Guess Who Hillary Now Blames for Her Loss


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The third-party candidates who ran for president in 2016 are “crazy,” according to Hillary Clinton.

The Democrat used the pejorative to describe the outsiders who challenged her and Donald Trump during an interview for a profile at New York magazine.

Clinton lamented what she sees as left-wing news outlets hiring right-leaning pundits in order to appeal to conservative viewers.

“When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and The New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows,” NY magazine’s Rebecca Traister writes.

“Why…would…you…do…that?” Clinton responded.

“Sixty-six million people voted for me, plus, you know, the crazy third-party people,” she continued.

Hillary Clinton, Still Bitter, Dismisses Those ‘Crazy’ Third-Party Candidates

Don't we all want her and Jeb! to run again in 2020? America needs the elite ruling class!
The third-party candidates who ran for president in 2016 are “crazy,” according to Hillary Clinton.

The Democrat used the pejorative to describe the outsiders who challenged her and Donald Trump during an interview for a profile at New York magazine.

Clinton lamented what she sees as left-wing news outlets hiring right-leaning pundits in order to appeal to conservative viewers.

“When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and The New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows,” NY magazine’s Rebecca Traister writes.

“Why…would…you…do…that?” Clinton responded.

“Sixty-six million people voted for me, plus, you know, the crazy third-party people,” she continued.

Hillary Clinton, Still Bitter, Dismisses Those ‘Crazy’ Third-Party Candidates

Don't we all want her and Jeb! to run again in 2020? America needs the elite ruling class!
View attachment 129212

So what? You've defeated Hillary. Trump is now President, and deflecting to Hillary isn't going to cut it when Trump chaotic, clusterfuck Presidency keeps making mistake after mistake. .
The third-party candidates who ran for president in 2016 are “crazy,” according to Hillary Clinton.

The Democrat used the pejorative to describe the outsiders who challenged her and Donald Trump during an interview for a profile at New York magazine.

Clinton lamented what she sees as left-wing news outlets hiring right-leaning pundits in order to appeal to conservative viewers.

“When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and The New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows,” NY magazine’s Rebecca Traister writes.

“Why…would…you…do…that?” Clinton responded.

“Sixty-six million people voted for me, plus, you know, the crazy third-party people,” she continued.

Hillary Clinton, Still Bitter, Dismisses Those ‘Crazy’ Third-Party Candidates

Don't we all want her and Jeb! to run again in 2020? America needs the elite ruling class!
View attachment 129212

So what? You've defeated Hillary. Trump is now President, and deflecting to Hillary isn't going to cut it when Trump chaotic, clusterfuck Presidency keeps making mistake after mistake. .
As a community organizer once said - elections have consequences.
with the states giving the winner in their state ALL of the elector votes, 3rd Party WILL NEVER be elected as president. The system is fixed and won't allow them to win...

3rd party candidates are simply a waste of time with the electoral college electing our presidents....
She really has blamed everyone. I'm surprised Norway or Switzerland hasn't been named yet.

The one interaction really sums up the huge bullet that was dodged when she lost:

Clinton lamented what she sees as left-wing news outlets hiring right-leaning pundits in order to appeal to conservative viewers.

“When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and The New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows,” NY magazine’s Rebecca Traister writes.

Why…would…you…do…that?” Clinton responded.

Yes, why would you want to have any counter argument to left-wing, liberal views and opinions by hiring people with various perspectives!?!?! Astonishing really.

I think in the end, she is an example of what happens when you live in a bubble surrounded by hanger ons and those there simply to protect her from "reality". I've compared her to Elvis and I do so now. Stuck in the mansion, only allowed to go out and roam in very carefully controlled and crafted environments, after getting permission from her handlers.

It's sad really because she isn't stupid, but she is thoroughly indoctrinated and somewhat delusional about the facts.
I thought it was us deplorables.

She's blamed everyone but who's at fault, herself
" Social media is awash with Hillary fans who imagine alternative universes in which she’s the president, and Etsy booms with crafts made from the words of her concession speech; yet many of her critics — even those who voted for her — are determined that Clinton bear the mantle of worst politician who ever lived, their evidence being that she lost to … the worst politician who ever lived."
If that doesn't say it all NOTHING does.
She is now blaming 'males' for never wanting a female as leader of the country.
Maybe the KUNT ought to do some research and find out how many females are and have been leaders of their countries.
The drunk bitch couldn't even get the 'millennial' LIB snowflake females to vote for her!
Forgive her.

She's already forgotten all about the legions she blamed previously.

Alzheimer's will do that to ya.

Parkinson's, too.

But, then, so will soaking one's brain in alcohol without first putting it in a glass by the bed before retiring.
Hillary, like Barry are really a sad lot. They have no identity, no life at all outside the spotlight, so they try to keep themselves relevant, in the news. They have no normal life to go back to, these are professional career politicians who would wither and die if they didn't try to stay up before crowds giving fake rallies before throngs of hired paid people to applaud them about something. As their grip on reality and politics slips ever-thinner and thinner, they become more desperate and strident, just as their hired mouthpieces here.
Who cares what she blathers on about, she's toast praise ya some Jeebus, one party down, one to go.
and some Dems here before the election were trying to tell us she really isn't "that bad..."
The third-party candidates who ran for president in 2016 are “crazy,” according to Hillary Clinton.

The Democrat used the pejorative to describe the outsiders who challenged her and Donald Trump during an interview for a profile at New York magazine.

Clinton lamented what she sees as left-wing news outlets hiring right-leaning pundits in order to appeal to conservative viewers.

“When I mention MSNBC’s hiring of conservatives including George Will, and The New York Times’ new climate-change-skeptic opinion columnist, Bret Stephens, her brow furrows,” NY magazine’s Rebecca Traister writes.

“Why…would…you…do…that?” Clinton responded.

“Sixty-six million people voted for me, plus, you know, the crazy third-party people,” she continued.

Hillary Clinton, Still Bitter, Dismisses Those ‘Crazy’ Third-Party Candidates

Don't we all want her and Jeb! to run again in 2020? America needs the elite ruling class!
View attachment 129212

So what? You've defeated Hillary. Trump is now President, and deflecting to Hillary isn't going to cut it when Trump chaotic, clusterfuck Presidency keeps making mistake after mistake. .

These so-called mistakes according to you are successes for those of who did not want PIAPS anywhere close to the White House again!
She seems to have a huge problem with simply taking responsibility for losing her own campaign. It seems a rather odd thing to do.
I wonder if Hillary would cop to ever making a mistake in her life.

All she had to do was make one last trip through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania and she would likely have won.
I wonder if Hillary would cop to ever making a mistake in her life.

All she had to do was make one last trip through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania and she would likely have won.
And that is the real rub.

It was right there for the taking and she simply fucked up royally.
Who is next, the lizard people?

Oh well. May as well concern myself with what am gore is saying for all it's relevancy

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