Guaranteed income?

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Uh...who needs to automate when you have thousands of workers overseas willing to work for a pittance? Because that's where most of Apple's components come from.
Tim Cook said even automating in China, which would be far less expensive than automating in the US, would cause an inhibitive increase in Apple products.
Why are Apple products so expensive?
You can only ask if you have one; then you can tell me.
800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that the Ds voted with the Rs to give tax breaks to companies that off-shored?
Do you realize that Clinton quadrupled the number of Business Visas?
The only different between the parties is that the Ds will send you a very small welfare check.

You Ds are so stupid it's a good thing you don't have to have a functioning brain to breath.

I do realize all of this. Offshoring has been both parties issues. And I've said that. I said, a chance if Democrats get in. I would hope that would be because people have seen the errors in their ways and could find other ways to accomplish things. If you don't want taxpayers footing the bill for UI, then the only place left to go are the corporations.
The sole candidate from either Party who mentioned Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers in their 2016 campaign was Trump.
That's why Wall Street hates Trump.
No other candidate gives a damn.
Ds overtly want Open Borders Business Visas and Rs overtly want Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
They want what their contributors want.
'Nuff said.

And yet, under Trump, offshoring magically continued. So Wall St can't hate him that much.

And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
No true...the majority of Liberals rith here are on favor on Open Borders.

This is where I agree with Bernie Sanders...
Trump has to tax the shit out of companies that Off-Shored after succeeding in the US.
What do you mean by open borders? We have a naturalization clause not any form of immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why do right wingers prefer their socialism on a national and international basis but hate the Cost public sector intervention? Naturalization clause is more market friendly yet right wingers hate it and only allege to be for free market capitalism in socialism threads.
I am taxed for maintaining the standard of living for people escaping from countries that will let them starve to death,
Now tell us how evil the US is.
You are being taxed for our alleged and useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Socialism on a national and international basis. Yet, you complain more about actually helping people with our general welfare clause. People circulating Capital under Capitalism is what engenders a positive multiplier effect. Proof free market Capitalism is only propaganda and rhetoric for the less ethical and less moral right wing? There is no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause, yet right wingers seem to love those Big Government policies more than actually promoting and providing for the general welfare.
Trump has cut billions in grants to foreign nations.
Tell us how much it cost to keep NYS's infrastructure safe.
Tell us why Brown people run away from nations led by Brown people.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

History shows exactly what I said. Remember when CDs first came out in the late 80s? How much was a CD player? How much was a CD ROM drive? I remember my dad buying a me a CD ROM drive in the mid 90s and it was like $300. By the late 90s / early 2000s they were like $30. When I moved out when I was 19 me and my two roommates pitched in and bought a 65 inch big screen floor console television from Best Buy for $2000. The thing weighed like 200 pounds. Now you can buy an 85 inch 4K LED that mounts on your wall for less than that.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
It might help if you watched some Tim Cook videos.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
The software development to organize and play music is a joke.
The rest of the Apple environment is far more complex.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
It might help if you watched some Tim Cook videos.

yea that's not waht cook was talking about

almost all software is done in the US, china has no software engineers, you'd be better off in india

He was talking about assembling the phones.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
The software development to organize and play music is a joke.
The rest of the Apple environment is far more complex.

It's just from a user perspective not. It's specifically designed with less privileges in mind

Mac super users are locked into a very shitty and over priced ecosystem where things only work well if you stay in the brand.

Windows engineers concern themselves with interfacing with so many more platforms and services.

Apple is a borderline closed ecosystem even on desktop. On the phone it's a joke
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
The us will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.
There are plenty of emerging technologies that will require labor and many could work from home. Upgrading infrastructure and solving simple poverty means resources could be used more fully since not everyone needs to actually provide labor input to the economy, some should be going to school and otherwise improving their skills for modern times.
Skills for what? How are they paying for school? What jobs should they be training for? How many computer repair techs does the world need? And "improving infrastructure"? Essentially digging ditches, doesn't pay that much, and projects like that need less and less people as technology comes in.

UBI is coming, get used to the idea.
Economics purposes, of course. Solving simple poverty on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States is market friendly and allows us to be faithful to our Commerce Clause and subscription to free market capitalism. People could be getting unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States. Promoting the general welfare in a market friendly manner really could be that convenient and easy under our form of Capitalism.

The automatic stabilization that a public policy which can function as a social safety net provides, also benefits capitalism and a capitalism based market economy. In practice, it should mean anyone not employed could apply for unemployment compensation from the State to perform the Government function of automatically stabilizing our economy in a market friendly manner; more persons should be circulating more capital in a market economy in this analogous fashion and manner:

If liberty and equality are chiefly to be found in democracy, they will be best attained when all persons alike share in government to the utmost.--Aristotle

Full employment of capital resources is "filling the ounce".
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
Why do right wingers prefer the immorality of "hating on the Poor"? There is no reason for anyone to take right wingers morally serious about Christian morality. Only fake Christians do what right wingers do.

It's very simple concept and one your feelings wont allow you to understand.
Paying do nothing creates more problems than it solves. One need only look at what the leftists have do e to the black community over the past 40 years. Ofcourse they blame it on everything and anything but themselves.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
It might help if you watched some Tim Cook videos.

yea that's not waht cook was talking about

almost all software is done in the US, china has no software engineers, you'd be better off in india

He was talking about assembling the phones.

Apple does use Indians because they suck.

I was also talking about using automation to assemble the phones.
Apparently, there is more to assembling a phone than simply smacking the pieces together.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
The software development to organize and play music is a joke.
The rest of the Apple environment is far more complex.

It's just from a user perspective not. It's specifically designed with less privileges in mind

Mac super users are locked into a very shitty and over priced ecosystem where things only work well if you stay in the brand.

Windows engineers concern themselves with interfacing with so many more platforms and services.

Apple is a borderline closed ecosystem even on desktop. On the phone it's a joke
Windows sucks and the code is so bad that every new version of Windows has to be written from scratch.
I find Win 10 to be a nightmare and so do the millions of people who have unfixed issues with it.

I love iOS.
I have no issues staying within a brand if it works.
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
Why do right wingers prefer the immorality of "hating on the Poor"? There is no reason for anyone to take right wingers morally serious about Christian morality. Only fake Christians do what right wingers do.

It's very simple concept and one your feelings wont allow you to understand.
Paying do nothing creates more problems than it solves. One need only look at what the leftists have do e to the black community over the past 40 years. Ofcourse they blame it on everything and anything but themselves.
What do you mean? Right wingers have even fewer solutions only bigotry and blaming others for their lack of solutions that conform to right wing alleged principles of a commitment to Capitalism and a free market economy whenever possible.
Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Technology becomes cheaper and more affordable over time.
Software development does not when you're hiring the best and not the cheapest.
Apple is not Microshit.

....they're talking about hardware assembly....? lol

what software development can be automated ?

And LoL at the idea apple engineers know what they're doing. Trust me i worked for apple.

MS is a shit show but they provide much better options for savvy consumers than apple. Apple products are overpriced dogshit.

If you like their OS just put it on a PC

Only thing apple has going for it is they don't sell ads. so they are inhenrelty more concerned about your privacy
It might help if you watched some Tim Cook videos.

yea that's not waht cook was talking about

almost all software is done in the US, china has no software engineers, you'd be better off in india

He was talking about assembling the phones.

Apple does use Indians because they suck.

I was also talking about using automation to assemble the phones.
Apparently, there is more to assembling a phone than simply smacking the pieces together.
Those tasks which are easiest to automate should be automated first to help our supply side economics paradigm.

We can always pay people to create more demand and generate more tax revenue.
800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
yep, most dem voters are life long moochers

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