Growing Days..... Shorten again

CO2 is released from the oceans by warming. CO2 also produces warming through the greenhouse effect and Shakun 2012 clearly shows it. Your rejection of the greenhouse effect makes it impossible to believe you have any real science literacy.
Correlation is not proof of causation. The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not driven by CO2 or orbital forcing.
Correlation is not proof of causation. The geologic record is littered with warming and cooling trends that were not driven by CO2 or orbital forcing.
Since you refuse to read Shakun's study you have no right to make any comment whatsoever about it. And if you had any familiarity with actual science you'd know that no one depends solely on correlation to attribute causation. And if you had ever had the most basic course in logic you'd know that geologic record does not prove that CO2 can't be forcing the climate.
I guess this comes as no surprise to those of us who have been watching the global cooling trend for the last 11 years. Last year the growing season was shorter by 51 days from the 30-year average. This year were already at 57 days. The snow and cold continue coast to coast in the breadbasket states and farmlands.

One more problem to add to the self-inflicted shots to both feet by Biden and democrat AGW nuts. This means not only will costs for fuel and fertilizers to create food be an issue, but we also now have to worry that farmers will now only be able to get one planting and harvest this year. A reduction of output by half. You think food prices are high now, wait a month...

The potential for famine in the US is now likely, not to mention the third world will be seeing massive famine and deaths.

You mean we aren't globally warming---but entering an ice age that has nothing to do with man.
Since you refuse to read Shakun's study you have no right to make any comment whatsoever about it. And if you had any familiarity with actual science you'd know that no one depends solely on correlation to attribute causation. And if you had ever had the most basic course in logic you'd know that geologic record does not prove that CO2 can't be forcing the climate.
But we do know that CO2 isn't forcing climate....

Ice core samples CLEARLY show that higher levels of CO2 are a lagging indicator of a warming period, not a cause of them. We have repeatedly been warmed and cooled. As the earth warms, CO2 is released from its icy prisons (perma frost, ice, snow, water) and enters the atmosphere. Ice core samples show over and over, that higher levels of CO2 are usually at the end of a warming period right before an ice age or cooler period begins. ERGO extra CO2 in the atmosphere neither warms or keeps the earth warmer. It isn't even capable of preventing a cooling period much less cause a warming one.

Water VAPER is the only GREEN HOUSE common enough to have any possibility of warming----
Since you refuse to read Shakun's study you have no right to make any comment whatsoever about it. And if you had any familiarity with actual science you'd know that no one depends solely on correlation to attribute causation. And if you had ever had the most basic course in logic you'd know that geologic record does not prove that CO2 can't be forcing the climate.
Dude, Shakun provided a Q&A so that idiots like you wouldn't do what you are trying to do which is misapply their work.

Summary and FAQ’s related to the study by Marcott et al. (2013, Science)
Q: Is the rate of global temperature rise over the last 100 years faster than at any time during the past 11,300 years?
A: Our study did not directly address this question because the paleotemperature records used in our study have a temporal resolution of ~120 years on average, which precludes us from examining variations in rates of change occurring within a century. Other factors also contribute to smoothing the proxy temperature signals contained in many of the records we used, such as organisms burrowing through deep-sea mud, and chronological uncertainties in the proxy records that tend to smooth the signals when compositing them into a globally averaged reconstruction. We showed that no temperature variability is preserved in our reconstruction at cycles shorter than 300 years, 50% is preserved at 1000-year time scales, and nearly all is preserved at 2000-year periods and longer. Our Monte-Carlo analysis accounts for these sources of uncertainty to yield a robust (albeit smoothed) global record. Any small “upticks” or “downticks” in temperature that last less than several hundred years in our compilation of paleoclimate data are probably not robust, as stated in the paper.
Prepared by Shaun A. Marcott, Jeremy D. Shakun, Peter U. Clark, and Alan C. Mix
I guess this comes as no surprise to those of us who have been watching the global cooling trend for the last 11 years. Last year the growing season was shorter by 51 days from the 30-year average. This year were already at 57 days. The snow and cold continue coast to coast in the breadbasket states and farmlands.
Oh, Lord, another True Believer. This global warming (cooling? Doesn't matter?? Just something, anything??) is such a weird religious belief.

Maryland where I garden a large garden must be immune to all this, since our growing season stays the same year after year, at least it has for the last 42 years.
Oh, Lord, another True Believer. This global warming (cooling? Doesn't matter?? Just something, anything??) is such a weird religious belief.

Maryland where I garden a large garden must be immune to all this, since our growing season stays the same year after year, at least it has for the last 42 years.

Yeah, Billy Bob pulled "51 day shorter growing season" out of his ass.
Nope... Last years growing days in the northern hemisphere... But then you always do pull thing from your ass..
Length of the growing season in the contiguous 48 states, 1895 to 2020

And if you're going to try to tell us this is fake news, you're going to have to explain how they got their hands on several million old Farmer's Amanacs and "corrected" them.
Oh okay. I planted potatoes on March 15th same as always and my garden is growing just fine. I don't know where that 57 day shortfall so far this year is, but it sure as hell isn't Virginia.

This got me laughing ... second post ... it's been as average as average can be here on the West Coast ... the drought is over the Colorado Plateau, coastal areas have been getting enough rain ...
Oh okay. I planted potatoes on March 15th same as always and my garden is growing just fine. I don't know where that 57 day shortfall so far this year is, but it sure as hell isn't Virginia.

See, this is the point: what you are experiencing is one data point in a much larger set of data points. It's like saying that the average height of a kindergarten kid is 40" but you know your child is only 38" tall, that doesn't mean that the average isn't 40".

This is called "anecdotal data" in the sciences. When dealing with a global topic like AGW or global climate, you have to look at a much larger data set than just one point.

There's a reason measurements have a "distribution".
This got me laughing ... second post ... it's been as average as average can be here on the West Coast ... the drought is over the Colorado Plateau, coastal areas have been getting enough rain ...

And, again, local data points don't really mean much in isolation of the larger data set.

In statistics we often measure a sample which stands in for the larger population. For instance we measure a very large number of temperatures all over the earth which will hopefully give us a good estimate of what the real average is for ALL POINTS on the globe.

Hopefully you can see that anecdotal data such as what your personal local experience is does not mean that there isn't a larger overall change in the values.
Too funny....
If it were warming, you all would be screaming GLOBAL WARMING at the top of your lungs. When it's cooling you all want to discard it because it don't fit your fearmongering narrative. Got it...

That has nothing to do with the concept of "windowing data". This is a known problem with data manipulation. Some fraudsters like to window the data so they get the results they want.

There's always ups and downs in data like this. The key is what is the overall secular trend of the data?

Windowing Data hides the overall trend by focusing on a wiggle in the data to the exclusion of the larger picture. Kind of a form of lying with data.
See, this is the point: what you are experiencing is one data point in a much larger set of data points. It's like saying that the average height of a kindergarten kid is 40" but you know your child is only 38" tall, that doesn't mean that the average isn't 40".

This is called "anecdotal data" in the sciences. When dealing with a global topic like AGW or global climate, you have to look at a much larger data set than just one point.

There's a reason measurements have a "distribution".

Or colorado is experiencing one data point in a larger set of data points known as "weather". In this case, it is more specifically called La Nina.

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