Guaranteed income?

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that the Ds voted with the Rs to give tax breaks to companies that off-shored?
Do you realize that Clinton quadrupled the number of Business Visas?
The only different between the parties is that the Ds will send you a very small welfare check.

You Ds are so stupid it's a good thing you don't have to have a functioning brain to breath.

I do realize all of this. Offshoring has been both parties issues. And I've said that. I said, a chance if Democrats get in. I would hope that would be because people have seen the errors in their ways and could find other ways to accomplish things. If you don't want taxpayers footing the bill for UI, then the only place left to go are the corporations.
The sole candidate from either Party who mentioned Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers in their 2016 campaign was Trump.
That's why Wall Street hates Trump.
No other candidate gives a damn.
Ds overtly want Open Borders Business Visas and Rs overtly want Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
They want what their contributors want.
'Nuff said.

And yet, under Trump, offshoring magically continued. So Wall St can't hate him that much.

And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
No true...the majority of Liberals rith here are on favor on Open Borders.

This is where I agree with Bernie Sanders...
Trump has to tax the shit out of companies that Off-Shored after succeeding in the US.

No they aren't. They just don't want to see money spent on a fucking wall that won't stop most of the immigration from the south.
They want to see real immigration reform talked about....but I'm not holding my breath, especially with Republicans in power.
I read the posts here...Liberals always start with the waste of money and eventually admit they love Trespassers.
Some Liberals here live with Trespassers.
lol. Right wingers allege to be for free market Capitalism in socialism threads but only advocate for their socialism on a national basis in general welfare threads.
Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Could such a thing prompt the immediate removal of 20-40 million illegal brown cockroaches?
If so, I love it!
Right wing bigotry at its finest. How false Christian of you right wingers.
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
The us will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.
There are plenty of emerging technologies that will require labor and many could work from home. Upgrading infrastructure and solving simple poverty means resources could be used more fully since not everyone needs to actually provide labor input to the economy, some should be going to school and otherwise improving their skills for modern times.
The US will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.

That’s why we need an administration to engage in ISOLATIONISM and force these companies to be American OR foreign, not both.

As for the population that won’t work, even when given the option... we have plenty of bullets.
US firms leaving for lower wages should be taxed more. It could have been that simple the whole time. Why leave the US if lower wages in foreign nations won't benefit the bottom line?
The Compton Pledge has so far divulged little about the details, such as who donated to support the program, exactly how the participants will be selected, how much and how often recipients receive cash and what the research methods would be.

The Compton Pledge organizers want to maintain the integrity of the process, but ensure transparency once details are fleshed out, said Halah Ahmad, head of public relations and policy communications for the Jain Family Institute, a nonprofit research firm that helps design guaranteed income pilot programs.

Until I see the research methods, it's all bullshit. It has to be measurable.
At least part of it should be random, like a lottery.

It has to be measurable. Period.
Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Could such a thing prompt the immediate removal of 20-40 million illegal brown cockroaches?
If so, I love it!
Right wing bigotry at its finest. How false Christian of you right wingers.
The Christians have let you have your way for o long now that you are getting Christians demonized and fired for Christ sakes! Soon enough they will be in the cattle cars.
The us will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.

Let's see here -- before The Democrat party started its war against small business, the unemployment rate was 3.5% ; therefore, you conclude that there aren't enough jobs and we need to lower the standard of living for the productive members of society so to support those who have no interest in working.

I wish I could say that you are a uniquely unintelligent individual, but looking around, I'd say there is nothing particularly unique about it.
Your very first sentence is a lie. Complete and utter bullshit RWNJ talking point.

I find it difficult to believe anyone who can remember to breath on his/her own still falls for that nonsense.

Anyway, you're dismissed as hopelessly brainwashed. Report to the nearest re-education camp asap.for deprogramming.
Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Uh...who needs to automate when you have thousands of workers overseas willing to work for a pittance? Because that's where most of Apple's components come from.
Tim Cook said even automating in China, which would be far less expensive than automating in the US, would cause an inhibitive increase in Apple products.
The US will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.

That’s why we need an administration to engage in ISOLATIONISM and force these companies to be American OR foreign, not both.

As for the population that won’t work, even when given the option... we have plenty of bullets.

What a stupid idea!
800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that the Ds voted with the Rs to give tax breaks to companies that off-shored?
Do you realize that Clinton quadrupled the number of Business Visas?
The only different between the parties is that the Ds will send you a very small welfare check.

You Ds are so stupid it's a good thing you don't have to have a functioning brain to breath.

I do realize all of this. Offshoring has been both parties issues. And I've said that. I said, a chance if Democrats get in. I would hope that would be because people have seen the errors in their ways and could find other ways to accomplish things. If you don't want taxpayers footing the bill for UI, then the only place left to go are the corporations.
The sole candidate from either Party who mentioned Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers in their 2016 campaign was Trump.
That's why Wall Street hates Trump.
No other candidate gives a damn.
Ds overtly want Open Borders Business Visas and Rs overtly want Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
They want what their contributors want.
'Nuff said.

And yet, under Trump, offshoring magically continued. So Wall St can't hate him that much.

And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
No true...the majority of Liberals rith here are on favor on Open Borders.

This is where I agree with Bernie Sanders...
Trump has to tax the shit out of companies that Off-Shored after succeeding in the US.
What do you mean by open borders? We have a naturalization clause not any form of immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why do right wingers prefer their socialism on a national and international basis but hate the Cost public sector intervention? Naturalization clause is more market friendly yet right wingers hate it and only allege to be for free market capitalism in socialism threads.
I am taxed for maintaining the standard of living for people escaping from countries that will let them starve to death,
Now tell us how evil the US is.
Right wing bigotry at its finest. How false Christian of you right wingers.

Are you getting paid for every time you say "right wing", or are you just so stupid that you think the act of saying it means you have actually made a point?
I only noticed that right wingers are more immoral while alleging they are not really like that in public venues. Hypocrisy is not morality.
Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Could such a thing prompt the immediate removal of 20-40 million illegal brown cockroaches?
If so, I love it!
Right wing bigotry at its finest. How false Christian of you right wingers.
The Christians have let you have your way for o long now that you are getting Christians demonized and fired for Christ sakes! Soon enough they will be in the cattle cars.
Nobody is making right wingers practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God), they seem to be volunteering for it. And, True Gamorrans and True Sodomites make better citizens than False Christians.
Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.

Automation of labor will all but guarantee it
Then why doesn't FoxConn automate?
Because Tim Cook has already told us that automation costs money and no one will be able to buy the product.

Uh...who needs to automate when you have thousands of workers overseas willing to work for a pittance? Because that's where most of Apple's components come from.
Tim Cook said even automating in China, which would be far less expensive than automating in the US, would cause an inhibitive increase in Apple products.
Why are Apple products so expensive?
800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that the Ds voted with the Rs to give tax breaks to companies that off-shored?
Do you realize that Clinton quadrupled the number of Business Visas?
The only different between the parties is that the Ds will send you a very small welfare check.

You Ds are so stupid it's a good thing you don't have to have a functioning brain to breath.

I do realize all of this. Offshoring has been both parties issues. And I've said that. I said, a chance if Democrats get in. I would hope that would be because people have seen the errors in their ways and could find other ways to accomplish things. If you don't want taxpayers footing the bill for UI, then the only place left to go are the corporations.
The sole candidate from either Party who mentioned Off-Shoring, Business Visas and Trespassers in their 2016 campaign was Trump.
That's why Wall Street hates Trump.
No other candidate gives a damn.
Ds overtly want Open Borders Business Visas and Rs overtly want Business Visas and Off-Shoring.
They want what their contributors want.
'Nuff said.

And yet, under Trump, offshoring magically continued. So Wall St can't hate him that much.

And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
And stop with the open borders stuff. No one on either side is in favor of that.
No true...the majority of Liberals rith here are on favor on Open Borders.

This is where I agree with Bernie Sanders...
Trump has to tax the shit out of companies that Off-Shored after succeeding in the US.
What do you mean by open borders? We have a naturalization clause not any form of immigration clause in our federal Constitution. Why do right wingers prefer their socialism on a national and international basis but hate the Cost public sector intervention? Naturalization clause is more market friendly yet right wingers hate it and only allege to be for free market capitalism in socialism threads.
I am taxed for maintaining the standard of living for people escaping from countries that will let them starve to death,
Now tell us how evil the US is.
You are being taxed for our alleged and useless wars on crime, drugs, and terror. Socialism on a national and international basis. Yet, you complain more about actually helping people with our general welfare clause. People circulating Capital under Capitalism is what engenders a positive multiplier effect. Proof free market Capitalism is only propaganda and rhetoric for the less ethical and less moral right wing? There is no general warfare clause nor any common offense clause, yet right wingers seem to love those Big Government policies more than actually promoting and providing for the general welfare.
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
The us will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.
There are plenty of emerging technologies that will require labor and many could work from home. Upgrading infrastructure and solving simple poverty means resources could be used more fully since not everyone needs to actually provide labor input to the economy, some should be going to school and otherwise improving their skills for modern times.
Skills for what? How are they paying for school? What jobs should they be training for? How many computer repair techs does the world need? And "improving infrastructure"? Essentially digging ditches, doesn't pay that much, and projects like that need less and less people as technology comes in.

UBI is coming, get used to the idea.
]I've said all along this was coming, and it's not even a bad idea.

You’re right, it’s not a bad idea... it’s a horrific idea.. Just another program to incentivize people to look to the Government for their livelihoods. If you can’t support yourself, please just go off somewhere and die, so we can be done with you.
The us will be full of unemployed homeless folks if we don't. There won't be enough jobs to go around.
There are plenty of emerging technologies that will require labor and many could work from home. Upgrading infrastructure and solving simple poverty means resources could be used more fully since not everyone needs to actually provide labor input to the economy, some should be going to school and otherwise improving their skills for modern times.
Skills for what? How are they paying for school? What jobs should they be training for? How many computer repair techs does the world need? And "improving infrastructure"? Essentially digging ditches, doesn't pay that much, and projects like that need less and less people as technology comes in.

UBI is coming, get used to the idea.
Not............where the hell do Morons like you come from.............

Sucking on the gov't tits all your life.............dependent on others...........

All we need to do is get rid of the establishment and you bunch of brain dead retards.
800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program. WTF, coming soon to a neighborhood near you...except it won't be private donors funding the program, it will be taxpayers.

800 Compton residents to get guaranteed income in two-year pilot program

Universal Income is coming whether you like it or not. It's either that or have millions of people out of work and homeless on the streets. I didn't think I'd see it in the next decade but the pandemic has revved up the need for it.
And yes, I expected taxpayers to fund it...unless Democrats take control of Washington, and then, you may have a chance of getting corporations (who are putting people out of work with automation and offshoring) to chip in.
Are you so stupid that you don't know that the Ds voted with the Rs to give tax breaks to companies that off-shored?
Do you realize that Clinton quadrupled the number of Business Visas?
The only different between the parties is that the Ds will send you a very small welfare check.

You Ds are so stupid it's a good thing you don't have to have a functioning brain to breath.
Many do not understand as they believe that 5 cents they get on every dollar is a good thing because they generally actually didn't build a viable business from the ground up.

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