons. I'd bet many would like to have a gun.

They have death cult members all over Europe and I'm sure the one hundred dead in Paris would have loved to have had guns to fight back with.
Women, fearing rape, and violence from MUSLIM REFUGEES are arming themselves. GOOD!!!
Use of guns in Europe waaaaay up over past several years. Well doy....people cant protect themselves when you have open borders. Who couldnt see this coming except the hopelessly duped Disney crowd!

Gun Use Surges in Europe, Where Firearms Are Rare

Thank God people in America aren't suckers like Europeans!

You give us too much credit. Look how many fools here not only willingly accept the current infringements on our rights; but clamor for more...

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