Gun rights group demands democrats disarm guards at their Nominating Convention

Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Why would the GOP decide to hold its convention in a gun free zone? Are they crazy? They'll be sitting ducks!

They are providing 50 million dollars worth of armed security, I wouldn't call that a gun free zone. I answered your questions, now answer mine.
I suppose I could walk into your Republican congressman's local office with a gun too. Not sure why I'd want to though.
Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Gee, do you suppose the secret service and convention center may have made the same determination regarding the Democratic convention? But nutters only care about the Dems? Why would you feel the need to carry guns to see your local congresscritter? You want to shoot him? You worried he'll shoot you? Do you live in the wild west or something?
In Texas, we have adult leadership with common sense.
Like with G.W. Bush? Darth Cheney? Booger Cruz? Not too sure about the common sense part there Tex. Ah, Texass, where men are men and the cattle run scared...
wow are you old enough to vote? you don't act it.
sheesh brainwashed with talking points
You're one to talk about being brainwashed with talking points. Yeah, I'm an old fart and I'm just here to have some fun. Lighten up. No one is going to take your guns away.
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Gee, do you suppose the secret service and convention center may have made the same determination regarding the Democratic convention? But nutters only care about the Dems? Why would you feel the need to carry guns to see your local congresscritter? You want to shoot him? You worried he'll shoot you? Do you live in the wild west or something?

The DNC doesn't need to spend the money to hire armed security if they really think guns are sooooooooo bad. They can hire security monitors, so they can tell a cop if something goes wrong. Also, my congressman doesn't believe in treating constituents that wish to exercise their 2nd rights as second class citizens. He keeps his local offices away from federal buildings for that very purpose. And how, when or why I chose to carry is none of your business, I have a right to do it, that's all you need to know.
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

You're confused AND lying.

As usual.

1. Its not the prez who decides.
2. The GOP is not allowing guns in their convention.
Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Why would the GOP decide to hold its convention in a gun free zone? Are they crazy? They'll be sitting ducks!

They are providing 50 million dollars worth of armed security, I wouldn't call that a gun free zone. I answered your questions, now answer mine.
I suppose I could walk into your Republican congressman's local office with a gun too. Not sure why I'd want to though.

Yep, you could.
Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Gee, do you suppose the secret service and convention center may have made the same determination regarding the Democratic convention? But nutters only care about the Dems? Why would you feel the need to carry guns to see your local congresscritter? You want to shoot him? You worried he'll shoot you? Do you live in the wild west or something?
In Texas, we have adult leadership with common sense.
Like with G.W. Bush? Darth Cheney? Booger Cruz? Not too sure about the common sense part there Tex. Ah, Texass, where men are men and the cattle run scared...
wow are you old enough to vote? you don't act it.
sheesh brainwashed with talking points
You're one to talk about being brainwashed with talking points. Yeah, I'm an old fart and I'm just here to have some fun. Lighten up. No one is going to take your guns away.
You're telling me to lighten up. my gawd do you read any of your postings before you post them? sheesh
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Why would the GOP decide to hold its convention in a gun free zone? Are they crazy? They'll be sitting ducks!

They are providing 50 million dollars worth of armed security, I wouldn't call that a gun free zone. I answered your questions, now answer mine.

You idiots still don't get that gun free zones do not preclude authorized armed security.

Why is that too difficult for you to comprehend?
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?
Gee, do you suppose the secret service and convention center may have made the same determination regarding the Democratic convention? But nutters only care about the Dems? Why would you feel the need to carry guns to see your local congresscritter? You want to shoot him? You worried he'll shoot you? Do you live in the wild west or something?
In Texas, we have adult leadership with common sense.
Like with G.W. Bush? Darth Cheney? Booger Cruz? Not too sure about the common sense part there Tex. Ah, Texass, where men are men and the cattle run scared...
wow are you old enough to vote? you don't act it.
sheesh brainwashed with talking points
You're one to talk about being brainwashed with talking points. Yeah, I'm an old fart and I'm just here to have some fun. Lighten up. No one is going to take your guns away.
You're telling me to lighten up. my gawd do you read any of your postings before you post them? sheesh
Sure. They are each checked for spelling, punctuation, facts, humor, etc. They each have the Borillar seal of approval. Do you check your posts? They all seem to be mostly hysteria and ODS.
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?
It only matters if a Democrat does something. Republicans get a free pass. And this whole meme of Obama wanting to take away all your guns is bullshit. He hasn't taken away anything. If anything, he has expanded gun rights. People now can take guns into national parks where they couldn't before. Amtrak passengers can carry guns in checked baggage now.
He's taken guns away from over 200,000 veterans through the VA.

Senator: VA Denying Vets Their Constitutional Rights | Veterans Today
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Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......

So? I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns?

A lot of people seem to call them hypocrites without citing the hypocritical action
Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......

So? I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns?

A lot of people seem to call them hypocrites without citing the hypocritical action

I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns? I don't think there is enough bandwidth on the internet to fully document how many democrats have bitched about gun ownership.
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Group Calls Dems to Practice What They Preach, Disarm Guards at Convention - Breitbart

april 6 2016 On April 6, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) issued a press release calling on the Democratic Party to practice what they preach and disarm guards and security at the upcoming Democratic Convention.

According to the release, the CCRKBA wants “Democrats to gather at the Wells Fargo Center without the protection of armed police, Secret Service, or private security personnel.” In other words, to gather in the same kind of gun-free zone the Democratic Party keeps in place for kids and teachers in elementary schools across the country.

CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said:

Democrats have become known as the party of gun control. Virtually all recent gun control proposals at the federal and state levels have been launched and championed by Democrats. It’s time for the party to “put up or shut up” about guns. The best way to do that is to forsake armed security during the convention.

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?
It only matters if a Democrat does something. Republicans get a free pass. And this whole meme of Obama wanting to take away all your guns is bullshit. He hasn't taken away anything. If anything, he has expanded gun rights. People now can take guns into national parks where they couldn't before. Amtrak passengers can carry guns in checked baggage now.
He's taken guns away from over 200,000 veterans through the VA.

Senator: VA Denying Vets Their Constitutional Rights | Veterans Today

Are veterans special?
Obozo will have armed bodyguards protecting him the rest of his life. But he doesn't want you to have guns

Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Why would the GOP decide to hold its convention in a gun free zone? Are they crazy? They'll be sitting ducks!

They are providing 50 million dollars worth of armed security, I wouldn't call that a gun free zone. I answered your questions, now answer mine.

You idiots still don't get that gun free zones do not preclude authorized armed security.

Why is that too difficult for you to comprehend?

And it's you folks that say guns aren't necessary, simple concept, practice what you preach. We on the other hand say guns are necessary and are willing to provide one ourselves if allowed.
Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......

So? I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns?

A lot of people seem to call them hypocrites without citing the hypocritical action

I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns? I don't think there is enough bandwidth on the internet to fully document how many democrats have bitched about gun ownership.

I dont think its enough bandwidth to cite one example because I've asked this question 3 times and each time its been sidestepped like you just did
Are they mad that the RNC chose to make it's convention a gun free zone?

Actually the secret service and the convention center did that. But let's not let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, right? I can walk into my republican congressman's local office with a gun, can you?
Why would the GOP decide to hold its convention in a gun free zone? Are they crazy? They'll be sitting ducks!

They are providing 50 million dollars worth of armed security, I wouldn't call that a gun free zone. I answered your questions, now answer mine.

You idiots still don't get that gun free zones do not preclude authorized armed security.

Why is that too difficult for you to comprehend?

And it's you folks that say guns aren't necessary, simple concept, practice what you preach. We on the other hand say guns are necessary and are willing to provide one ourselves if allowed.

Quote me saying that, or shut up.
Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......

So? I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns?

A lot of people seem to call them hypocrites without citing the hypocritical action

I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns? I don't think there is enough bandwidth on the internet to fully document how many democrats have bitched about gun ownership.

The 90% of Americans who wanted to close the background check loopholes were hardly all Democrats.
Texas GOP is allowing open and concealed carry at their did the NRA......

So? I just want to know when did Dems say they were against guns?

A lot of people seem to call them hypocrites without citing the hypocritical action
Dems vote for they must support gun-grabbers' anti-gun policies. Spend enough time on here and you'll see threads started calling for more and more gun laws if not bans on guns. I've been here for 7 years and it's difficult for this to be merely a misconception.

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