Gun rights group demands democrats disarm guards at their Nominating Convention

Dems are calling for banning guns .

True hypocrisy is the GOP gun free zone convention. That's a GOP talking point !
The elitist political ruling doesn't want to follow the same rules as they establish of us poor peons.

Hillary's life is considered much more valuable than a woman living in say Lakeland Florida.
You regulate it the same way you regulate drunk driving. You catch the guy breaking the law, you charge him with a crime and proceed from there.
Don't compare gun ownership to drunk driving. Compare it to car ownership and the fact is that all adults, even felons, are allowed to buy cars.

You're not allowed to drive your car without a license and usually not without insurance. You want all gun owners licensed and insured?
The one that allows you to sell someone a gun without doing a background check.
Who can do that?

That loophole was closed when you were sleeping under a rock.

Maybe you should try to buy one and see if they do a background check....hummmm?

So you think that every American with a shotgun in his closet has to go to the feds for a background check if his neighbor wants to buy it?
Explain how one goes about regulating such a sale.......

  1. Will all weapons be confiscated and registered before the sale takes place?
  2. Or will it be done on the honor system
  3. How bout just putting a tracking device on every gun in America

You regulate it the same way you regulate drunk driving. You catch the guy breaking the law, you charge him with a crime and proceed from there.
Nonsense. All guns would have to be brought in to be registered. What you're trying to do is criminalize law abiding citizens while criminals would get away with breaking the law.....and never solve the problem. Isn't the point of any law to solve a problem, not create one?

If it's wrong for a felon or crazy person to buy a gun at a store, then it's wrong for him to buy one from the private seller.
Why is that so hard for you to understand, other than for the obvious reason?
The one that allows you to sell someone a gun without doing a background check.
Who can do that?

That loophole was closed when you were sleeping under a rock.

Maybe you should try to buy one and see if they do a background check....hummmm?

So you think that every American with a shotgun in his closet has to go to the feds for a background check if his neighbor wants to buy it?
Explain how one goes about regulating such a sale.......

  1. Will all weapons be confiscated and registered before the sale takes place?
  2. Or will it be done on the honor system
  3. How bout just putting a tracking device on every gun in America

How do we enforce laws against selling alcohol to minors?
You can't. Minors can still gain access to booze at home. You have to rely on the parents to control their own kids.

Nobody ever gets arrested for selling alcohol to minors? Or buying alcohol for minors? Are you retarded?
His court appointments are going to be a real problem in the coming years.........those are the real threat to gun rights.......

That's why we need to stop letting the court "interpret" the constitution. They have no such authority and by doing so they are rewriting the constitution. If you want to change the constitution, go thru the amending process.

lol, how do you plan to protect the rights in the 2nd amendment if the Court doesn't have the power to declare laws unconstitutional because they violate the 2nd amendment?

That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week.
lol, how do you plan to protect the rights in the 2nd amendment if the Court doesn't have the power to declare laws unconstitutional because they violate the 2nd amendment?

That's the dumbest thing I've heard all week.

So where does the constitution say the courts have this power to repeal laws?

It's not there is it? Fact is the constitution says only states have authority to control guns and if you don't like your state's gun laws, then you can move to another state. THINK

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