Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Lost Soul

Active Member
Sep 23, 2009
Obama biggest recipient of BP cash - Erika Lovley -

Yup you got it. Obama

While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years.

BP and its employees have given more than $3.5 million to federal candidates over the past 20 years, with the largest chunk of their money going to Obama, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Donations come from a mix of employees and the company’s political action committees — $2.89 million flowed to campaigns from BP-related PACs and about $638,000 came from individuals.

On top of that, the oil giant has spent millions each year on lobbying — including $15.9 million last year alone — as it has tried to influence energy policy.

During his time in the Senate and while running for president, Obama received a total of $77,051 from the oil giant and is the top recipient of BP PAC and individual money over the past 20 years, according to financial disclosure records.
I thought you guys liked corporations to be able to give to candidates?
Oh No!!! Just remind me again..... who was it who, back in 2008, said "I don't take money from oil companies"?

Obama lied and the little fishes died.
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And we are stuck with this human being for another two friggen years!

How the hell can the rest of Washington D.C. sit there, say and do nothing is beyond me.

Too bad lying isn't enough grounds for impeachment, but then again, we'd have zero 'leadership' almost everywhere.:D
Obama lied... Little fishes died!!
Obama lied... Little fishes died!!
Obama lied... Little fishes died!!
Obama lied... Little fishes died!!
Obama lied... Little fishes died!!
You are either for corporations giving money to candidates or you are not for it.

I am against this and dont want ANY corporatoion giving money to anyone.

You guys only seem to dislike it when your candidates dont win the election afterwards.

Lets all back laws that end this permenately
Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Is that why President Obama is making them pay for the cleanup?
They might have given Obama money, which is not surprising, since the Union the BP oilworkers belong to, supported Obama. But it wasn't the Obama admistration that decided that remote shut off switches were not required on off shore oil rigs.. YOu can thank Cheney and his energy task force for that one.
You are either for corporations giving money to candidates or you are not for it.

I am against this and dont want ANY corporatoion giving money to anyone.

You guys only seem to dislike it when your candidates dont win the election afterwards.

Lets all back laws that end this permenately

No idiot,

We're against politicians saying one thing and doing the opposite.
Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Is that why President Obama is making them pay for the cleanup?

Obama isn't 'making' them pay for the clean up. There is no 'foot on the neck of BP' as Gibbs suggests. Because BP didn't wait to be forced to pay - they accepted responsibility BEFORE the government 'forced' anyone to do anything.

Are any lefties, besides SarahG, capable of separating fact from political point scoring?
They might have given Obama money, which is not surprising, since the Union the BP oilworkers belong to, supported Obama. But it wasn't the Obama admistration that decided that remote shut off switches were not required on off shore oil rigs.. YOu can thank Cheney and his energy task force for that one.

Come on Luissa....Cheney didn't have a goddam thing to do with the writing of safety related CFR's concerning MODU's and you know it. You're better than that.

The fact that Obama has once again gotten caught in another lie pisses you off...I can understand that. Obama took money from oil companies period...don't try to justify it by saying the unions made him accept it....
They might have given Obama money, which is not surprising, since the Union the BP oilworkers belong to, supported Obama. But it wasn't the Obama admistration that decided that remote shut off switches were not required on off shore oil rigs.. YOu can thank Cheney and his energy task force for that one.

Come on Luissa....Cheney didn't have a goddam thing to do with the writing of safety related CFR's concerning MODU's and you know it. You're better than that.

The fact that Obama has once again gotten caught in another lie pisses you off...I can understand that. Obama took money from oil companies period...don't try to justify it by saying the unions made him accept it....

Where did I say the unions made him accept it? I don't think that sentence is even in my post, so please do not put words in my mouth.
I said the union supported Obama, so I have not surprised he recieved money. In that sentence or the one above, did I say the unions made him accept it?
Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Is that why President Obama is making them pay for the cleanup?

Obama isn't 'making' them pay for the clean up. There is no 'foot on the neck of BP' as Gibbs suggests. Because BP didn't wait to be forced to pay - they accepted responsibility BEFORE the government 'forced' anyone to do anything.

Are any lefties, besides SarahG, capable of separating fact from political point scoring?

This is correct. The Obama Administration basically was silent on the matter with the occasional lip service related to the spill. Once the comparisons with Katrina came out did the White House go into full spin and damage control mode. BP already accepted that they would have to pay for the clean up but then Gibb's made it look like Obama has ordered BP to pay for it to satisfy the 30 second sound bite left wing loons. That way they could blog..."SEE OBAMA ordered BP TO PAY!!!!" That way the tingly feeling running up and down their legs could continue unabated.
They might have given Obama money, which is not surprising, since the Union the BP oilworkers belong to, supported Obama. But it wasn't the Obama admistration that decided that remote shut off switches were not required on off shore oil rigs.. YOu can thank Cheney and his energy task force for that one.

Come on Luissa....Cheney didn't have a goddam thing to do with the writing of safety related CFR's concerning MODU's and you know it. You're better than that.

The fact that Obama has once again gotten caught in another lie pisses you off...I can understand that. Obama took money from oil companies period...don't try to justify it by saying the unions made him accept it....

Where did I say the unions made him accept it? I don't think that sentence is even in my post, so please do not put words in my mouth.
I said the union supported Obama, so I have not surprised he recieved money. In that sentence or the one above, did I say the unions made him accept it?

OK...fair enough...don't justify Obama accepting BP money by saying the unions gave to him as well. That's intellectually dishonest. BP had a political agenda which was more offshore leases...they got them...Obama has now frozen any FURTHER granting of leases after 2012 due to this spill.
Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Is that why President Obama is making them pay for the cleanup?

Obama isn't 'making' them pay for the clean up. There is no 'foot on the neck of BP' as Gibbs suggests. Because BP didn't wait to be forced to pay - they accepted responsibility BEFORE the government 'forced' anyone to do anything.

Are any lefties, besides SarahG, capable of separating fact from political point scoring?

Well ....How about that campers?

You would think that with Obama being in the pocket of BP he would have said "never mind...its on me"

Really looks like he is taking it easy on BP
Guess who BP gave the most $$$ too?

Is that why President Obama is making them pay for the cleanup?

Obama isn't 'making' them pay for the clean up. There is no 'foot on the neck of BP' as Gibbs suggests. Because BP didn't wait to be forced to pay - they accepted responsibility BEFORE the government 'forced' anyone to do anything.

Are any lefties, besides SarahG, capable of separating fact from political point scoring?

And the law limits their exposure to $75M. Of course, the White House is now trying mewling about getting that law changed, but that would be a bill of attainder or ex post facto law. Given Obama's past experience as a professor of Constitutional Law, one would hope that he would understand that.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Tuesday the administration wants to work with Congress to change a law that caps at $75 million BP's liability for economic damages like lost wages or dwindling tourist dollars.

BP PLC is responsible for all cleanup costs under the Oil Pollution Act, but Gibbs said that other costs could easily top $75 million.

Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez is co-sponsoring a measure that would raise the liability limit to $10 billion. Menendez also wants it to be made retroactive so it can apply to the huge spill that began after an oil rig exploded in the Gulf on April 20.

Gibbs said the administration supported Menendez's attempts to raise the limit retroactively. He also noted that if BP is found to have acted negligently or violated the law, the cap would not be in effect. The Oil Pollution Act was passed in 1990 in response to the Exxon Valdez spill...

White House: Lift Liability Cap for Gulf Spill - CBS News

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