Gun sales on track for record year as FBI does 16 million background checks so far in 2021

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Federal firearm background checks have continued to climb in 2021, nearing 16 million in the first fourth months alone and marking a 30 percent increase from the same period last year. The increase in background checks suggests the United States is on track for another record year of gun sales.

According to FBI statistics, 4,317,804 background checks were conducted in January, 3,442,777 in February, 4,691,738 in March, and 3,514,070 in April — totaling 15,966,389 in the first four months of 2021.

The number of background checks performed does not necessarily equal the number of firearms purchased in instances where a background check is not required, or multiple firearms are purchased at one time. However, the increase in checks shows that sales are also increasing.

CBS Miami reported that Clay Ausley, owner of Fuquay Gun and Gold in North Carolina, said he is busier now than he has ever been in his 17 years of selling guns.

“Every time a stimulus check hits, the lines go around the corner,” Ausley told the outlet. “There’s a tremendous amount of people still buying firearms for home defense this year. Also, a ton of interest in concealed-carry classes and in concealed-carry firearms this year.”

Ausley said that concerns about future gun control legislation from President Joe Biden’s administration is contributing to the surge in firearms sales.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Ammo availability seems to be opening up a little. Prices are still high but name brand ammo is becoming available again. The manufacturers are starting to catch up.
Also, a ton of interest in concealed-carry classes and in concealed-carry firearms this year.”
With the rise in home security cameras, home invasions are much more rare these days, When a person is normally most at risk is alone in their vehicle. You, your wife or daughter could get mugged in any Walmart parking lot, or restaurant, hotel, Interstate rest area.... any time of day or night .
Also, a ton of interest in concealed-carry classes and in concealed-carry firearms this year.”
With the rise in home security cameras, home invasions are much more rare these days, When a person is normally most at risk is alone in their vehicle. You, your wife or daughter could get mugged in any Walmart parking lot, or restaurant, hotel, Interstate rest area.... any time of day or night .
You don't get HIGH REWARDS for a mugging usually, but most jewelry and big cash are stocked away in your home!
Federal firearm background checks have continued to climb in 2021, nearing 16 million in the first fourth months alone and marking a 30 percent increase from the same period last year. The increase in background checks suggests the United States is on track for another record year of gun sales.

According to FBI statistics, 4,317,804 background checks were conducted in January, 3,442,777 in February, 4,691,738 in March, and 3,514,070 in April — totaling 15,966,389 in the first four months of 2021.

The number of background checks performed does not necessarily equal the number of firearms purchased in instances where a background check is not required, or multiple firearms are purchased at one time. However, the increase in checks shows that sales are also increasing.

CBS Miami reported that Clay Ausley, owner of Fuquay Gun and Gold in North Carolina, said he is busier now than he has ever been in his 17 years of selling guns.

“Every time a stimulus check hits, the lines go around the corner,” Ausley told the outlet. “There’s a tremendous amount of people still buying firearms for home defense this year. Also, a ton of interest in concealed-carry classes and in concealed-carry firearms this year.”

Ausley said that concerns about future gun control legislation from President Joe Biden’s administration is contributing to the surge in firearms sales.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Ammo availability seems to be opening up a little. Prices are still high but name brand ammo is becoming available again. The manufacturers are starting to catch up.

Great news! It's also good to see that violent crime is way, way up in places that elected anti-law enforcement DemoKKKrats and pursued "defund the police" strategies (Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, etc.). People are finally getting consequences for their shitty decisions, and they deserve them!
Joe Dufus may surpass the Worthless Negro in being the all time best seller of firearms.
Also, a ton of interest in concealed-carry classes and in concealed-carry firearms this year.”
With the rise in home security cameras, home invasions are much more rare these days, When a person is normally most at risk is alone in their vehicle. You, your wife or daughter could get mugged in any Walmart parking lot, or restaurant, hotel, Interstate rest area.... any time of day or night .
It's the rise the Castle Doctrine that has shut down home invasions.
Great news! It's also good to see that violent crime is way, way up in places that elected anti-law enforcement DemoKKKrats and pursued "defund the police" strategies (Portland, Minneapolis, Chicago, New York, etc.). People are finally getting consequences for their shitty decisions, and they deserve them!
Too bad everyone will suffer, not just the anti law people.
Ausley said that concerns about future gun control legislation from President Joe Biden’s administration is contributing to the surge in firearms sales.
Concerns exhibiting the ignorance and stupidity of those who believe such ridiculous lies.

Obviously conservatives didn’t pay attention during civics class, or dropped out before the class was required.

The Executive Branch doesn’t enact legislation; that’s the sole purview of Congress, the Legislative Branch.

President Biden’s position on guns is irrelevant – he has neither the power nor authority to take any action concerning the regulation of firearms.

“But Biden could regulate guns through executive orders.”


Any such order would lack the authority of law and would be enjoined by the courts – eventually invalidated by the Supreme Court.

As was the case with President Obama, lies about President Biden and future gun control ‘legislation’ is more dishonesty and fearmongering by the reprehensible right.
Ammo availability seems to be opening up a little. Prices are still high but name brand ammo is becoming available again. The manufacturers are starting to catch up.
Conservatives have tried to advance the ‘argument’ that increased gun sales has contributed to the shortage of ammunition.

Here’s the problem with that:

A new gun owner buys either a Glock or Taurus because he doesn’t know any better and that’s what the FFL is pushing; the Taurus is for customers who don’t want to spend much on a gun.

The new gun owner takes his gun and 50 rounds of ammunition to the range and shoots maybe two magazines – he hits the target (which is at stabbing distance) perhaps twice.

Realizing that shooting a semi-auto pistol is harder than it seems in the movies, he resolves to ‘someday’ take a shooting class and goes home.

Once home he puts the cable lock on the gun and stores the gun and ammunition on the top shelf in the hall closet – never to be touched again.

The notion that every new gun owner becomes an avid shooter going to the range every weekend buying and shooting hundreds of rounds of ammunition and contributing to the shortage is clearly a myth.
Conservatives have tried to advance the ‘argument’ that increased gun sales has contributed to the shortage of ammunition.
Here’s the problem with that:
The notion that every new gun owner becomes an avid shooter going to the range every weekend buying and shooting hundreds of rounds of ammunition and contributing to the shortage is clearly a myth.
Fallacy: Straw Man
Care to try again?
As was the case with President Obama, lies about President Biden and future gun control ‘legislation’ is more dishonesty and fearmongering by the reprehensible right.
This is a lie.
Democrats are more than happy to tell gun owners they want to lay any number of unnecessary and ineffective restrcitions on their right to keep and bear arms; taking them at their word and acting accordingly can only be "dishonesty" and "fearmongering" if gun owners should reasonably know the Democrats are lying about what they want to do.
Are Democrats lying, or are you?
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Conservatives have tried to advance the ‘argument’ that increased gun sales has contributed to the shortage of ammunition.

Here’s the problem with that:

A new gun owner buys either a Glock or Taurus because he doesn’t know any better and that’s what the FFL is pushing; the Taurus is for customers who don’t want to spend much on a gun.

The new gun owner takes his gun and 50 rounds of ammunition to the range and shoots maybe two magazines – he hits the target (which is at stabbing distance) perhaps twice.

Realizing that shooting a semi-auto pistol is harder than it seems in the movies, he resolves to ‘someday’ take a shooting class and goes home.

Once home he puts the cable lock on the gun and stores the gun and ammunition on the top shelf in the hall closet – never to be touched again.

The notion that every new gun owner becomes an avid shooter going to the range every weekend buying and shooting hundreds of rounds of ammunition and contributing to the shortage is clearly a myth.

It sounds to me like you don't know many gun owners.

People who have never owned a gun before usually bring along somebody who does. After the purchase they both go out shooting so the experienced shooter can teach the new gun owner family or friend. 50 rounds? Anybody can go through 50 rounds in less than five minutes or sooner.

Step back from the new gun purchaser to an experienced gun owner. A new gun to a gun enthusiast is like a new Gibson Les Paul to an experienced guitarist. He's not going to purchase that new guitar and play it for five minutes. He'll play it for hours on the first day and likely every day that week. It's the same thing with a gun enthusiast.

While we can't document what people do during a gun and ammo run, what we do know is that it's caused by anti-gun rhetoric from the Democrat party. Ever read Biden's plans for guns when he was running for President? I suggest you dig it up and read it.
That's why Bidens vax mandate is illegal
For eight years the dishonest right lied about President Obama ‘banning’ and ‘confiscating’ guns.

When President Obama left office after eight years, not one Federal firearm measure was enacted that ‘banned’ guns or authorized their ‘confiscation.’

The dishonest right is doing the same thing with President Biden in office: lying about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated.’

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