
  1. The Original Tree

    Go Green Go Hungry

    The 3rd horse of The Apocalypse now rides. Climate Change hysteria which some call a cult religion is now a threat to all of humanity. Your Government controlled by Globalists like Soros, Schwab, Gates and Thiel wants to shut down farming. They want you to eat bugs and to forage like peasants...
  2. Billy_Bob

    Growing Days..... Shorten again

    I guess this comes as no surprise to those of us who have been watching the global cooling trend for the last 11 years. Last year the growing season was shorter by 51 days from the 30-year average. This year were already at 57 days. The snow and cold continue coast to coast in the breadbasket...
  3. The Original Tree

    Baby Formula Stockpiled in Warehouses at The Southern Border while American Families in a panic to feed their Babies.

    Joe Biden and the DemNazi Party's continued war on women and babies rages on. The Biden Administration has closed one major US Baby Formula Manufacturer and has at the same time rejected shipments of formula from overseas due to their Fascist Dictatorial Powers they granted themselves during a...
  4. The Original Tree

    Americans Watching their 401Ks Evaporate Away under Joey BiDumb

    If you are lucky, you have your investments spread out and differentiated, but for many Americans, under the Faux Xiden Regime, their 401ks are taking major hits. Are we headed for a stock market economy crash? I believe the supply chain problems, COVID were planned to prepare the way for The...
  5. Litwin

    Kazakhstan: The Forgotten commie made Famine. maybe the worst of all crimes against humility in 20c

    maybe the worst of all crimes against humility in 20c. the Marxist - Muscovites did it of cos... Kazakhstan: The Forgotten Famine. "They" were looking for "kulaks," he said, the term given to anyone who appeared to be better off financially than other people. In the case of Oyil, that meant...
  6. The Original Tree

    Locust Plague in Africa is Growing, with no end in sight.

    Starting to look a little crazy over there, and a lot of this region has terrorists patrolling it so it's dangerous to do much about it. It's possible some locusts could invade Italy, and if that is true, they could spread in to Europe. Africa locust invasion spreading, may become ‘most...
  7. Litwin

    Joseph Koba ( Stalin) : Created Worst Man-made Famine (Ukraine ) in History

    Finally, discovery has started something interesting and important
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