Guess who the first group was to want to tear down Columbus statues?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.
What are you saying? Could it be that the democratic party hasn't changed in 150 years... You do realize that the party of the jackass founded and built the KKK...
I’d be laughing at the utterly ironic poetry of it all of the left wasn’t so gottdamn dangerous when they get their way. Racked up at least 100 mil bodies in the 20th century alone. As of now the right is loosing the culture war. There’s been a shift, but it might be too little too late.
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.
To quote Gomer Pyle: SUPRISE SUPRISE SUPRISE! Democrats where hardcore anti catholic anti jew anti immigrant. Now they are so opposite contrarian they would deny gravity and 2+2=4 because facts are racist.
What are you saying? Could it be that the democratic party hasn't changed in 150 years... You do realize that the party of the jackass founded and built the KKK...
Also, where are the calls to cancel the Democratic Party for the whole KKK and Jim Crow...and slavery. Literally Lincoln and grant need to be canceled, but not the Democratic Party....They need to cancel the play Hamilton. They even vandalized a fucking Frederick Douglas statue. Just goes to show you the goal is to destroy the enlightenment ideals of America, the very same ones Frederick Douglas so beautifully defended. I guess Frederick Douglas is an Uncle Tom now. Good job left.
What are you saying? Could it be that the democratic party hasn't changed in 150 years... You do realize that the party of the jackass founded and built the KKK...
Also, where are the calls to cancel the Democratic Party for the whole KKK and Jim Crow...and slavery. Literally Lincoln and grant need to be canceled, but not the Democratic Party....They need to cancel the play Hamilton. They even vandalized a fucking Frederick Douglas statue. Just goes to show you the goal is to destroy the enlightenment ideals of America, the very same ones Frederick Douglas so beautifully defended. I guess Frederick Douglas is an Uncle Tom now. Good job left.

Race is not the issue and never was. The democrats had been working toward a soft transition to hardcore socialism for at least seventy years when Obama slid into the White House to prep American for that transition, to be implemented at last by HRC. Instead, our man Trump took the job; Trump: a man no other politician, least of all democrat ones, can control. Thus, with their grand long game to implement socialism thwarted, the democrats signed on with communist China, American radical leftists, and most sinister of all . . . the same postmodernists who raised Pol Pot to become the man so fondly remembered by his home nation. Because Trump ended their slam dunk bid to transition America away from capitalism the democrats decided to attack America on all fronts to defeat him, even if doing so destroyed the very nation they so wanted to rule. Now? Now the democrats, the leftist media, Hollywood, most humanities departments on most colleges? All clear and present enemies of America who are actively working to destroy America.
Columbus was allegedly a half jew. Despite that allegation, please make statues of a Negro or Mexican who knew how to sail a boat using the stars for navigation. Sad fact, Blacks and Browns can't swim. Blacks can stuff a basketball though. Tremendous athletes, who drown when put in the water.
What are you saying? Could it be that the democratic party hasn't changed in 150 years... You do realize that the party of the jackass founded and built the KKK...

They have changed... for the worse. All founders must go and we must "transform" the country.
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.

really? you got citations ? I am just curious
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.

So it was Democraps who wanted these statues torn down before, and it is Democraps that want them torn down now.
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.
Columbus was allegedly a half jew. Despite that allegation, please make statues of a Negro or Mexican who knew how to sail a boat using the stars for navigation. Sad fact, Blacks and Browns can't swim. Blacks can stuff a basketball though. Tremendous athletes, who drown when put in the water.

GAWD BUT YOU IGNORANCE IS ASTOUNDING. One of the best swimmers on our swim team was the only black kid in the town I grew up in.

To quote Gomer Pyle: SUPRISE SUPRISE SUPRISE! Democrats where hardcore anti catholic anti jew anti immigrant. Now they are so opposite contrarian they would deny gravity and 2+2=4 because facts are racist.

See also: “Transgenderism” and “Gender Fluidity”

"democrats"?? well that was WAAAYYY back in the day. I grew up in WASPVILLE where all the sunday church goers were REPUBLICANS, the town dates back to prior to the revolutionary war. (parks are decorated with old cannons) Italians were called wops and blacks FUHGIT ABOUT IT----if one of the church ladies spied a black other than a known MAID walking around in the residential area---SHE CALLED THE COPS ----to report DA N^&&@. My parents were democrats----my mom OBJECTED vehemently when she heard my Lutheran playmate
do "eenie meenie minie mo---catch a N.....
by the toe she taught us to do ODDS and EVENS. I think
you are talking about DIXIE
What are you saying? Could it be that the democratic party hasn't changed in 150 years... You do realize that the party of the jackass founded and built the KKK...
Also, where are the calls to cancel the Democratic Party for the whole KKK and Jim Crow...and slavery. Literally Lincoln and grant need to be canceled, but not the Democratic Party....They need to cancel the play Hamilton. They even vandalized a fucking Frederick Douglas statue. Just goes to show you the goal is to destroy the enlightenment ideals of America, the very same ones Frederick Douglas so beautifully defended. I guess Frederick Douglas is an Uncle Tom now. Good job left.

Race is not the issue and never was. The democrats had been working toward a soft transition to hardcore socialism for at least seventy years when Obama slid into the White House to prep American for that transition, to be implemented at last by HRC. Instead, our man Trump took the job; Trump: a man no other politician, least of all democrat ones, can control. Thus, with their grand long game to implement socialism thwarted, the democrats signed on with communist China, American radical leftists, and most sinister of all . . . the same postmodernists who raised Pol Pot to become the man so fondly remembered by his home nation. Because Trump ended their slam dunk bid to transition America away from capitalism the democrats decided to attack America on all fronts to defeat him, even if doing so destroyed the very nation they so wanted to rule. Now? Now the democrats, the leftist media, Hollywood, most humanities departments on most colleges? All clear and present enemies of America who are actively working to destroy America.
On a tangential note, will start another thread on this, but we need to stop calling China communist. They’re not. They perfectly fit the definition of fascism. They have a market that are free to a certain point, but all businesses are beholden to the party when their number gets called. For whatever the party wants. That’s fascism. Very similar to communism, except it’s a country that can actually produce.
Ding ding ding, you guessed it. The grand ole KKK was the first to want to ban Columbus statues. Why you ask? Well, many of the Columbus statues that are now being torn down and vandalized were put up to help the large influx of Italian immigrants feel welcome in America. So naturally the KKK wanted to rip the statues down.
I thought it was. The mormons

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